October 16, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Personal Prophecy is subject to Faith—It’s not Fate: Ch 4

A few years ago God asked me to write a book on “10 Things about Prophecy”— I had been prophesying for 15 years already by that time but I didn’t really know what ten things were important to say but then he showed me a vision of Jesus giving us the gift of prophecy like it was an engagement gift, but because of our slowness to embrace it and negligence in protecting it the enemy took it from us and worse began abusing us with the very gift Jesus wanted to bless us with.

Jesus soon sent me on mission and so much has happened in the meantime until last year when he gave me direction and grace to finish the book on ‘8+Splash—How I Learned about Prophecy’, New Book: ‘8 + Splash’ —How I Learned About Prophecy which is the story of my journey, like a narrative—so I just talk about what I went through to learn and I don’t have time in that book to talk about what I think these things all mean. Instead when I was finished he asked me to make an outline of ‘10 Things,’ and I realized God’s wisdom in this finally. I needed perspective, time to heal and time to reflect. I waited 15 years I think to write that book, but when I finally had the right perspective, had his strength and got his direction to work on it, I wrote an outline and three chapters in only one week. Then two more chapters the week after. To write two other chapters on two big ideas took me an entire month. And the last three I just took my time and by the end of two months I had the first draft already completed. Most of these main points I never heard another person teach.

It seems so much of our understanding of prophecy is merely man’s ways, man’s understanding, man’s mind.

One time Jesus asked me if I knew what the Flesh was and I wanted to bluish because I thought it was all that sexy stuff, but no, he said the Flesh is simply “The Human Level Understanding, The Human Level Intellect, Human Level Perception, Human Level Motives and Human Level Desires.”

And when he asked me train prophets he said first you have to UN-TRAIN them from the ways of man they have been taught regarding prophecy.

Man’s ways have corrupted the Body of Christ and removed the diversity of ministries, and replaced them with a parody of God’s real ministry functions. There is a flesh version of every gift and calling in the Bible, which is very clear with teachers, pastors and especially anything relating to the prophetic. This is ruining the development of the Body, and what God is exposing in this teaching to me that I am sharing with you.


Anyway, one of the 10 Things I wrote is Chapter 4, that “Personal Prophecy is subject to Faith—It’s not Fate” and I explain people think personal prophecy is going to happen to them no matter what they do about it, but this is not true. Personal prophecy is subject to your response, at a bare minimum your general continued faith walking with the Lord, but also sometimes specific obedience and sometimes there are other conditions God asks you to meet first, some that are not even explained. He said I can say that Personal Prophecy is ALWAYS Conditional. There are even unspoken conditions. This means the same thing ultimately, and that is what I keep saying which is this, with regard to personal prophecy: Faith matters.

God offers us many blessings but we do not receive them until we put our faith in them and act accordingly. Yes, there are things God will do no matter what any person says or does about it. But personal prophecy is a way God invites us to enter into a personal , interactive relationship with him and yes, our response does really matter.

I discuss Romans 11 as well as Hebrews 4 which explains this well enough saying “2 For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.” Not everyone who was given promises of God received them. People who walked away, were unfaithful, even those who simply did not put faith in God’s promises were unable to later receive them.

I keep saying people somehow think we are in a Greek Play and have a view of prophecy that everything is a mater of fate that you cannot escape no matter what you do about it, but this is not true. We are in the Kingdom of God, we’re not living in a Greek Tragedy.

This is a topic I never heard someone teach on, and the Holy Spirit had to talk to me at length to give me insight to this topic before even I understand his viewpoint.

So I’m sharing Chapter 4 here 10 Things on Prophecy – Ch 4; and a date stamp of which edit this is so you can check it against any future updates …

I’d love your feedback, and I do feel confident enough of what I heard God teach me, but sometimes I cannot express it so well. So in case I misspoke or just don’t make a good example I’d love to get some feedback before we put it on Amazon!


Direct Link to Chapter: 10 Things on Prophecy – Ch 4