July 6, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

“Abide until I come”

The main areas of ministry we are now engaged in are child care, holding weekly ministry services at our home, and also I’m doing a lot of personal preparation, writing, websites, books and project planning, but that’s all out of sight really. And so until we can begin to do more seminars or find people I can train in ministry, the main activities we are both busy with are the kids and Sunday home church service.

the Bible School is the key to Revival

The key to revival Jesus told me is the Bible School. He said to make it in two tiers and the main content will likely be the revelations I wrote in the Foundations of the Kingdom. But he also said a staple course we will teach will be the Prophets Training School we held in Hong Kong a few years ago. It’s exciting. I’m working so hard on so many fronts but it’s also a little boring … when can we do our next seminar, our next public meeting, when can I start to train some bible school students?

But equally important, is taking care of the many kids we interact with on a daily basis. We have anywhere from 10 to 15 kids at my table at any given day. Some stay with us as relatives, family, friends, working students even. Seven are Ann’s natural kids–yes, Seven. Others are cousins or neighbors or well, everyone has their own story. There are a lot of kids who are not being cared for properly by their parents here, and we will help first and worry about budgets later, but we can only do so much right now.

And there are always a few people who drop by to eat a meal, ask for food to bring home for their family, borrow money, sell things, talk about problems, use the internet or just visit and play.

And we often talk about one family in particular who we are very involved with. I’m talking about Ellen from Gallares St., who also has, yes, seven kids, all girls. Most of her kids stay with us and there is no shortage of drama coming from Gallares St. The recent drug raids, the government is now using drones to catch illegal cock-fighting gambling and there are often assaults and all kinds of problems plaguing this small village of squatters built over the ocean. No shortage of weekly drama and it usually involves very personal issues so we don’t tell anyone. But if we ask you to pray for Gallares St, Ellen or one of her kids, I won’t mention any names usually, but if we ask for prayer, it means we really need it!

Family Strongholds

We are also involved with two or three other family clans, and it’s difficult to explain the hardships that are bound within some of these family groups. Curses that run within a family devastate every person and it runs from generation to generation. Jesus said it’s the sick who need a doctor and this helped me understand why we are so involved in such overwhelmingly hopeless cases. Christians … who turn to witchcraft to get healed, settle scores, find buried Japanese gold? Christians who murder, openly engage in prostitution, who embrace sexual immorality? Jesus! You said have nothing to do with people like this!! Didn’t you? I know it says you were a friend of sinners and prostitutes, but did you really mean that? It’s disgusting! It’s the sick who need a doctor … yes, but … I just don’t know how I can help them in any meaningful way; how can I help them change!? So we bring our disgust and frustration to Jesus in prayer a lot, and he is very slow to judgment but so patient to explain their bondage, tell us they can’t help themselves, no one else will help them either he said. They have NO VALUE to other people so there is no help for them at all. … And that’s why he sent us.


I see a lot of missionaries here, yes certainly more than 57 varieties. I don’t really understand them. Some only do humanitarian aid, some preach a false gospel, some are merely on vacation. We are not like any of these people. We go to Anda for a break and the warfare begins and the perversion and witchcraft demons begin to fight us, not them! They never experienced such things they say. While we see the spirits openly—one time a demon/witch manifested in human form and began pounding against the window to stop us from praying. It was amazing! Then it just disappeared. It was not a vision or a spooky shadow—it POUNDED against the glass window so loud! I didn’t know what was going on, but the two people praying with me knew immediately, ‘Oh, the local witches are upset we are praying!’ Well, then we should …. pray more!!!

Witch warfare was very hard at first, very hard. After we break through we start having visions of the key strongholds and hear God’s plans for that area, some places God has special plans for. We battle the forces of spiritual wickedness and half of our ‘vacation’ is spent like this, in a pitched battle against territorial demons. No one else is even aware this is going on!! After we finally break it down, blessings begin to flow and no one thanks God, no one seems to really help in the intercession either, they just think, Good! It’s about time things changed around here. The have no idea what has caused or enabled that change!


So I think true missionary work is like this. It’s not always giving away bags of rice publicly in exchange for people attending a crusade and then posing for photos. It’s not always even church planting, although I hope we can start to do more soon because it would make our work much easier if we have a local prayer team to help us pray!! The phase we seem to be in right now is an underlying phase of prayer … prayer … prayer … That sounds so nice and neat, but what this truly means is discomfort, then prophecy as we get prophetic direction, it’s often triggered if we go into a demon’s territory and that demon then tracks us down and attacks us at home a day or week later. This happens to us on a routine basis. We get struck, we pray for understanding, we struggle, we wrestle, it hurts! But if we persevere we will overcome. The root of this word is … severe? Yes, it is sometimes very severe, especially when it matters. In the end, the territorial power over the landscape is broken. It’s not something we can even talk about openly but it’s the real backbone of revival and a move of God’s salvation over the land.

I saw a vision of two levels of a city-scape. These two outlines were of the exact same shape, one was red if I recall right, and the other was blue. The line on top represented the physical administration and labor required to achieve a vision or task. The underlying layer was the spiritual landscape, it represented the prayer basically, and was exactly the same shape and contour as the visible layer. Without the invisible underlaying layer the visible work could not be done. We can say we need BOTH layers of work to be done, but there is no shortage of people who only see the surface layers of physical work, administration, effort, so the rela value in this insight is knowing the underlying, unseen layer.