Continued from Part 1: Jesus said, “No, This is the Model of Your New Life,” part 1
After the first five areas of restoration, we get to:
To Comfort and Provide for those … in Zion
Verse 2(b) and 3(a) continue this list of blessings and reads:
Two main words here are COMFORT and PROVIDE. And yes this means what you think it means, these blessings deal with enriching our lives. Comfort and provision. But also, it means more than you consider it to mean because the ‘comfort and provision’ most humans seek is very shallow, limited, temporary and not what we really need, not what really comforts.
But first, notice, it is only for those who are in ZION, which is a way of talking about God’s Kingdom. It’s also the Mountain of the Knowledge of the Lord, but we’ll get to that later maybe. It’s the Kingdom basically, and those who mourn and grieve but are within it, will be comforted and provided for. Not everyone on Earth will find this comfort or provision, sadly many Christians won’t, especially those of the ‘unwise virgin’ variety and all those who live according to the standards of this world.
I think of this in practical terms as the Fruit of the Spirit becoming a part of our character. Not just being on your best behavior on Sunday in public, but the new you, the REAL you changing. That’s God’s purpose in all of this actually.
So ‘comfort and provision’ includes the Character of Christ imparted into us really, as we grow, are transformed by the Holy Spirit and become more like Him in nature.
And THEY shall become … who are ‘They’?
Now we get to the third section of this verse and this is where it gets really exciting. What if Adam and Eve never fell into sin, what kind of beings would they be like today? A lot like angels I bet! Well, the restoration of the Kingdom is supposed to bring you back up to where you would have been: sinless, in full open communion with God, empowered with keen and ever-flowing prophetic knowledge from the indwelling Holy Spirit, walking in power over death, sickness and all forces of darkness. Basically you would be like Jesus.
So what would happen to you if God restored you to the way you were supposed be had there been no Fall, by giving you these seven blessings, to heal, free, enlighten, favor, recompense, comfort and provide for you? Then what would happen if God released you loose into a dark and dying world? This is what would happen: Verse 3(b)-verse 9 basically. As I read this section Jesus continued to speak to me to explain much of it. The verse reads:
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.4“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.5“Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.6“And you will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.7“Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance;
and so they will inherit a double portion in their land,
and everlasting joy will be theirs.8“‘For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and iniquity.
In my faithfulness I will reward them and make an everlasting covenant with them.9“‘Their descendants will be known among the nations
and their offspring among the peoples.
All who see them will acknowledge that
they are a people [the seed] the LORD has blessed.’
Let me just highlight a few key phrases:
They, or YOU for that matter, will be like a giant, firmly rooted tree, unshakable, always green giving fruit in season—a tree in fact planted by God that displays his splendor for all the world to see. This is what John the Baptist was talking about, in the opposite, when he said in Matthew 3:10 and Luke 3:9 that the axe is already at the root of all those trees God DID NOT plant and that are not producing good fruit. Well, these here are the trees that God DID plant and that are producing good fruit. And the glory of God is visible in their steady, spreading lives.
Psalms 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, That bringeth forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also doth not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Psalsm 52:8 But as for me, I am like a green olive-tree in the house of God: I trust in the lovingkindness of God for ever and ever.
Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is the man that trusteth in Jehovah,
and whose trust Jehovah is. 8 For he shall be
as a tree planted by the waters,
that spreadeth out its roots by the river,
and shall not fear when heat cometh,
but its leaf shall be green;
and shall not be careful in the year of drought,
neither shall cease from yielding fruit. (ASV)
Next we read in verse 4 what they do to society:

Key words all: They will rebuild the ruins, the devastation, the generational ruins … imagine the cities built upon generations of sin and it’s consequences, generational curses, poverty, crime, evil and a ruined society … most cities in the world are just like this. Corrupt for generations and rape and child trafficking, sex trafficking, slavery, murder for hire, then creeps in war, famine and finally it gets so bad God has no choice but to destroy it … OR he can send in THESE people and actually transform it. THEY will rebuild these generational ruins, THEY will renew these devastated, ruined cities. Now that’s a legacy I want to leave behind! That’s a ministry I want to be a part of!
So what changes things in this messed up world is not a sermon, a bible study or another scroll listing all the promises of God in textbook format … what it needs is the LIVING WORD INSIDE A PERSON, it needs an Elijah, a Moses, a Jesus … you see, the dying world needs YOU, not just you to talk, but you to go and DEMONSTRATE of the Spirit of God that is within you and THIS WILL restore what has been ruined WITHIN the sin-people, people who have even been devastated for generations!
Verse 4 is practically all key words: THEY will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. This is supposed to be YOUR legacy. It can be.
Recall my testimony when I shared that early on I saw a vision of Jesus hanging in the air above a RUINED Jerusalem. It was a DESTROYED city, and he cried with such pain in his heart, “Look at what has happened to my people!” He was not lamenting the lost houses, but the PEOPLE these broken buildings represented. ‘What can I do Lord?’ I asked feebly. And he picked up one brick—a broken, damaged, dusty brick and he held like it was precious to him, like he was holding a baby and held it out towards me and said, “You can restore my people one brick at a time.” It is the PEOPLE we are restoring. They are the living stones that make his Temple. It’s the PEOPLE and the devastation WITHIN them is what we are sent to restore.
And basically all you have to do to them, is what God just did to you! It’s God’s purpose that you were blessed to be a blessing to now go heal, free, enlighten, favor, recompense, comfort and provide for THEM! THEY shall also be transformed into Oak Trees of Righteousness, displaying his Splendor, just as you were!
THIS is the actual purpose of Christian Ministry. This is what actual Christianity is supposed to look like. That’s what when I said before that this one conversation with Jesus changed everything. But wait! There’s still more!
Aliens and Foreigners will Come
When your city is blessed it draws migrants from un-blessed places to come to work. This is true on a family basis, a company basis, a city, state or country basis. If the best thing you can do for work in your country is to leave it, that’s not a blessed place to live. Here in Verse 5 the promise is that aliens will come to work for you even to do menial tasks, even hard labor for you. If God is blessing a place it draws migrant workers from places where God is not blessing the people the same way, for many obvious and some not so obvious causes. This is clear historically, physically, Geo-politically … but this verse is also talking about drawing people who are aliens to God’s Kingdom, it’s also true spiritually. It draws unsaved people basically to you. They will be drawn to the blessings in your life and will be glad to just find shelter under your branches so they can earn a living wage, have a friend to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, honest wisdom and advice on their family, business, personal issues. So it’s not only physical, it’s a spiritual blessing being imparted to these ‘aliens.’ The idea of hosting an outreach to seek the Lost takes on new dimensions when the Lost hear of God doing miracles through you and seek YOU out first. This will happen. Jesus even told me how little we understand the Gospel but it is meant not only for the Sons, but for the Nations THROUGH the Sons.
And this does not only happen to a small chosen subset class within the Body. This is what would happen to ANYONE who becomes mature. I said before that God showed me there was a level of ministry ability BEYOND the need for Spiritual Gifts. Jesus did not need the gift of healing, or the gift of prophecy. Gifts are still important he told me, but we can all mature into a higher realm of intimacy with the Lord where these blessings flow, from his abundance to meet the needs around us, regardless of whatever our gifts are or aren’t. Piecemeal gifts are swallowed up when the perfection of Love comes into our hearts, when we are so close to the Lord because our wounds and deficiencies are gone, and we are transformed into his image and if two agree, they can walk together. When we are complete in Love the need for piecemeal solutions will be done away with, and the WHOLE of the Kingdom would manifest through us because there is no more shadow or missing, broken part in us either.
That is why this next verse says, they, which has now changed and became YOU … and it says YOU SHALL BE CALLED a Priest of God, YOU shall be called a Minister of God! This is the destiny of all mature believers in Jesus who are transformed into his image.
There is next talk of inheritance, actually a DOUBLE portion being given … then he mentions he will make an everlasting covenant with them. This is obviously another new covenant, not the same one offered to everyone to begin this journey; it’s probably a higher blessing or higher identity of blessing or reward that only people who walk in this astronomical level of intimacy with Christ would even understand. He didn’t tell me.
But finally what I read was this line, “Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed,” only the version I was reading did not use the word “people” but the word “Seed” and everything fell into place.
I was stunned.
The Seed of Abraham! The Seed we are born from! It means there is a blessing promised, foretold to Father Abraham, and people have been looking for it ever since. It was a way to describe the Messiah basically. This SEED is the Heir of the Earth. But Jesus the SEED died … and in doing so produced many more seeds! They are also the true blessed children of God. Jesus had no natural children, sorry Dan Brown, but by his death he begat MILLIONS of eternal offspring instead of a few earthly kids. This promise of the SEED is behind the entire Gospel message actually, it’s the heart of what every believer in YAH has been looking for, Jew first, and then Christian, for millennium. This verse says the people who come out of this movement, this spiritual family, this tribe, this community WILL BE KNOWN as the SEED whom God has blessed. ALL WHO SEE THEM WILL ACKNOWLEDGE … YOU GOT IT!! How did you get it? Where did it come from? Can I have it, too? This is what the End Great Revivals will prove! ALL … ALL will admit the ancient promise of God has been fulfilled to mankind through YOU. YOU are the Seed God has blessed. Full Stop.
I sat back in my chair, undone! The implications of this were spinning in my head, it would change EVERYTHING we do in His Name: Why we do it, How we do it, What we are trying to achieve, What the results of our efforts are. The goal changes, the methods change, the outcomes change. What we have been doing, in God’s name, has been … well, not this! We’ve been following Man’s goals, Man’s plans, using Man’s tools, in Man’s methods and have only been able to achieve Man’s results. But Man’s ways DO NOT produce God’s blessings Jesus told me.
I was lost for words. I know, ME!? Lost for words! I was reeling from the shock of stunning, overwhelming revelation, and I said in my excitement “Jesus! This is the model of your ministry!”
And he said, “No. This is the model of YOUR NEW LIFE.”
Idea upon Idea
When I was about 21 a prophet told me I would learn many things from God, like building blocks, ideas I thought were separate concepts … but ONE DAY God would tell me a single idea that would tie them all together into ONE BIG PICTURE. I had forgotten this word until after it came to pass!
That unifying idea is this conversation about Isaiah 61, and the collection of ideas it unified is what I call The Foundations of the Kingdom.
It has to do with understanding the gospel of salvation as an entryway, a narrow door, but there is a higher ground we are being led into; Jesus asked me not to call it a second step or a next level–it’s the Kingdom. We need to understand the gospel of the Kingdom, and then we will more easily understand the full scope of the purpose of Christ’s ministry that I just shared with you from Isaiah 61. Then we deal with the separate ideas of ministering in a demonstration of the spirit and power, of teaching revelation (never man’s opinions), of being a servant leader, of equipping the saints into an army out of a valley of dry bones, of making sure every saint is able to ‘each do their part,’ … the empowerment we need begins with an understanding that Grace is strength or power (it’s the anointing basically—not forgiveness). This opens up understanding of about a dozen key verses we now do not really grasp. The great wonderful breakthrough comes when we learn to enjoy two-way open dialog with the Holy Spirit, which I call Communion, but Jesus just calls having fellowship with him–Jesus then told to me add the revelation he gave me on the Mind of Christ, enjoying a kind of limited omniscience—not the Unlimited Divine Mind of the Father, but the unhindered but geographically focused divine mind of the SON. It will BLOW YOU AWAY. I promise!!! Then he asked me to wait to write the book until he gave me one more key, it took me over 10 years and being on mission all that while to be prepared to handle the final key. That last Key to this teaching he said is the Key to Love the Unlovable.
Together this collection of conversations and topics WILL REDEFINE what we do for him, in his name, what we call Christianity. It will be a second Reformation and I don’t think I am exaggerating. The GOSPEL will no longer be rigid and confined by Man’s ideas and Man’s ways but will be released from confinement to expand and fill the whole earth as it was meant to from the beginning. That’s the vision I saw. And so I have been given the key of understanding, but many people ALL OVER THE WORLD are already DOING these very things. I cannot take any credit for their revelation or years of service, but I can understand it, and explain it and it will help people understand why Jesus told me, “The way most people minister in church will NEVER produce the Kingdom.” NEVER!
But he was sending me to help cure her. This message is the antidote to our sickness.
So I call this set of teachings The Foundations of the Kingdom, and I am trying to make it as clear and digestible as possible, so you can take it and run with it! If you are still unsure, remember, EVERYONE can hear God’s voice, if they would just quiet themselves down and listen Jesus told me. So if you need confirmation, do that now. Pray, ask him to teach you. I am confident he will confirm these things to you as he did to me. If you seek, you shall find.
May God bless you with all the riches of understanding, and the intimacy that comes from being transformed into his image. And may the Kingdom now finally come!