March 10, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

100 Visions-#1: Cutting Wood, End of the Carnival, The Great Falling Away has Come

People want to know what God says, how does he sound? What does he say. Well, he speaks to everyone differently. But yes, EVERYONE can hear his voice if they would just quiet themselves down and listen.

If God is just talking to you, a like a father, like a friend, he will be talking to you about mostly personal things. If God is talking to you about things around you, maybe he just wants to make your world a bigger, brighter place. He talks about animals, the weather, his favorite colors.

But he if he’s ready to use you to talk to OTHER people about things THEY DON’T WANT TO HEAR … Well that’s what you start to get into the realm of being used as a prophet. That’s how I see it, it’s not really what you hear, how you hear, whether you hear … It has more to do with what God asks you to share, to whom you are asked to share, HOW you are asked to share. That’s where the JOB of being a prophet comes into play.

At least that’s how I see things.

100 Visions: a few at a time

So I think I’ll share about 100 random visions, a few at time. It’s good both for learning and to know what God is talking about, how to recognize his voice, and what kinds of situations God is talking into.

So three simple visions I had for a church I was attending, which was a very trendy and modern, fun church. They had very well produced music, probably the best music production in Asia, at least in the top three churches I think at the time. They had a strong income and so many young and wealthy ex-patriots they seemed invincible. But for what God was saying, we all would believe it too!

I saw a SAW cutting a log but my assumption of what it meant was totally off.

See? I saw a Saw Cutting Wood

I saw a log being cut with a saw. I guessed it had something to do with a play on words, like ‘I saw you’ or I ‘see’ you or something. My guess was totally off. Jesus spoke and said, “I will cut off their expectations.

The CARNIVAL will End

Around the same time I saw like a carnival tent and heard, “The Carnival will stop in a day. You’ll even miss some of the fun.”

What do you mean by the carnival atmosphere, I asked?

Well, a year and a half prior they held an all night prayer meeting, and made it like a pajama party. We ended at 6 am with fancy crepes with fruit compote and coffee like we were on a fancy garden party. There was not really a lot of prophecy, intercession or real warfare. This was the event that God then referenced to me to explain what he meant by a ‘carnival,’ saying, “The way that all night prayer was done.”

What God called a Carnival to me, to her he called a Circus. Either way the leaders refused to listen and drove the church out of God’s will, protection and destiny. He gave their mantle in fact to another church who took over their former location … and calling.

Confirmation: One of the other ‘intercessors’ a very serious law professor, Maggie, resisted my sharing of these ‘negative’ words. I was accused of having an agenda. Why was no one else having these ‘negative’ words they asked?! She was not as vocal as others, but after a tense ‘intercessors meeting’ which I may not share, we got into small teams to pray before going home. She prayed with me and she had a vision and saw a Circus Tent and she repeated what she was hearing God say to her, which was that God would bring that *Church* circus to an end. I stopped her, Why did you just say that? I asked. That’s what God showed me, she said, the church is like a circus and he said he’s going to bring it to an end. I said something like, I told you God said “The carnival will stop in a day” and you said I was wrong, I was making it up, I am always hearing ‘negative’ words, but you saw a vision of nearly the exact same thing, why is it true if you say it but if I say it you must ignore it because its ‘negative’? She just stared blankly in contemplation before dropping the issue and going home.

So you see, God was speaking to many people, they were hearing it, but they just refused to listen, and refuse to share. How would the church avoid falling into a ditch if no one would tell them they were headed in the wrong direction?

Maybe that’s enough sharing. People don’t have a stomach for hearing what a REAL God has to REALLY say. They just quote happy scriptures and never ask to know if there is anything really wrong making him upset. Having a church full of prophets but who are scared to hear God speak is counter productive. Hearing God’s word as a watchman, and refusing to warn people is a sin! And God will hold them accountable for that!

The Times of the Great Falling Away Have Come.

Well, ok I’ll share one more. I also heard this word from the Lord … a long time before others picked up on the problems surrounding their big decision to move the church into a unused pornography theater owned by active pagans at a staggering cost, all for a limited 15 year lease. The word does not sound conditional to me.

Lord: “Read Ezekiel.”

Me: “Oh my old friend!”

Lord: “No, it’s not like that.

“Hard times are coming to the *Church* Peeps—[he called them peeps! He knew how cool they tried to act! I guess you can’t out-smart God! Can’t out-cool him either! Sorry to interject, he continued.]

“I’ve warned them but they will not heed the cry of one calling in/from the wilderness—so into the wilderness they shall be led of my Spirit of hope (the hope that they repent).

“OF OLD I have told man not to trust his own reasoning or lean unto his own understanding—yet here we are again—a dead end as they say, spiritually speaking.

“Now I will come and drive them from my [tabernacle / habitation / dwelling place]—into the wild—the wilderness.

“They shall know how to call on the name of the Lord before they emerge, unscathed, but having lost all and everything.


Me: “And what Lord, would you have me say and do?”

Lord: “Watch. Be ready to forgive my wounded sheep when they come back, lest they be lost forever.

“The times of the great falling away have come.”