July 6, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

100 Visions-#9: 27 visions for my ex-; the Ground Beneath her Feet; 1,000 times bigger

During God’s preparation while still in Hong Kong I had over 27 revelations, many dreams but also open visions and conversations with God about my partner, my wife. My ex. She had promises of God, a destiny, and was like a tree … but one that was stuck in a plant pot by a sand dune, and would not be able to ever grow properly unless this confining mind-set was abandoned. It was pride and fear and a religious spirit, etc. He told her herself that she was unable to go to a higher level like everyone else, she was not clothed in a wedding gown but in circular brown hoop dress, of circular reasoning, self-will, and works of the flesh; she was clothed in torn pajamas not proper clothing, she was often falling into the mud (the crisis of the mind of flesh), overcome by dark reasonings, I saw 12 demonic attacks in one dream alone, and so many other symbols God told her to try to convince her to cast off the old ways, the flesh, and put on Christ, who she began to have a very easy time to openly talk with.

But even though she began to openly converse with Jesus, her heart was not willing to trust him, uproot the pride and seek his grace to overcome her faults. This went on for several years. One demon I often saw looked like a bear, I saw it several times but try as hard as I could I was unable to break it’s power over her. It began to convince her to quit the church, leave our family and denounce her prophetic and missionary calling, which she finally did. When it finally convinced her to leave, I saw it behind her gloating, “I won, I won!” Jesus said plainly, Ask her to stay. She refused. And then he said I need to let her make her own choices, I need to let her go. I felt she would be purified in her wilderness time and return to me and the Lord some day, but that was not exactly what God was saying. I had several visions of her returning to the Lord, but she was gone so long by the time she came back she had to go to a lower level to try and get caught up to everyone else.

At that time we lived in Hong Kong near several witches and demonic pagan temples in Mui Wo and it’s a great place to learn spiritual warfare, if you are ready. Some people are not.

I was worried she would be gone for two or three months. How could I wait that long!? Well, after being gone for three years I was already in Bohol, we had an earthquake, and she called me! To yell at me! She finally heard there was an earthquake many days later, and of course we have no power, no cell coverage, but she was upset I didn’t call her to tell her we were ok. I reminded her we had no phones for many days, and power was just now on and off, and WE were the ones who endured the catastrophe, but OK, next time I would call her sooner.

God prompted me to ask her about getting back together. It’s been three years! No, it’s only been one year she insisted. I counted events, and Oh, ok yes, three years! Well, we just had an earthquake so its not good timing maybe to invite her to move here, but God spoke to her many times from our family vacation on about his plans for her in Bohol, her mission here, his plans for revival (although he only told her very general ideas at that time and not all his Big Ideas yet). But she said No, God NEVER spoke to her about Bohol, or about her moving here, or her being called to serve him here on a mission or anything like that all never. NEVER HAPPENED! … We still use her prophetic notes as prayer direction, none of which she now said she wrote. As she was speaking God said listen, “She is denouncing her calling. I release you from your marriage to her. I will pass on her mantle and anointing on to someone better than her.” She started amicable divorce proceedings soon and I was left with more questions than answers.

The thing is God had given me over a dozen major prophecies about my marriage myself, none of which had come to pass over these last 16 years. The first prophecy I ever got was about a special woman God prepared for me to marry. I was 19. And maybe you can’t read between the lines, but I was waiting YEARS for her to come back and to be a single man in the Philippines, I was getting three or four marriage proposals A DAY from beautiful, I mean BEAUTIFUL, young, kind, affectionate ladies. I mean really sometimes four a day! I was just closing my eyes, I was so lonely, so tired, waiting for her to return to God, under such intense offers it was a kind of torture. But OK, God, I get it. She was still not over her rebellion, it seems like in three years she was still just as hard and adamant as when she left. But you promised me, God! … and I listed several of the promises of God for my marriage that now all had failed! Had God failed me? Had God’s promises to me about my marriage failed? This is very serious!! So many words and visions! I needed an explanation!

God replied immediately, “Not at all! My promises that I made to you for your marriage … just haven’t happened yet.”

I was stunned! Dumbfounded!! What was in store for my future?!

Her own visions of Sheep and Goats Divided

The bible says we prophesy in part, and I had seen so many visions of her falling away, over 27 core prophecies, but when it happened I was still confused. Maybe I was in denial? Was it the weight of the calling, the warfare for the revival? I prayed and did everything I knew to do. The main church we had been previously attending in Hong Kong was likewise falling back into the world, maybe this was a part of the problem? She herself saw the vision of that church before she left and she saw that God was dividing the community into two camps, Sheep and Goats, and the ground beneath our feet was being split apart.

She said that she saw herself standing with me and a few people on the side that was being set apart for the Lord as the ground began to split, but her heart was attached to the community of carnal people and like a tether she was being pulled back to join them. She said this openly. It finally pulled her away.

I begged God to bring her back so many times, but he said she was in his hands now, she had made up her mind, and she was now a part of the apostate church who are no longer looking to solve problems but just want to find someone to blame. I recall that week she left, three years before the earthquake in Bohol, she moved out of our house on Oct 31 around midnight, and instead of letting me have time off to cry and grieve, such a sweet peace came over the house, and he began increase the flow of his presence to me, like a barrier or blockage had been removed!

His presence and fellowship became so frequent and intimate, he explained more about his revelation of the Kingdom, I saw and visited heaven several times, and this was when I met God in three persons at Christmas when I was totally alone that year, which I shared in a video. He also soon asked me to start to train the prophets and began finally to tell me the details of his plans for me in the Philippines. They were 100 times larger than my biggest prayer, my wildest dream, then they began to grow. By the time I told God, maybe, just maybe, I don’t want to say no to you, but maybe the vision is too big for me. By that time it was maybe about 1,000 times bigger than the biggest thing I had prayed for before. He said, “I know, that’s why I made the vision SMALLER,” and I saw parts he CUT OUT which now that I think about it I want to add back to the vision as well ….