January 25, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

100 Visions-#3: The Church was a Sinking Ship, They explained away every warning, If You Stay …

The Church was a Sinking Ship

I also dreamed that the ‘church’ I was in was a sinking ship, actually two sinking ships. They were in the process of voting to move into a new location, so in the dream seeing two ships made sense: the old venue and the new one.

I was in the office as it was sinking, and there were four men in it still, but everyone else had already left and gone to the larger ship which I could see out the window. It looked like, you guessed it, the Titanic, and it was already clearly sinking as well.

I was looking for things to salvage in the office before it was lost and could find almost nothing of value, just some empty binders, folders, etc. Out the window I could see the other larger ship sinking, and knew my family were there but they were only there briefly and would soon get off, they were not in danger, like they were not in the main crowd of people who did not understand the threat.

Before I left I asked the men about the sinking office and they said they knew it was sinking but wanted to stay anyway! I felt I had to get off soon or risk drowning myself but before I left I told them something they would listen to, to save them, knowing they would soon die, “Listen, the only to go to heaven is through Jesus.” And gave them a kind of non-standard sinners’ prayer to pray so when they die they might get saved. Then I said, “OK, bye!” and left. My job was done!

They explained away every warning

I then had this dream in which I was crying in anguish over the people in the community who were not going to make it heaven. My crying disturbed a lady who only wanted surface talk … I told her, “HALF the people here will die!” She didn’t want to hear it. I shared this with the Pastor’s son who was the main worship leader, TR, but he strongly explained away every part of it, and would not hear any warning or anguished concern.

The pastor’s son himself saw a vision of their church “sinking into quicksand” and heard the literal verse from Mat 7:24-27, but somehow claimed he still had NO IDEA what it meant. I was told to stop telling him God’s word.

I had a similar revelation a year later, that TR would not hear the Lord’s word. And I was not to share anything with him any more. It’s funny to actually hear him in a leaders planning meeting a year later to give a prophecy about the church sinking in the sand (quicksand he called it) and hearing the verse ‘the wise man builds his house upon the rock but the foolish man builds his house upon the sand’ yet he then said he has NO IDEA what the vision means! So what we should do he said was go forward with our plans and just do it “with a spirit of excellence” and do the best job we can do building it. God told me he was a gifted leader and could do things in worship that I never even knew existed, but in this he would just not listen to God’s word and I was not to tell him any more.

In another dream about Hong Kong being destroyed, which I published and made a video of recently, called A Wave of Destruction, was a similar scene of the people making light of God’s warnings.

Anyway, that same weekend, there was a really good Young Adults Group retreat where a famous young man, JY, whose parents owned the YMCA, shared that God had told him that weekend that the DEATH of many people in the community was going to be on his hands. I hope I was not the only one taking these things seriously.

But I was getting fed up with the situation but know it’s the sick who need a doctor, and anyway I came to this church by God’s instruction and would stay until he told me to leave. Then I had this dream:

This is what it will be like if You Stay

It was in a small room like where we held our weekly ministry upstairs, and the main Pastor was with me. I said, “See people think we’re not with the Pastor, [like we were for some reason not doing things with his blessings] but see! He is here EVERY MEETING.”

So this pastor was in our meetings ‘unofficially’ every time we met!! Later I understood it was talking about him spying on me, like he felt there was something I was hiding from him that he needed to catch me in. There was nothing. He probably had suspicious feelings that I was talking behind his back or something, but I NEVER did that. And sharing prophecy I ONLY did discretely, privately, respectfully. But I suppose he didn’t know that and carnal suspicions got the better of him. I suppose my sharing was making him feel guilty, privately, but it was not enough to make him repent. Anyway …

In the dream I then started the routine weekly meeting but things just did not go smoothly.

First the music was a problem—the music system was BACKWARDS—we tried to turn it around but we could not get it set up right. The sound desk was Backwards!

Then we played a song FAST FORWARD—it was too slow and quiet for starting the meeting, people would not understand—plus, it was halfway through the song—in the dream I felt embarrassed in front of this pastor now watching me like this and in a church known for such high standard worship music I seemed like I could not even use a music player right!

Second song—no not that one! Oh, we were off to a bad start. Just play a playlist from previous worship ministry that was set up already. But I was already doing that! They thought I was just not prepared or just totally incompetent!!

I felt no peace, no “groove” in the meeting. It was all just going haywire!

Then people came in: FOUR drummers came to play along with our soaking worship music, but only with DRUMS!!??

In the dream I fell on my face and was crying, for two reasons. Partly because the music was not working so badly, but also in my mind, and mostly I think what was more important, was God presence, or the lack of it, “Why are you not here?—Why are things not working?”

In reality we had done a seminar previously to teach people to hear God’s voice and the music went haywire then as well, but in a good way! The music played but not the lyrics! I could not fix it, and God spoke and said he was doing that to help the people soak, and not just ‘sing songs,’ and that I would NEVER figure out how he make the music system do this. Well, I like it when the Holy Spirit makes things go haywire and it’s an improvement! In this dream it was the OPPOSITE! Without God’s presence everything was Backwards! The Holy Spirit was NOT present to make things work out, NOTHING would work properly!

Then in the dream I heard God speak, “This is what it will be like if you stay.”

I understood that while my mind was made up to stay until God released me, he was releasing me to leave already. And if the Holy Spirit would no longer come to our meetings, as a minster who relies on the Holy Spirit for practically 100% of what I do, it’s a waste of time being there in person to begin with.

It’s funny maybe to you but no I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to finish my task. I didn’t want them to fail, I wanted to see then turn around and for God use them to fulfill his purposes in the city and the region. I wasn’t looking for an excuse to leave, I was hoping something would change the hearts of the people in charge.