October 16, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

New Book: Ten Things on Prophecy

“A New Vision For The Prophetic Church”

Download ‘Ten Things on Prophecy’ new book in PDF or in epub format (but zipped)
or it can be purchased on Amazon HERE!
About 18 years ago the Lord asked me to write a book on Ten Things on Prophecy and I figured it would be easy enough to do. But then he showed me a vision of how HE SEES prophecy and it wrecked me!
What I saw was a man giving a gift to his beloved but she was not quick to lay hold of it and an enemy swooped in and took it from her! Worse yet he then found a way to twist it into a weapon and began to harm her with the very thing that was meant to be a gift bringing joy and blessings to her.
This Gift is Prophecy and our lack of eagerness to lay hold of it has given the Enemy an ability to harm us with what is meant to be a pure blessing to us.
But I soon realized that the biggest obstacle we face handling prophecy is the Flesh, the human level thinking, which fails to understand a supernatural God—but is also unable to defend itself from our supernatural enemy—Satan dominates the Flesh Jesus told me. And so its bad enough that the Flesh makes a carnal version of everything God does or says, but worse, because the enemy dominates the Flesh he causes some people to actually have the literal doctrines of demons.
To free ourselves from this corruption we have been given something more noble, the Spirit, the Kingdom and we can walk in a higher realm and rise above the flesh and its ways. But if people continue to walk in the Flesh, the human level thinking, they cannot please God—to walk in the flesh is death.
So it took me 18 years to get ready to write this book, and when he said it was time, I wrote it start to finish in less than 3 months! The main theme that runs through everything is exposing the ways of the Flesh in our minds, doctrines and ministries … and leaning instead on the Holy Spirit even more than on our doctrines, gifts and experiences.

So the Ten Things I am sharing are these:

1. You Don’t Need a Gift to Hear God Speak. Seek the gifts, but there is also a realm beyond the gifts.
2. Jesus is the Word. And he talks … A LOT! He talks in so many ways, often ones that defy categorization.
3. The Most Important Thing About Being a Prophet is Simply Hearing The Whole Word—which is much harder to do than you realize because when he speaks you filter it through your own limited understanding, your doctrines and even your wounded heart.
4. Personal Prophecy is subject to Faith—It’s not Fate. We are not living in a Greek Tragedy! Faith matters much more than people yet realize—especially with regard to personal prophecy.

5. Prophesying is Easy—But Being A Prophet Can Be Very Hard! How can you tell who the real prophets are? Here are a few indicators that most people miss.

6. Gifts, Callings and Mantles—and yet there is still a more excellent way.
7. When They Tell The Prophets Not To Prophesy! Telling the prophets to not give you words of correction is spiritual self harm. This is a brief testimony of my personal experience being send by God has his prophet to a people who refused to listen to him at all.
8. The Wisdom of God for Prophecy—God’s (Wisdom) vs Man’s (Foolishness)—much of God’s wisdom regarding prophecy is in the Old Testament but people wrongly avoid it and miss finding his wisdom.
9. Just “Be Yourself”—Maturity Comes to the Body as Each Does Their Part—So be weird, just don’t be TOO weird! Be authentically weird but never pretend, copy or fake it.
10. At Last: An Overview of Prophecy—God told me he speaks to whomever he wants to; He fears no man! And THIS is prophecy.
To me the best word to describe prophecy is Amos 3:8—not Amos 3:7, which everyone quotes:—“Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”
But to me the real revelation is in verse 8!
A lion has roared!
Who will not fear?
The Lord God has spoken!
Who can but prophesy?
or in the Contemporary English Version
Everyone is terrified
    when a lion roars—
and ordinary people
become prophets
    when the Lord God speaks.
The book is done and you can download a full and yes, FREE PDF copy here. or if you want an ebook it is here in epub format (but zipped). And look a print version can be purchased on Amazon at 10 Things on Prophecy. Amen!