July 6, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Round Two? I don’t think so!

So last time I was talking about the horrible battle we had with the UNRIGHTEOUS and COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE social welfare department here. That’s not my anger speaking, that’s exactly what Jesus said about their actions in raiding our home to harass an American who they disliked.

That was a few years ago and honestly it stills scares me the kind of power these bureaucrats have who are not accountable to anyone, who can lie and break their own laws and will do so to protect the ‘mother church’ and punish Christians. It scared me honestly.

So a few weeks ago there was another crisis in Gallares St. and the kids who were assaulted ran to my house, wounded and crying, even the witnesses were threatened if they testified. They’re all relatives too! But it was like a civil war over there.

Local town administration is divided in neighborhood units, these are called barangays. So a Mayor runs the town but delegates a lot of administrative authority to the 12 or 15 barangay subdivisions in each town, and they are each run by a Captain. This is also where most administrative issues even lawsuits and criminal cases begin, with a review of each case by the barangay, since they are small enough that their staff know every family in the neighborhood personally–and they do too!! So they help settle most disputes and legal issues and really so much of your daily life in the Philippines is in the hands of the Barangay Captain!

So a day or two after the assault we had to bring the girls to the barangay for them to review the seriousness of the case and determine if criminal charges should be filed, and that same gray haired social welfare lady who raided our home was there and started to yell … at US!! How are we involved in the problem now? That man beat these kids, they ran to us for help and we protected them, we fed them since they were not being fed and had lost a lot of weight just in the last few months, we washed their wounds, gave them medicine, gave them a safe, clean place to sleep. These were tiny girls and for an adult man to punch them the way he did is sickening! I can pick up and carry one of those girls with one arm she’s so small even though she’s already 16, and he attacked them over homework and chat-mates and things, and even though the government and a charity are giving him food for the kids he’s giving it to his drug clients and not feeding the kids with the food provided for them! He’s so fat and the kids are so terribly skinny. So obviously the real problem in Gallares St is … US who the kids ran to for help!

So practically ignoring all the things she is paid to take care of, instead she threatened us and rumors began that she was going to raid my house again and I got scared and all the fear and panic attacks came back and so with no human to turn to for help I began to pray … HARD!

Usually Ann is WAY AHEAD of me in prayer. She’s gifted in ways I am not. I understand the theology of the Kingdom in a way I can explain and teach it. Jesus told me he gave me the key of understanding, and without me they will not understand the Kingdom. I’ve had long conversations with Jesus about the Kingdom, the ministry, the revival, I have had the visions for the projects, the businesses, the theme park, the new town, the hotels, the fish farm … but Jesus and Ann are like best friends and she is basically in conversation with him just about all day. She literally has a heart about three times bigger than other people. I saw that in a vision. We struggle to love people, she struggles to dislike them. So she prays … and Jesus answers in seconds, he moves on people within hours, we’ve seen God move sometimes instantly when Ann gets upset and prays for help or defense or punishment of her enemies who are hurting her.

Me? Well, I need a few minutes to be quiet to pray usually, maybe five minutes. Other people need 30 minutes or an hour or to play music or go on a fast to get into the zone. Ann takes oh … about half a second. I’m just trying to calm down and she’s already saying, “Yes, Jesus I understand, OK I will do that. Yes, I can see that now. You’ll take care of him. Good, we don’t have to do anything. Thank you. Yes, it will be painful for him but he needs to be punished. He will come back later, OK Jesus, yes, thank you Lord. Ok, yes. I will tell her … yes, I know everything will be fine. You are so good to us. Money will come today, thank you Lord. Ok, we will take a break and go for a ride. That lady is going to lie to me tomorrow, ok, I’ll be gentle but I know it’s a lie … be gentle but be on my guard …” and it goes on like this from the second she sits down until ten or fifteen minutes later when they have settled things and mostly all I can do when ‘we’ pray is just take notes of what she’s saying! I really need my own prayer time if I want to talk to Jesus or hear him talk to me. She begins hearing Jesus speak almost as soon as she closes her eyes. She’s not prophesying, she won’t even remember most of what they spoke about if I didn’t write it down; it’s all personal things and she’s just in near constant fellowship with Jesus.

So that gray haired social welfare lady began to threaten us, and Ann warned me this rumor is going around and be ready for a raid. My heart began pounding, my stomach felt sick, I ran to pray on my own and before I sat down Jesus told me, “She Won’t Come into Your House.” I began to pray to make sure it was real and to combat fear in me. I also began rebuking her idolatry and just looking around in the spiritual realm to see what was going on. That lady has a desk with a pile of idols that reaches up to the ceiling! She is big into plastic gods. Do you think she ought to … oh, I don’t know … take care of the kids? … I was then worried she would put them all into her detention facility!!! Oh no!! There’s a demon in that compound, and the girls we are talking about have a calling. They are at a difficult crossroads, one is already prophesying and wants to be a pastor (a pastora), the other is being pulled by sin. But I had a word, Jesus told me a few weeks ago I needed to let one of those girls move back into my house … ok, I have a word! I began rebuking the idolatry and sin and asking God to remove all obstacles to his will coming to pass regarding these girls.

I felt peace and so I rested but later when the fear came back I prayed again, and also began rebuking my fear again. All my work gets put on hold and it was a few weeks before I could work again on any books or things again. The stress is real. Jesus told me again, “That Lady Won’t Come into Your Home.” So that means I think I was mainly fighting fear. I told Ann what I heard, she was praying on her own. So much drama. The girls and the two witnesses were now settling in and the amount of food they were eating was huge!

When kids are hungry and you suddenly give them food they eat like a wild child. They eat without breathing!! Then they take extra and just hold it. Or they protect it from other people like the cat does when it steals a chicken from the table. It’s heart breaking to see that.

Then monetary support from Hong Kong stopped. Satan was deceiving our friend there and she stopped helping us with food money. I can feel her confusion when I pray. We pray for money for food, I think every day. Yes … every day. That lady in HK closed her heart and at the same time, another lady in the US opened her’s and sent the money lacking for bills and food and then some more! I found out the source of the confusion in HK, a lady who has a demon of divination was trying to cut our support off. It was working. I looked to Jesus and before I could even pray he said loudly, not kindly but annoyed at me, and said, “Don’t you think I can take care of one little girl?” He later said the support he has given to us will NOT BE TAKEN away. We will not lose what he has given us, and later if our friend won’t support us anymore as he has been actively telling her to, then he will just use someone else instead. This was all happening in the background. Now with four more kids to feed, the threat of a raid blocked by the Holy Spirit, and questions over the criminal case going forward or not, the witnesses being protected by us as well …

Then three things happened.

At the next meeting the local government workers at the barangay hall recognized what the social worker could not, that we are family friends, a safe house, very capable, we have money and food (compared to these poor families), are stable, helpful, and are clearly the best choice to take care of these kids. The social welfare lady only cares about attacking Christians, the rest of us care about helping children. The captain said he wants the kids to go into our care, if that’s ok? That was exactly what God was saying he would do and what we or at least I wanted anyway! But I was still scared and still prayed and still prayed hard!

And then Jesus reminded me what my fear was making me not see, which was that the raid previously was to remove that deceiving man from my house, it was not just her attack on us. The attack on us was partly collateral damage and partly a trial to strengthen us as God’s servants, and thirdly to provoke a fight with us so we would have a personal stake in the warfare over the town’s demonic strongholds. If they had not attacked us, we would have prayed very differently about corruption and idolatry in the city. Her attack, by including us in her assault put HER on OUR RADAR and not only could this bitter woman not get away with it a second time, eventually God will hear our prayer for justice and act on it. That time is NOW.

Like I said above, when that raid happened before Jesus told me their actions were UNRIGHTEOUS and COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. But really I remembered that vision I saw of the black worm-like snakes infesting the government and I asked God to please remove all the evil people from government and he said, Yes, he can, but if he did … the government would collapse and just cease to function. So I prayed for wisdom and to cleanse the government quickly, I mean do it now, but do it slowly enough so we don’t have a crisis! I’m praying month by month to put pressure on evil people to get rid of them bit by bit. I think that’s wisdom and after this last run in with my gray haired lady friend I saw these two visions.

First, I saw her laying on the ground at my feet. She was face down in the mud, immobile. I was now safe from her assaults. I don’t know what God will do to her. But she will stop her assault on me, my family, the Gospel, the church, other Christian ministries, other Christian charities … and all the poor kids who fall into her awful hands. This leads into the second vision.

I saw the whole city being WASHED. It looked like when you clean a dirty car windshield and layers of dirt and dead bugs are wiped off and suddenly everything is bright and colorful again! I saw this kind of thing happening to the whole city we live in!!!! The whole city would soon be washed clean. And one of the enemy’s many agents washed away in this cleansing … was that gray haired lady! Yes, I saw her reign of terror being WIPED AWAY as God cleanses the whole town, like a dead bug being wiped away at a car wash. Amen!!!