March 9, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Ati Wiki Update 2022

Praying for insights to the progress with the tribe.
Pending issues:
* Shipwreck Henry causes remedied by Analee. This vision was given by Pip-pip.
* Boat waiting for us in Jefate to visit and minister in islands.
* God said he wants us to be a part of their community.

Past words:
* Time to find and work with the Negritors and Badjao. we searched and found them and ministered often with them.
* John D was against us but Gdo removed him.
* They joined JCTV when we could not offer any real money support and God said not to worry about it, its like a ‘kindergarten’ phase and I dont want to have to deal with that phase anyway.

Visit to Anniversary late 2021
* It was awkward, the gay mayoral candidate was the guest of honor, fed in the sanctuary. we were left outside under a temp tent. Everything felt wrong.
* first night Ann vomited, swooning and God spoke to her about the situation. After ‘worship’ kids saw many angels when kids were playing worship informally.
* I felt the worship was wrong. I saw a selfish spirit on the ‘leaders’, pride but also a ‘have’ vs ‘have not’ distinction where the leaders were keeping blessings to themselves and not caring for the people fairly. This is what Lady May also said but I saw it in the spirit myself.
* Day Two the main sermon was awful. Lorence saw many demons around the guest of honor and could not get inside the church because of it.
* Henry’s son who got two girls pregnant the same month was honored as a leader, made me think of Eli’s two sons. He has gotten very fat and everyone seems ok that he has two kids from two girls at the same time, as a ‘leader.’
* I saw a child molester spirit on a man in the group, several gay children, another child with a deaf/mute demon and another with an insanity demon, none of these things are being addressed, but the religious formalism by Henry is the focus. There is no ministry but instead a hollow religious form.