March 9, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Foundations Key Brief 4: Teach Revelation

The previous Key, that we must minister in a demonstration of the Spirit and Power, has a counterpoint: of course we also teach, but this too is a secret of the Kingdom:

Teach … Revelation. (not man’s ideas)

We do teach, but we DO NOT TEACH like men who have only experienced the earthly realm. We testify as to what we have seen of heaven, what we have heard personally from the Spirit of God, speaking spiritual truths even using spiritual words. We DO NOT teach the wisdom of the earth, the lower human reasoning, the lower human thoughts in our messages … Eye has NOT seen, NOR has ear heard what God has prepared for those who love Him … BUT HE HAS REVEALED IT TO US … and THIS IS WHAT WE SPEAK. [1 Corinthians 2:6-16, etc.] In a nutshell, teach in public what (and only what) Jesus has taught you in private. [what he has whispered to you] If Jesus has not yet taught you anything, then maybe it’s better (and safer for you) if you don’t yet teach. But when you begin to hear God speak to you openly, then digest it, confirm it, strengthen yourself and begin to share that! Men teach what they understand, what they know. When men only understand and know the lower earthly ways when they teach the bible and teach about God they end up ruining people’s faith with false ideas, false doctrines, and insipid powerless opinions, theories and what Paul even called deceitful scheming. This is what is destroying God’s church, teaching man’s wisdom, man’s ideas, sometimes not even honestly but to manipulate people … ultimately it is teaching as doctrines merely human rules but doing so as if they were the oracles of God.

Double Whammy!

Now put these two ideas together and compare what this makes you think a typical church service run by Paul would look like and what a typical modern church service run by Man looks like. Would Paul commend you for this? Would Jesus? Who are you trying to please? People are ruining his church with man-made ministry that gives no divine eternal service. It gives no ministry.

Quickly, Two Visions:

The Lord had me go over to a window and look outside to the busy street and he highlighted a double-decker bus going by to me. Then right after it a huge office water bottle delivery truck, it was just about the same size as the bus and totally full of water. He spoke and said something like, “See, it’s that simple. There’s the people. There’s the water. That’s all I want you to do, just bring the water to the people.” He was talking about ministry. The Holy Spirit is the water, our purpose as ministers, as servants, is to serve the needs of the people by delivering the Holy Spirit to them. It’s really that simple!

Then I was being purified by Holy Fire one time, it was … amazing! I was bedridden for a week. And Jesus showed me visions. At one point during that week he asked me casually, “What can you do without the Holy Spirit?” And he asked me about doing mundane things like tying my shoes, and eating lunch. I was still groggy from the detoxification of his purifying fire and didn’t answer, until he said loudly, “Can you have a church service without the Holy Spirit?” and I was about to say well, yes, you can but it’s going to be awfully boring, when he just answered his own question, and saying even more LOUDLY, “The Holy Spirit IS the Service.” God invented speech, communication, thought, existence … He can communicate in ways we can’t even describe. When he said the word SERVICE it was at the exact same time TWO words. I’ve heard him do this before where he speaks one word but it is actually two, three or more words overlapping, all audible, all synonymous, like three or more people all speaking in union, but it’s just his divine way of communicating. Well, that was how he said this word “Service” and overlapping it was the word “Ministry”–in fact these words mean the same thing in some situations, a minister is a servant, service is ministry. But what he said is that the Holy Spirit IS the Service to the Church. And was also saying at the same sentence, that The Holy Sprit IS the Ministry to the people during said church service. The Holy Spirit is the benefit, the solace, the blessing, the healing, the wisdom, … add your attributes here … If you have a church service without the Holy Spirit is it void, not merely voidable, but meaningless, useless, pointless. It may even be detrimental! Paul would NEVER minister that way! Neither would Jesus! Why are so many people ok doing it, in his name?

These two Keys may explain why this is so. Without demonstrating the Holy Spirit, or letting him manifest in whatever ways we can manage when we meet, there is no spiritual benefit to the people. If we talk and teach and give funny jokes and cute stories, and even if the people like what we say, if we are not speaking divinely spiritual ideas with inspired spiritual words that Jesus explained to us to share, we are not empowering, changing, enlightening or leading people into the Kingdom as we claim. The way most people minister in Church Jesus told me will NEVER produce his Kingdom. Man’s ways DO NOT produce God’s blessings he also said.

Anyway, let’s go on. We’re not quite half way there.