July 6, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Main Teaching #4: Teach Revelation, is up!

1 Corinthians 3:18
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool that he may be wise.

The chapter on Key 4, Teach Revelation is now available on the Foundations of the Kingdom website!

The two main opponents to pastors teaching divine truth are 1. The Flesh and 2. The Religious Spirit. They work in tandem like an emotionally abusive co-dependent relationship, and are behind the great malady in the Church which is Sick, not with a disease but with Man’s Ways, Man’s Ideas and ultimately what proves to be literal doctrines of demons.

The Flesh in this case is not really your body. Jesus told me its really the Human Level Intelligence, Understanding, Perception, Motives and Desires.

It’s not the human body, or what we call ‘flesh and bone’ so much as it’s the mind set that serves it’s physical, earthly, selfish, unspiritual and ‘carnal’ interests. But not to try and redefine it, he said simply the Flesh is the Human Level: Intelligence, Understanding, Perception, Motives and Desires.

It is not just all that sexy stuff, it’s ignorance, blindness, carnal foolishness masquerading as divine wisdom. It’s the inability to see that angel standing right behind you. It’s not knowing you reap what you sow, and so you continue to sow like a sow wallowing in the mire thinking this is the path to the pearl-coated Parlor. It’s not! It’s not knowing God’s divine justice will come, his patience is mercy to let you figure it out on your own before he comes and opens a big can of hurt. It’s teaching biblical tithing only to get money for yourself; it’s thinking Jesus was insane for saying you need to eat his flesh and drink his blood or you have no part in him. Next it’s thinking he means for us to have a food ceremony and somehow it’s the ceremonial food that saves us!

Hebrews 13:9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so.

The antidote to the Flesh is being taught by God, learning to lean on God in all things, seeking to fellowship with the anointing that dwells within you, which was given to you to be this very remedy!

John 14:25-26 All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

1 John 2:27 “As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.”

Jesus told me basically the antidote … is the Kingdom.

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But second, the antagonist we face is an invisible sinister force that the Flesh has no defense against, so it becomes enslaved by it. There is a creature stalking the religious ones who showed up for a sword fight armed only with a soggy paper hat. This demon is so insidious it openly displays itself in the safe haven it has created for itself–not a bar or drug den–no, the preferred environment for this demon is in churches and synagogues.

The Religious Spirit is a counterfeit Holy Spirit Jesus told me and so be on the watch for the counterfeit! The counterfeit sermon, the Sunday-only believer, the whitewashed community full of dead men’s bones that it always produces. The Pharisees are still with us. They ARE, they are not merely a WERE. They are produced by a religious mind set that is not submissive to the real Holy Spirit. The fruit of this religion is spiritual death, not life. It means it causes people to be unable to flow in the real Holy Spirit, so they become sour, dour, mirthless, girthless, grumpy, sick, colorless and fossilized.

Juxtapose this with God’s Son, who he told me, always obeys the Spirit of God because He is in tune with the Spirit—He flows in the wind like a kite, or a sail. So those who are sons are also led by the Spirit like this. I saw a vision of a Sail Boat when he said this.

Those under the influence of the Religious Spirit are devoted to idols, candles, ceremonies, jewelry, myths and fairy tales. Without the REAL Holy Spirit they have NO defense from the counterfeit, the Religious Spirit so it Dominates the Flesh, and so the Flesh therefore dominates Religion.

People are caught in this Trap, and know largely they are trapped but are often too proud to admit it, he said! There is a trap waiting those who fall prey to religion—but the true Spirit of God is the antidote!

Because the real Spirit of God is life, and peace, and joy, and laughter, and kindness, and tenderness since He brings healing and wholeness, deep down into your bones, into the heart of all creation, he told me. He can’t help it he said to heal when he shows up because healing is a manifestation of Life, which he IS.

Hear ye, hear ye!

Hearing God speak to you when you quiet yourself down and listen will guide you away from the traps of the Enemy. You need to be Taught By God or you WILL fall prey to the schemes of cunning men, substitute divine revelation for mere doctrines of man, and ingest then regurgitate the lies of seducing spirits.

NO! You say, I can’t hear God speak to me! What if I try to hear Jesus and hear a lying spirit instead! Isn’t it better to not listen to anyone at all?!

Yes, the Ostrich Approach is a very common defense the Flesh posits when you challenge its prison of darkness. In fact fighting deception by maintaining ignorance … is not really a recipe for success. You’d think it would help to fight deception by just closing your years, plugging your ears and humming, “No body’s home! No body’s home!” But no, it doesn’t really work that way, and God knows you’ve tried!! People ALREADY hear lying spirits! Otherwise they wouldn’t be trapped by so many of the enemy’s lies! What they need instead is to try the antidote for a change!!!

So the best way to fight the demonic duo of the Flesh and Religious Spirit is to face the challenge head on, grab the horns of the altar of the mercy seat in both hands and SEEK GOD. Seek to hear him, seek to find the secret place in your prayer time where the eyes of your heart are opened and you will See Him, fellowship with him, and Behold him. Because …

2 Corinthians 3:18 All of us are looking with unveiled faces at the glory of the Lord as if we were looking in a mirror. We are being transformed into that same image from one degree of glory to the next degree of glory. This comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (CEB)

Full teaching on Key #4: Teach Revelation on the Foundations of the Kingdom website.