Called as a prophet, missionary, equipper, publisher, teacher, minister, father and friend … I wear many hats. I love cats. Dogs too. How about you? It may seem a bit … nebulous, but what can I say? I take after my Father. And I saw him in that way one time, too!
I’m currently working on architecture, prophecy, science fiction, marine biology, theme park planning, music production, equipping the saints to walk in the power of the Kingdom, planning a nice hotel, a new town with a 12/f condominium, 50 luxury houses (styled with inspiration I got from studying Frank Lloyd Wright designs), and oh, a few more things to keep me and my 14+/- kids busy.

The Lord asked me to set up a fish farm, horse riding school, an orphanage–an orphanage village in fact, manufacturing, several restaurants, and yes, you read that right, a theme park, new town, hotels and oh, a few other things I don’t care to mention right now.
So I traded in being an attorney for leaning how to hear God’s voice and follow his calling, and what I gave up, as Paul also said, I consider rubbish compared to the excellency of meeting Christ, knowing Christ, hanging out with him on Christmas when everyone else left me. Really? Yeh, we hung out a bit.
So I’m sharing a lot of visions and conversations I’ve had with Jesus, who is not much like people who don’t know him think he is like. He’s just … different. It’s hard to explain. More firm, but also more generous. And also a little more … shiny.
But if you never heard God speak to you, it’s a pity. He probably has, but you were too busy playing with your phone to listen. If you want some coaching on hearing God’s voice, that’s a key I can help share with you. We call it enjoying ‘communion’ from the term koinonia in the Greek, but Jesus said, “You call it communion, I just call it having fellowship.” But yes, I can give you a few tips.
Jesus asked me to move from Hong Kong to the Philippines to lay the foundation for revival, a revival he said that will make history, it will be legendary. His words not mine. And said we should call our ministry Prayer Mountain, but the work in the Philippines should be called Prayer Mountain Bohol. (It’s a real mountain just not a physical one.)
And so this main site, the Prayer Mountain Bohol website, is a kind of HUB, much like I am, and links together many things the Lord has asked us to do, to plan, to share and to equip people in.
If you enjoy our content, leave a comment, if you dislike our content, leave … a comment also. (Hahaha … classic.)
Right now, you may enjoy reading the prophecies in the book A Future and a Hope–if you can handle the truth that is … some of it may leave your hair singed. But it may also save your soul!
Or if really want the MEAT, you may enjoy the revelations Jesus gave me on the reformation of the church, I call Foundations of the Kingdom.
Or just for a good read try my new sci-fi page turner, STARQUAKE … (think of C.S.Lewis X Star Wars). Ever consider surfing … a supernova shockwave? John, Chase and Rocky did! It was insane!
Or seriously, if you are interested in HEAVEN, I mean the real heaven not like a Philippine beach heaven, but like the real “in HEAVEN” kind of heaven, then you will LOVE the true testimony of a certain Seneca Sodi who went for a bit of stroll, oh, well a 40-days-long stroll in the future home of the faithful, and shared his experience in what we publish as the truly wonderful testimony, 40 Days in Heaven. It’s unparalleled in literature, really. Jesus asked me to republish it, fix the chapters, give it a better name, etc. You’ll love it! It also makes a great gift, and ALL proceeds go literally to helping fund missions in the Philippines.
Enjoy your time here, leave a note, read a few prophecies, and oh, if you want help in any way, just tell me what you can do! We’re looking for help with Blender, Php and WordPress, AutoCAD, article or book editing in prophecy, science fiction, personal biography, artistic help for character concept design–I’m looking for a publisher for Foundations, 40 Days and Starquake too, if you know anyone–or help with architectural design for a modern hotel, luxury housing, a new town, and a 200-hectare theme park with three castles, seven themed villages, eight 4-hectare themed gardens, eight 4-hectare themes ‘lands,’ with all kinds of rides, waterfalls, pleasure gardens and a 7-hectare enclosed butterfly forest. It keeps me pretty busy. Maybe you can help and it can keep you busy too!
Hope you enjoy a few things here and I look forward to hearing from you too!