March 10, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

The Mountain Valley Vision (excerpts) Part 1

In a dream I drove up a forested hill in a kind of tractor and found a mountain valley with a beautiful scene in front of me. I saw a robot, a whale and when the whale blew a large bubble I jumped down to catch it! I needed help to get back up and then saw musical fish, a dolphin with a very special name, a sturgeon, and others that made music that looked like patterns of light. I asked God to explain the dream to me and had to sit very quiet in his presence a long time to hear him tell me the interpretation. It was amazing! The mountain I was climbing he said was:

“The mountain of knowledge of the Lord—something imparted to you as you climb / ascend— it is not Me or You but Me IN You.”

The tractor he said was, “My Hand, carrying you up my Hill as you step, walk, stand in faith. (Faith like the previous “motorcycle” vision, it’s a machine carrying you up without you having to do anything but hit the throttle…)

Faith carries you up into my purposes.

I may train you while within the world and subject to the pull of its ways … but faith will not carry you further away from Me.

Faith will produce works of my Spirit, My Kingdom, My Father—not works of the flesh—it is not outwardly seen but by a few men (people) who have eyes to see—Do YOU see? That is the eyes of faith operating in you, my son.

Faith without works is dead—so man without faith just “works”—he is condemned in a way to work, labor, strive at his own initiatives, according to his own will, to work at his own plans, and schemes devoid of the work of My Presence—yes, I can be called to come into world of man, and asked to build the works of man, and all who avail themselves of Me earn My Peace, BUT I WILL NOT BUILD THAT WORK WHICH IS CRUMBLING DOWN IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THOSE OF MY BELOVED WHO LABOR AND TOIL AMONG THOSE NOT SAVED BY GRACE, BY FAITH, BY THE WORKS OF ME, OF MY SPIRIT ON THEIR BEHALF … Come I say, come and let us reason together.

You can call on Me from within the works of Man but I will not partner to build Satan’s kingdom of darkness, slavery and bondage over your everlasting and precious soul which I came (manifested) to save you out of and save you from.

So yes, I can be called INTO the works of man, the flesh, ambition, lust of the eyes, pride of life—yes I can be called on to help you build the kingdom of ruin, but I will not be a partaker in the realm of death—are you trying to revive a “dead” system by bringing My Presence into it? I said Come Out Of It! Come out of her My People!! Babylon is the religious system of slavery to Mammon—not just “church” or “false” church, or what have you, but ALL church NOT of the SAINTS, ALL Congregations of the Dead: companies, businesses, spiritual clubs.

How can that which NOW LIVES, partake of the fruits of death without dying once more to the rudimentary principles of life?

Don’t go back to what I delivered you from!

So I asked him to again clarify what the tractor represented because it was unusual in that it had tank tracks and is what we used to call a ‘weasel’ as a kid. And he continued and said:

“Yes, the weasel, an articulated crawling machine that CLIMBS over every obstacle in the fallen realm —it is MY SPIRIT.

You could not see behind it, or understand its workings, or what it was made like—SO IS MY SPIRIT! You can “see” or realize it is there, but not really ever “understand” it (Him) … and so you just need to trust Me, take it by Faith, Relax … and enjoy the Ride up the Mountain of the Kingdom, of the Intimate Knowledge, of the Lord …

I may train you by teaching you with the basic principles of the earth realm: eat food, drink water, seek clothes, but doing so by My Spirit … but these things Life is not made of, They are only tools of commerce, craft, handiwork, etc.—what I have prepared for you is of far greater worth and value than these things. So while I may train you within the confines of your earthly existence, I have much more for you than I am training you for… So I may start your basic training from within the world system, meaning while you are still subject to its realm of carnal, human, ordinary wants and needs …. Faith, walking, standing even crawling, yes, being in faith will not carry you away from Me.

Faith cannot do this—it only produces righteousness in my sight, behavior that is attuned by and to my Holy Spirit at work within you to draw you and bring you to myself.

I want to skip ahead a little. I was on a hill overlooking a mountain valley. I saw some workers in a ‘Goods Storage Area’ and there was a mountain stream below me with a whale on one side, and a sandy area, then another deeper area to my right with musical fish.

As I began to try to understand the symbols more plainly and tried to work though it in my mind: the trees were obstacles, here they were cleared. It was up higher, so it was a higher realm. The steam maybe was refreshment? Was I getting it right?

“OK, OK, leaving the mundane principles of life … Higher springs of discernment. Mountain water is different in more oxygen and more swift—more fun but … more challenging—than lower rivers.

As I start to teach man I use the things he is familiar with—the principles of the lower order, the earth realm— sowing, reaping, harvest and toil, labor and strife, combat, war, poverty, slavery, etc., to teach him about the true riches, real possessions, real eternal wealth (Me!). Anyway, all he wants is money, fame and security for himself, for that is all he sees and knows of that will last upon the earth—man’s kingdom. But what a chimera they are, all those earthly riches!

But that is what he knows so I use that to help instruct him away from dependence on man’s system of wealth accumulation. HOW MANY TIMES DID I SAY IT?—over and over—that if Man would but trust Me, then Unseen, then I would lead him to treasure. Not just mundane existence, but T R E A S U R E S above, and even such treasures below, for this is what they (you) are destined for—

But as Man reaches higher in his walk with Me, a kind of intermediate realm, they begin to see the Eternal hereafter, and begin to see if rightly, see it as it truly is, my friend—and THAT is where many of you are on your journey. Not quite high in the clouds yet, but getting there—you are beginning to see that the way of eternal riches will kill you—kill what is left of your carnal inheritance and as you begin to cast it off you become eligible to put on the New Self, made righteous, made in my image, above you—work it through and you’ll see where you were deceived into placing earthly wealth above my higher order …

So now that you do have eyes to see, you come above the trees and see Me. That is the mountain streams, or mountain springs as they are also called—of course springs are better, cleaner, but still a mountain stream has a certain, je ne sais quoi—peace, purity, tranquility ….

In the higher realm of teaching and training I can compare spiritual things to spiritual things … but it is the same with any learning. First, introduction, then basic concepts, then more advanced intermediate concepts, and then the real truth that the uninitiated cannot comprehend.

So it is here—My Mountain Stream will refresh those prepared for it—others will simply avoid or miss it since they do not comprehend it. Yes, you know the verse that talks about this from what Paul wrote about Me.

1 Corinthians 2:13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.