October 16, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

Wanted: Prayer Tank Crew

Not too long ago Jesus told me we need a prayer team. And that it needs to be tough, “Like a tank!” He actually said.

It’s actually been very hard to find people to back us up in prayer and we’ve had some painful setbacks that God said were due to the warfare we were facing and lack of prayer covering us. We press on regardless but we recently had an outreach and had remarkable healings but also painful warfare afterwards, that was partly due to the lack of outside prayer covering. I want to avoid this from happening next time and anyway Jesus did say we need to form a prayer team and also that they do need to be … well, tough. So we are recruiting right now! Is this for you? Keep reading and find out!

Revival Now

We are sensing the revival here is close to breaking out and Ann and I will be the core ministers of its start and I do not want to ignore the seriousness of the task at hand or go into it unprepared. We are doing what we can on our end to get ready and we just need some help, as Jesus said, and so I am reaching out to our website community to enlist the help of two or three people to serve with us in a difficult but important aspect of his ministry for revival.

And I saw a vision of Jesus as the tank commander and he had a pair of binoculars and was directing our fire, so we are not on our own or following our own strategic prayer targets or ministry plans either.

So what I am looking for is two or three people, from anywhere in the world, to co-labor with us on our prayer team, who I can share more in depth updates on every week or ten days, and then once a month have a nice on-line prayer and worship time together, which would be one to two hours I expect.

We will soon give you access to the back-end websites to explain more of the prophecies that went before us and the projects we have been given to do and the next steps we are praying to take. There will be a learning curve and there is a lot of information to share to give you understanding of the scope and scale of our calling, which like I said you are being invited to co-labor with us in.


People who want to consider being on the prayer team first need to be ready for warfare from day one. There is a reason why Jesus said it needs to be like a tank. We fight witches on a regular basis and sometimes territorial principalities and you cannot be surprised by the warfare–we’re not going around looking for it but in a way of thinking we do expect it. A tank is made for warfare and we cannot somehow be shocked when they start shooting at us! We just need to know how to shoot back. The first part of the Armor of God Jesus told me is simply to stand! If this is your mindset, keep reading!

Second, people need to be comfortable prophesying and hearing God give them direction, insights and revelations of underlying issues we are facing on a regular basis. If you are new to seeing visions and hearing God speak you may not be prepared for the depth, frequency and detail of revelation we expect God will pour out to you, probably starting immediately, if you are willing to hear it. There is no other way to coordinate or communicate than to rely on the insight of the Holy Spirit–even sharing the many words that have gone on before us is not enough to do this adequately but can be seen as a kind of introduction only. The Rhema voice of God will be your direct connection. But you can grow into this, if only like I said you are willing.

Third, you need to be personally ready for the backlash, or as Ann calls it the backslash. You can’t be either thin-skinned and so easily triggered or prideful and so unwilling to ask for help. You rather need to be quick to ask for prayer, quick to fast and pray to overcome and have no hidden or secret sin in your life. You will need to be Spirit-filled obviously and walking in wholeness of heart. We do not expect anyone to be perfect, or perfected yet, and we do all in some way walk with a limp like Jacob did after wrestling the angel, and our first priority is actually to defend and pray for each other, only then will we be able to focus on praying for the tasks at hand. So our own welfare is our first and foremost priority–but if we can never get past our own personal issues and private struggles we are probably not yet ready to serve on such a challenging assignment as this.

And Note: there is no gift of warfare or deliverance or authority mentioned in the New Testament; there is only maturity. If you feel you can serve on a combat prayer team because you have good doctrines on warfare, no, doctrines do not cast down strongholds. If you feel you can overcome because you have nice prayers written down to recite against demons, no, rehearsed religious words do not cast demons out. Authority comes from Intimacy, Knowledge and Power Jesus told me. It is not so much a spiritual gift as much as it is the result of tried and tested maturity. These are the people I am looking for to help us in this great calling to bring revival to the Philippines. If this is you, I hope to hear from you.

We read that King David was anointed by God to lead the country but he did not do this on his own. God sent him those who in the eyes of the community were outcasts, debtors and malcontents. However, somehow between the calling, the leadership of David and the anointing of the Holy Spirit the 30 Mighty Men were among them. These are the kinds of people I hope to attract.

Take a Test Drive

We can also suggest helping us in six or twelve week shifts, on and off, and this can give people time to recover and reflect if this is something they really want to keep doing … the warfare is real and if you are willing and eager but its just not what you were ready for or expecting, we don’t want to part ways on bad terms! Not everyone is cut out for this kind of role–we certainly weren’t at first but it comes with the calling so we’ve had to grow into it!

So if you think you are stable, mature, ready for a challenge and not afraid of the inevitable wrestling we must do against the principalities, powers, world holders and spirits of wickedness in heavenly places … witches, demons and invisible adversaries in the spiritual realm, I would really love to make your acquaintance!

You can email me or send me a DM on whatsapp, telegram or messenger. I don’t post these details often but will make them more easily accessible. My direct email is ej@prayermountainbohol.com and I look forward to hearing from you! May God show himself powerful to you and for you! Amen!