March 10, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Future and a Hope, prophetic book topics

When God trained me as a prophet I was also publishing the HKI journal of prophecy, and was reading over 500 pages of new prophecy a month to select 16 or 24 pages to republish in this monthly journal. God was not only using me within that community, but was also teaching me transcendent lessons on his Kingdom, and what is blocking it from manifesting. The Kingdom is not only WITHIN us, it is the Promised Land of our hearts being liberated from our previous violent, sensual, selfish, insolent carnal ways and being transformed into his orderly, just, merciful, honest, humble, sincere character. The character of Christ is the Promised Land within us, this is what releases the Kingdom to and through us.

But to understand that idea took me many years because while I was asking Him to explain it to me, he didn’t tell me, he SHOWED Me. This was because to understand such a big idea first a foundation needed to be laid. Try to explain trigonometry to a kid still learning to count 1-2-3 and you can understand what I mean. So many of the articles and prophecies in this book help to lay that foundation in your heart so you can discern the higher way.

So some of these book chapters are being published on this site directly, especially ones that are more topical and important to share now.

Three of these chapters have become key articles in the large revelatory teaching Foundations of the Kingdom, and may have been expanded on elsewhere, but which are below listed as Ch’s 2, 4 and 14. Links to updated articles on these topics, both in brief format and in complete long teachings are also marked where available. An Overview of this complex interconnected revelation I call the Foundations is HERE, but when full teachings are ready to be shared they will be posted at that dedicated Foundations of the Kingdom website here.

The other revelations in A Future and A Hope are only published in the full book text which can be read for free as a pdf HERE, or purchased from Amazon HERE. But the contents and any active links if available now are below:

1. Fleeing Their Habitations, a vision of the great falling away p9

This whole book chapter is here, and we made a video of this as well here. Jesus explained this dream to me and it took two day to hear his whole explanation and half way through it he got upset and yelled at me!! Its a serious word!! God has provided places for his people to learn and live, but they refused to stay and LEFT… but had to leave behind everything God gave them .. peace, joy, healing, prosperity … they can’t take these things with them when they leave Jesus said because THEY ARE HIM. This included gifts, callings and mantles of all sorts. Those who remained in his Will will reap a HUGE windfall as all these benefits are now freely available to anyone who is faithful just as explained in the parable of the talents. Some who left will return, some will be lost, but know this, the Great Falling away he said is now upon us.

2. The Gospel According to … St. Isaiah? p29

This has been expanded and is now the chapter on Isaiah 61 in brief HERE and in full HERE. This conversation with Jesus explaining the meaning of his first sermon on Isaiah 61 changed EVERYTHING and my understanding of WHY we minister, HOW we minister, what our goals are and the effect of our ministry and maturity were completely redefined by this profound conversation.

3. The Time Has Come p49

4. Grace: The Power to Overcome p53

This is one of the keys that are included in the Foundations of the Kingdom. The brief is HERE, a short and recent article on this topic is HERE, and the main teaching at the main Foundation websites is HERE.

People think Grace is forgiveness or free salvation even when you keep sinning! But it is not this at all. Grace is charis, or the power to overcome sin, be transformed into Christ’s character, to have any strength or spiritual gift we need or ask for, it even includes money he told me. Grace is empowerment, it was Paul’s word for what we call the anointing basically–but it certainly does NOT mean forgiveness.

5. December Digestion p65

6. Vision of Satan’s Fortress—a total farce p73

7. Pursued by God’s Promises p79

8. Boarding the Bus of God’s Rest p83

9. Dream of ‘Gate 14’ p87

10. The Word to the Church in Pergamum p97

This major work on abusive leadership is a MUST READ for modern churches. The idea of servant leadership is so greatly misunderstood it is one of the keys holding back God’s Kingdom and while this article of the malady of Pergamum prophesied in Revelations is scholarly and well researched the solution is more important, which is the chapter on “True Leaders are Servants” which brief is HEREon this site and HERE on the Foundations site. The main teaching is coming soon.

11. An Abusive Gorilla … Dies: the fate of the church that’s lost God’s heart p121

12. The Shift: King Saul to King David p133

13. What’s Hindering the Glory of Zion?—Vision of the church as a business p141

14. Foundations of the Kingdom (overview) p151

This is now a BOOK but this article is a good overview. The a newer introduction is HERE, but it is largely the same revelation explained in different ways.

15. Confronting The False Prophets p175

This is a theme that runs through the training for real prophets. Satan has abused us with the very gift God has intended to be a kind of engagement present, and part of that abuse is exposed in this teaching. When a prophet moves in a modern, lukewarm, entertainment focused, seeker sensitive environment the idea of God speaking into the comfortable, carnal lives of church people is so frightening to them, they always make a word association. You say Prophet, they say False. The behaviors of a real false prophet are explained in this article plainly, as are the attributes of a true servant of God. It may not be the 4th of July or New Years, but when God begins to raise up his true servants there will ALWYAS be friction between these two mindsets, these tow camps, which will usually result in a public display of … FIREWORKS. Wahh!!!

16. Jonah, Jeremiah or Samuel p193

17. War and “Peace, Peace” p199

18. The Mountain Valley Vision p203

I now have a Excerpt Part 1, from this long interpretation here. Jesus gave me a lot of personal advice about following him and seeking the higher springs of revelation.

19. The Whale’s Bubble p223

20. Aliens, UFO’s and the End Times Great Deception p237

This is one of the most important articles you can read to navigate the very real End Times demonic masquerade Alien Deception. This is why arguing evolution is futile and why giantoid remains are always confiscated. Demons commonly manifest as mythical creatures in ‘3rd world’ environments simply because the people accept it. But how will satan manifest to enslave a modern world who do not believe in such ancient myths? The now emerging UFO deception including the star seed fallacy, the perversions of biblical doctrine and interbred offspring from abducted humans is just a repeat of the gene pool pollution as in the Days of Noah, and Goliath, and in fact has been a planet-wide affliction but kept secret until it can be used to usher in the end times world-view. I would not share this openly but it is important for you not to be deceived.

The book A Future and a Hope can be purchased HERE which is easier to read and give as a gift.

But a PDF can be freely downloaded Here.