July 6, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Hearing God speak is the easy bit

Jesus was not much of a philosopher. He was far too … practical.
You, being practical, would take his Gospel … and turn yourself into a philosopher. How ironic!
The difference between us and him can be easily categorized: we walk in the Flesh, he walks in the Spirit. To HIM what is practical to us is recklessly foolish. To him what we do is vanity beyond being pointless.
The Flesh he told me is simply he human level: Intellect, Understanding, Perception, Motives and Desires. This is where we err.
Jesus, quite supernaturally, to us, did not live by these lower temptations. He walked in the Spirit. Meaning he lived a life in tune with the Holy Spirit like a kite flying in the wind. He was like a sail boat in the breeze. This is what he told me.
So what are we to do, we who are born into as sinful race, as blind, carnal creatures of the Flesh? Well, we can learn.
Hearing God’s voice is not complicated. In fact, EVERYONE can hear His voice he told me, if they would just quiet themselves down and listen. God does speak to everyone differently, and there is some confusion, some knack, some tricks of the trade so to speak, but it’s not as difficult as you have been led to believe. It’s not hidden knowledge that you need to climb a Himalayan mountain to learn. He’s right here, he’s right with you right now reading this. You just need to get to know him.
Of all the things that I have been taught by God, have seen in visions, have learned in heavenly visitations, the key to understanding everything is simply learning to hear Him Speak. If you can learn to hear his voice, all else will follow.
Am I saying this on my own? Paul the apostle, said we should eagerly desire spiritual gifts. He mentioned a few by name, but said we ought to seek the greater gifts, the ones that build up the church. Which gifts were these? Mainly, the gift of prophecy.
So we can start with the idea of the gift of Prophecy. Seek it. Ask him for it. I was talking to someone in a training seminar and they said they wanted the gift of prophecy but God didn’t give it to them. I asked him, did you ask God for it? No he said. He never asked God for it. Others said they asked God once many years ago. Well, how can you describe not asking God for something as ‘eagerly desiring’ and even ‘seeking’ after it?
Anyway, people do hear God speak. Most people do, actually, only they IGNORE what he is telling them. He just told us that a few weeks ago in fact. People complain they don’t hear God, but they DO hear, they just refuse to obey. They refuse to …. listen.
Everything I have to share has this in common, it shares this same root. It is either about how to hear God speak, or after learning, it is what I heard God speak. I mean I share in this site, in my ministry and in fact in my life, first how YOU can hear God speak, and then after listening to him for a long time, I have several quite special things to share with you that he said.
The content on this site, this network of sites really, all come back to this key. So by reading COMMUNION, I share how you can learn to heard God in open conversations. God asked me to republish 40 Days in Heaven, a wonderful testimony of a man’s, you guessed it, 40 Day Visit to Heaven! Then he asked me to share how I learned about prophecy, but he said a strange thing, to name the book “8 plus Splash” … So that is where I share my experiences learning and no I did not start out even thinking God would speak to me. It was a long journey!
But then the things I can share get more interesting. He told me the way most people minister in church will NEVER produce his Kingdom. It is because Man’s Ways DO NOT produce God’s blessings. He then had many conversations with me over several years to explain about 10 areas or Keys that we need to reform in order for the Kingdom to manifest. I call this teaching the Foundations of the Kingdom and it will change how you think about … well, everything that matters.
Then God asked me to move to the Philippines, to lay the foundation for revival in a central island province called Bohol. Shortly after coming here we had an earthquake, then began to fight witches and struggled many years to overcome. The reason it was so tough was because God had chosen this place to display his splendor. He said the revival that is coming would make history, it would be legendary. Part of this revival is social restoration, economic restoration, political reformation. This is where things begin to get exciting in a way. He started listeing Projects he wanted us to do in Bohol.
At first he said things like start an orphanage in your house as soon as your family is settled in. Later he wants us to expand it … into a village … to house not 10 kids, not 100 kids, not even 1,000 … God’s word is to set up a child care village, what I now liken to a university campus, to provide shelter, food and education … to 10,000 children. The idea he said would become famous and attract money from several sources to support. So that’s one project. Then he said to build a new town. Six blocks, with roads that radiated out from a central area like rays of Glory. Within this would be several features. One would be a ministry campus. Another would be a condominium complex he named The Pavillion. So that’s three more projects. He said I needed to make a development company myself or the locals would “scalp me alive” saying to name the compnay purple. I said, Purple?! Yes, he said, purple but not in English. Find a different word for purple in a different language. After searching I finally found a great name for a construction and engineering outfit that means purple but suits engineering and construction–Tekhelet. He said, oh it begins to snowball … If you want to hear about these projects, go to this page.
The key ones that are already more developed or at least require more planning, and that I can share, are the Hotel he called Ambassador, the Theme Park, he called Sympatico, and the fish farm he called Bethsaida. He said we should get horses and start what he called a riding school, a term I had never heard of. He said to call it Ambrose. He said I would have a nice restaurant called Fire by Night, I still don’t know what’s on the menu! And he added manufacturing, shipping, media of ALL kinds, and motorsports. Motorsports I said? That just doesn’t sound very ‘Christian.’ Oh he said you need to be careful because it will attract Sharks. (Dangerous rich people he meant) But if we have a car race, he said, EVERYONE WILL COME!
By the time the number of projects reached 20 … 25 … 30 … it was up to about 40 I think when I complained that, I don’t want to say no, but its kinda getting too big. And he said, Oh I know, that’s what I made the vision SMALLER. And I saw giant US- style wheat combine harvesters moving vast fields under modern cultivation that he CUT from the vision. Now I want to do that too. But when I struggled with the idea of doing even ONE as I lived as a missionary often without money or food for one more day and 15 or 20 mouths to feed, he said, You will accomplish ALL these things … ALL of them. BUT SO WHAT!!!! Then he said it’s the PEOPLE he’s after. It’s the PEOPLE he wants to touch. Just keep this in mind, it’s the PEOPLE God loves. It’s people–simple, annoying, overweight, under-educated people that Jesus died for. Regardless of what we are entrusted with, or called to do, this must remain our main goal.

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