March 9, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development


A very large topic area …

  • God said we are called to ALL MEDIA, not only print as I used to do.
  • I saw a PRINT PRINTER. Evangelism, he said. Babies!
  • I saw BACH going out on the airwaves over Cebu.
  • I saw myself walking down FILM St. My mom was there but not my dad.
  • He said when I am ready to do videos he will send someone to help make them.
  • I saw an angel in Cebu and he said something about a publication called “Star.” I wondered if he meant that I should start a publication there and call it this … but there is already one called Sun.Star or something similar. Are we to buy it? its unclear and Cebu is a somewhat dangerous spiritual landscape, although when I write that he says not really.
  • Theme Park will need video blogs in construction to advertise the opening. The theme park can create other characters and stories as well …
  • Car Racing is only really valuable when people watch teh races on TV. To do this right we need to a heavy pre-race reality show on the lives of the racers.


  • Early on pastor’s wife, Fran, had a word that I would write many books.
  • God has asked me to write a book on how I learned about prophecy, and said to call it “8 + Splash” … whatever that means. I call it “A River in the Garden” so far. I wrote and then re-wrote the first half THREE TIMES ALREADY and just let it be. Its cathartic and embarrassing.
  • He gave me the book idea Starquake, and helped me write it. It will be a movie and used in the theme park for IP. He said to make 3 books in a series.
  • Foundations of the Kingdom, which I already wrote and published the chapter, expanded, on “Communion, hearing God’s voice.”
  • A Future and a Hope, a book of prophecies buried in Amazon, may need to be rebranded.
  • 40 Days in Heaven
  • Etc.

This will include Videos, Apps, TV Dramas, movies, music production, etc. ALL MEDIA!