July 6, 2024

Prayer Mountain Bohol

Prophecy | Equipping | Revival | Development

100 Visions-#8: Mantle of Feathers, My Way Made Straight

In Hong Kong the week before I was going to return to Bohol, Philippines at God’s instruction so I could to learn more about the island and God’s plans there, Maurice Sklar, who played violin for many of Benny Hinn’s crusades visited the city. He walks in a very high level prophetic mantle. At one of his meetings he prayed for healing for people in the audience. We all stood and prayed, but I told God, “I’m not sick. What I want, God, is the healing gift so I can pray for others.” Maurice told people they could sit down, and stopped and said, “What? … Ok!” like he was talking to someone invisible, which he was, and looked at me sitting in the crowd and said, “YOU!” pointing at me. “You asked for this healing gift? Come up here I will give it to you.” He knew my prayer seconds after I prayed it!

He had me open both my hands and he said as Benny Hinn had imparted his healing gift to him, he would impart it to me. He slapped my open hands with his and prayed for me. I didn’t feel anything very strong, but yes I could feel the Lord’s presence, so I just sat down on the floor before going back to my seat and sought the Lord so I could really catch this impartation.

Then I had a vision.

I saw Jesus and he placed a mantle on me. It was made of long bird feathers, the long ones they call pinions, but they covered me from my shoulders down past my knees. I was given by Jesus a long cloak of feathers. It was a healing mantle. Then Jesus said, Come, let’s go. And I saw small round, conical hills, what I knew from seeing pictures on the internet was Chocolate Hills in Carmen, Bohol. This was before I went there but I saw it on line when I was researching. And Jesus took my hand and we FLEW over these Chocolate Hills and small feathers, like down feathers, came off my mantle as I flew and scattered all over the place.

I took it to mean Jesus would give me a healing gift and use me in the Philippines. Later Jesus said yes, but he was not giving me a GIFT of healing but a MINISTRY of Healing.

He didn’t explain it more than that at that time, but also showed me a vision of a HORSE someone was given to ride as a leader, but they fell off their horse and it was given to me instead. Rick Joyner said in his visions that the horse was a symbol not of a ministry but of a Movement of God. That’s a big task. I tell people it seemed like the horse had belonged to someone else before me, and if they lost it, so can I! So I need to take it very seriously and do my best not to mess this up!

My Way Made Straight

Then I remembered a vision I had probably two years before that, when there was a guest minister from USA who came to a trendy church in Hong Kong, the one that I later attended but this was my first or second time visiting in the day time service.

During worship I felt something POKE ME IN THE EYE. It didn’t hurt but I felt it very strongly and it poked me through my eye like all the way into my brain! I turned to the person next to me and told them a sudden revelation I had during worship … it was a profound idea, a new revelation. And just a few moments later the guest speaker came and told us the reason he came to Hong Kong was to impart a revelation .. And it was the exact thing I just realized when I got poked in the eye! I realized I had his message imparted to me supernaturally during worship already before he even shared in English what God had told him! Amazing! I leaned we can teach people by laying on hands, we don’t even need to talk to them!

When he finished talking he prayed for everyone and I had a vision. I saw landscape of many, small, conical hills and there was a river winding its way through them. Suddenly the hills moved out of the way, like they parted to the left and right and made a very wide, flat valley floor between them now, and the river became straight and got wider and wider. So God was going to take my path, which was difficult and winding, and make my path straight, and my made river wide!

Only later when I began to go on short mission trips and do more research did I realize all these visions were of the same actual place, the Chocolate Hills, in a town called Carmen, Bohol. These were ways God was telling me what he would do for me in the Philippines, where he would soon ask me to move.

House of Healing

Then I had a dream of a farmhouse, it looked very American style like a ranch house maybe in Texas, but it was in the Philippines! Inside it was very comfortable, like a rural American family house, and outside in the front lawn were dozens of Orange birds resting on the lawn. I knew the house was a Healing House, like a refuge and place where intercessors stayed to pray for the sick. I felt it was going to be in Carmen, near the Chocolate Hills.

Throne over the center of the Island

Later Jesus told me to make a Camp in the nearby town of Bilar, like a retreat center or church worship venue I think. I was driving towards this town, up from the dangerous roads through Dimiao which is along the coast. Lots happened in Dimiao later, especially in the small neighborhood named “witch coven” or Balbalin, where people see witches flying in the sky all the time. There’s a reason they portray witches flying on a broom in western comics, but here it’s not a cartoon, it’s deadly.

So we are sent there a lot to help people and pray. Now it has an open heaven but it was a painful struggle which I may not share here.

But one time we drove our motorcycle up through Dimiao, the roads are STEEP washed out gullies, very dangerous, but the view is beautiful, and then we went the interior to Bilar, but the back way that most cars can’t even pass! You can’t just drive straight through because there is a HUGE impenetrable jungle forest reserve, with hills like egg cartons, or wavy mattress pad, there are no roads, but LOTS of exotic birds, monkeys … and witches. This day when I was driving along the forest towards Bilar near what must be just about the exact center of the Island and I saw in the sky above this national forest a giant THRONE in the sky. I felt a few things. It is the seat of Spiritual Authority over the Island. It was empty but being given to me. That’s quite a big deal–any advice on sitting in the seat of authority over such a place?