Jesus asked me to make a Riding School, he said to name it Ambrose. We...
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The LAST thing we do. Lots of direction. Car design needs to have driver safety...
40 Days in Heaven – published Foundations of the Kingdom Also published a chapter on...
Not sure what’s its real name yet. But God asked me to make a SIX...
Campus, within the New Town Messenger PMB Campus : MGR 07 Now make ME something...
A very large topic area … God said we are called to ALL MEDIA, not...
I call this Golden Days Care. I asked if we can do a project to...
Think of a university campus for orphan children and you can get the idea. God...
Retreats Carmen Retreat, House of Healing Part of ministry, He said, so do it at...
God called it DIY Hard-ware … He said to focus on TOOLS.