chapter 20 of the book, A Future and a Hope
The End Times Deception will be so
AUDACIOUS most people won’t even believe you
if you tell them what’s coming … but it’s coming
September 2018
The Lord asked me to write an article to include in this book which stumped me cold for about seven years. It’s not because I didn’t know what to write about, it’s because I did.
He asked me to write an article on ALIENS. He said to prepare the people for what is to come and I admit this is mostly my opinion and speculation, research and reasoning, and not based much on my prophesying. So let me call this an Opinion / Editorial piece not a prophecy, and also allow me the liberty and latitude to tell you what I think MAY, because I am not 100% certain about some of these things.
I normally do not get to do this, as I try to write prophecy and only write what I know to be true but we are entering strange times and the Lord asked me to write what I know, and I am sorry to speculate about a few things but you will still find my analysis clear and logic reasonable. And like the Lord said, warn the people of what is to come.
The Trouble with Humanity
Humanity is in trouble, and everyone knows it. And God, who loves even the fallen world and wants to save it, has made a plan to remedy their woes. He told me the Gospel can be the remedy of ALL humanity’s ills. But if people do not accept this plan of salvation, redemption and glorification … then what? They are still going to be in a mess, and as things get worse and worse they will only get more and more desperate and will literally fall into any deception that promises them an escape route.
What we are facing in the End Times is going to be the worst years of humanity’s existence. I think of living in Nazi Germany. It was not just war. It was a deception and if you were German, or living in a conquered nation, there was no safe place to hide: either you joined the Nazis and helped to kill the weaker races, and probably got killed yourself in war, or you yourself were killed by the Nazis. The End Times Deception is going to be that kind of trial. There will be no neutral ground to stand on, no neutral country to escape to, no choice to sit this one out, aside from the Divine promise of protection given to a few thousand numbered witnesses, it will be total global chaos. And the underlying world view backing this new order will be no less demonic than what fueled the Nazi war machine.
I know people’s hearts will fail them from fear … but in all that, just don’t say there’s no hope. There’s always hope.
But let me start by telling you how we got here.
We Are Not Alone
When God made mankind it is clear there were already other life-forms inhabiting the universe. One class of ‘good’ beings we call Angels. The other class of ‘bad’ beings we call Demons. These are ‘spiritual’ beings which have no physical bodies, but as advanced beings can ‘appear’ and even ‘take on the form’ of physical beings and the Bible mentions this occurring several times. What Christians conclude from this basic world view is that mankind is alone in God’s creation as a sentient physical creature and there are no other physical life-forms on other planets, meaning they assume there are no real ‘aliens.’

‘Aliens’ depicted in media almost always resemble “super smart” human-like creatures, but they are still just based on the same fallen nature we have now. It’s sinful man, just with more technology.
So when people ask ‘Are we alone in the Universe’ they usually ask this question from the perspective of an un-saved world view, meaning people who often believe there is no supernatural world (or at least no angels or demons, God, heaven or hell) and mankind is good, meaning there was no ‘fall of Man,’ and so we are not facing a divine judgment of going to hell or heaven. This really means they do not understand the fallen nature of Man and do not understand the character flaws inherent within mankind are actually a malfunction of their original design. The natural world around us is as corrupt as we are and so we see the same behaviors being acted out in chimpanzees, dogs and chickens. This means they also do not understand what the un-fallen nature of sinless man, or an uncorrupted natural environment would even look like. They have simply never seen moral perfection in any creature and so do not believe it exits. This then reflects in how they imagine other ‘alien’ life forms would behave and they think of them as acting with the same set of selfish, carnal instincts they themselves have. Only they imagine aliens would be far older and so have more time to ‘evolve’ and so be more technologically advanced and so have better technology, but that’s about it.
What this leads to is almost a universally accepted idea that if there were other ‘alien’ beings and civilizations in the universe they would be pretty much just like us in character, meaning they would act fairly similar to carnal humanity, but be able to call upon much more advanced technologically to do things like travel across space, heal or kill. We see this projection of the ‘unsaved self-image with advanced technology’ in most all science fiction instances.
What I will point out first, is that if there were real aliens, they would not resemble merely hyper-technological fallen, sinful humans. They would most likely be sinless, and if there are ‘aliens’ now interacting with humanity, abducting, breeding, and deceiving them, basically acting sinfully … then these being would not be authentic aliens, but imposters masquerading in a form that unsaved humanity will accept … we call them demons. And that means these imposters are interacting with us with an evil intent, obviously of enslaving and destroying us, not saving us from our own looming self-destruction.
I will then show the great peril facing unsaved humanity, stems largely from aliens/demons breeding with humans and making a mixed ‘master’ race, an upgrade of Humanity. The secret agenda of alien/ancient gods interbreeding with mankind is key component of most world religions in the past and this belief will be revived and when the plan is finally revealed anyone not embracing this new order, meaning those with a truly enlightened understanding of its deception, as well as anyone deemed not to be born from the new stock, will face extermination. The New Humanity that will be revealed which is part human – part demon/alien is not a great leap forward in our evolution, but the very doom of fallen mankind instead—tragic and ironic that it is the very fate they embraced this deception to avoid.
The Clock is Ticking
Fallen humanity has only been given a few thousand years to sort out its sin problem and in a cosmic scale of time this is but a vapor, a breath, a brief heartbeat. So from Adam to today we can say it’s been about 6,000 years, and we expect the soon coming of Jesus to end the current order and usher in a 1,000 year reign, and then wrap up this sin-afflicted phase of humanity for good. We expect the total span of time mankind will be subjected to a fallen nature to be about 7,000 years. If a nearby alien race were indeed watching us, an un-fallen race, a race still enjoying unbroken fellowship with their Creator, I expect they would want to have little to do with us until our brief period of affliction is over. I would expect the Lord to tell them this, and to ask them to just wait to meet us until our quarantine period is completed. And waiting 7,000 years would not be as difficult to them as it seems to us.
What follows logically is to understand the effect sin has had on our relationship to God and apply this insight to a proposed alien race. Sin has largely broken our relationship with God, especially on a personal level. God still loves us but we cannot have a meaningful, communicative relationship with him until the sin issue is resolved. This is why born-again Christians who are given the Holy Spirit and enjoy redemption from sin can fellowship with God in prayer and spiritual fellowship in a way only Adam and Eve as humans knew, as well as Jesus of course, and as well as the angels. Every human accepted into heaven now enjoys this open communication and relationship as well. The only ones left out of fellowship with God are … fallen man, demons, etc.
‘Real’ Aliens Would Have No Sin
What I want to point out is if there were other civilizations that fell into sin like humanity did, I would expect God to do much the same thing to them that he did to mankind, meaning either destroy them (like he did with the Flood and to Sodom), or redeem them, like he did to us through Christ’s blood, those he now calls his Bride. So what I mean to say is if there were other alien civilizations either they would be in a kind of corrupted state and act like demons and so be under a kind of quarantine to protect outsiders while their period for redemption and judgment is being worked out … or they would simply not exist in such a fallen state to begin with and so be sinless.
So if God created a race of beings elsewhere who were not in sin they would also enjoy unbroken fellowship, communication and social interaction with the Lord of all, their Creator. There would be no separation from them and God socially due to sin as we humans now experience, being the normal experience for most all mankind.
These un-sinful beings would therefore be naturally wise, peaceful, happy and what meaningful interaction a sinless race of beings would have with a sinful race of carnal mankind is probably easy to imagine. They would hate us. They would be frustrated at our lack of every virtue, the presence of every corruption and not be able to enjoy the kind of meaningful friendships we and they want. What fellowship does darkness have with light? None.
There are anyway other beings interacting with us on a daily basis tasked with our care while we are in this blind and darkened state, the angels, and out of frustration any nearby aliens would let the angels do their job and wait until we are fully cured and can be better neighbors and friends.
If Visiting Aliens are Sinful …Then They Are Not ‘Real’
So assuming most of God’s other created life-forms, if they exist, would have not fallen into sin like mankind has (or have been destroyed or reformed in the meantime), I would expect MOST ALL alien civilizations we could ever encounter or have contact with to behave like a sinless race of unfallen ‘saints.’
Likewise, if we are being visited by and having some kind of strange interaction with advanced non-earthly beings and they are NOT acting like altruistic sinless perfect ‘saints,’ then my conclusion based on this analysis is that they would certainly not be angels, and also not be ‘real’ aliens.
What could they be? That’s also easy to conclude: Demons masquerading as ‘aliens,’ taking on a form not as fawns, or trolls or mermaids, but as technologically advanced extra-terrestrials, since that is what most people nowadays can accept, and also what our media has been grooming us to believe in for many years already.
Only One
Christians usually interpret the Bible to mean that there are no other physical beings inhabiting the universe, and that angels live in ‘heaven’ and demons are loose in the earth realm to harass mankind. Why demons would choose this location has to do with their hatred of God and their discovery of mankind, who is a choice creation of God that God loves, and if demons can harm us, they can indirectly harm God who loves us by causing him grief and sorrow at our affliction. Having demons fix their attention on the Earth means there is something unique about it. It means there is no other real place for them to attack, at least not in this frame of time. Yes, maybe there are other civilized planets and maybe at least some of them have fallen into sin, but if Satan is here on the earth harassing mankind, who as a being cannot be in more than one place at a time, so he has to choose where is the best singular place to occupy his time to do the most damage, and if that choice is the earth, then there is no other place open to his corruption, or if there is a place open it is not the right time for him to afflict them with meaningful damage. In any case as we know, Satan would rather spend his time here on earth, and all this goes to say is that the earth’s sin condition is therefore probably very unique in the universe, and maybe totally so.
Angels: A Race or merely a Job Description?
But about the angels inhabiting ‘heaven’ we have a lot of questions. They will mostly have to wait since I am not writing this to merely ponder everything we do not understand. I am trying to steer this discussion to prove a few odd points and then make a conclusion about the End Times peril we are facing.
So another assumption Christians often make has to do with the nature of angels as a race. What I mean is that they assume there is a ‘race’ of angels. In fact the term ‘angel’ is not the definition of a race but merely the description of a job. It normally means ‘messenger’ simply and could include any number of types of beings who simply have chosen or been selected to serve the Lord and have been assigned to work with mankind as a helper, guardian, protector or even a kind of friend. I think of them more like a nanny or domestic helper, but some are more effective in warfare, others in ministry (healing or prophecy), worship, etc., and there are more questions we can come up than solid facts we can agree on from the Bible right now. In fact Paul used this term ‘angel’ to refer to demons, angels and humans alike.
Dean Braxton has an interesting perspective as a man who died and visited heaven briefly and said he saw angels in such a diverse profusion of body types that it was only maybe he said 1 in 10 that had a human type shape. When asked to clarify this he pointed out the body type of humans is not even the most common type of body shape of life on earth, he mentioned ants for example which greatly outnumber humans on earth.
In 40 Days in Heaven one of the angels who spoke a lot with Seneca Sodi on his 40-day visit said only that they were ancient beings who learned their lessons in ages past. If they had lessons to learn, they probably had a place to live while they learned them, obviously not in the service of mankind at that time, which didn’t even exist yet. Maybe they lived in what we call heaven, but in fact ‘heaven’ is a place created for mankind to dwell, not for every creation God has made. Heaven is more than a city, but a large place created for mankind to dwell with God, and it is not the only place God has created to be inhabited.
So if ‘angel’ refers to beings who simply occupy a kind of job of acting as messengers who are chosen to serve mankind during our earthly phase of existence, there is no inherent reason why they could not come from any number of social civilizations before, and be from any number of races of beings who are simply living their lives in whatever shape or form, in whatever physical, material or spiritual state, living on whatever kind of planet: rocky, gaseous, radioactive or ice cold that God made to house them. In this case, the existence of Angels in Heaven does not prove the existence of ‘aliens’ as we think of it from popular media, but it does prove the existence of life outside the earth and so yes it answers the question conclusively that no we are not alone in the universe … but if it can be postulated / theorized that those who are chosen to serve as ‘angels’ to us do come from backgrounds from across the cosmos, populated civilizations I mean, then yes these would therefore be the ‘real’ aliens we are looking for.
Most Christians cannot easily follow this logic, and when considering whether it is possible that angels come from their own home civilizations, they remember the few facts we know of them and say it cannot be. Since all we know of them is that they are servants of God, flames of fire, spirits sent to help mankind, and were not ‘born’ but simply ‘created’ and the thinking goes if they were ‘created’ then they cannot possibly have a home society, because how could they?! How could they have a home city without wives, babies, schools, school buses, after school jobs, office buildings, vacations and retirement?
What am I talking about, you ask? What I mean is that we have an in-grained human world view and it’s small. We think if God made a world and put life in it, it must be both physical / biological and reproductive. But that does not need to be so. God can make a world and put beings in it which live in a social society even though he simply created them and BOOM they came into being; and maybe sometimes he wants some more and BOOM makes some more and they have a home, a society, a world … but simply do not need to breed. So yes they would still enjoy fellowship with each other, learn, have common endeavors, do business even, travel, rest, relax, but they simply do not want or need to breed to reproduce.
And they would certainly not all be male. They would all be androgynous. Kinda boring you think? Well, to them having an insatiable, uncontrollable URGE to constantly mate which burns as an unquenchable drive even below a conscious desire for or rational need of is CRAZY. And I think they would be right! The biological function of reproduction is SO STRONG in humans we have a nearly impossible time imagining there could be a meaningful life without it, certainly not an enjoyable one. So when we imagine alien life, we imagine them to be just like us in character, usually with a different body shape, but nearly always like us in base motivation, and somehow biological, and naturally also reproductive.
Satan studies us and if he wants to fool us he has to create a deception that is baited with enough reasonable elements of believability according to our normal mindset that we will fall for it. More on this later… but let me talk more about angels.
Angels Who DID Breed
So we know angels don’t breed to reproduce, they don’t reproduce at all and that God just made them.
But we also know there are stories in the Bible that tells us some angels discovered how they could manifest in a physical way and indeed breed with women and have offspring of their own, and this opens up a can of giant worms most of us would rather ignore.
Genesis 6 says there were ‘sons of God,’ a difficult term to interpret, but that mostly refers to angelic beings who were probably entrusted with keeping an eye on the earth, taking care of weather, earthquakes, meteors, and things like that, and they looked down one day and saw something they had never seen before … breeding! Mankind was able to make their own creations! Wow, who knew?!!
The book of Enoch deals with this at length and he called them Watcher Angles. Now, the Book of Enoch is not Scripture … but is quoted in Scripture a few times. So it can’t be trusted word for word as the bible can, but it also cannot be dismissed out of hand. So Enoch says these Watchers mated with women and God judged them so they asked Enoch to plead their case with God for leniency. It failed. There were about 200 in this same predicament. But their fate is unclear.
This incident does not mean they were ‘male’ angels necessarily, meaning that they had male equipment, only that they found a way to take on a material form that could be compatible with women, and in any case as history has proven they made it work.
Part-Human Offspring
What we first see is these very special offspring mentioned in Genesis 6 are described as ‘men of renown’ … Probably bigger, smarter, stronger and faster than normal humans. But also they had parents who knew the mysteries of metallurgy, medicine from plants, engineering, warfare and taught their offspring secrets mankind was not to learn until much later, giving them a huge head start in every area of human endeavor.
Now the Bible then says and ‘also there were Nefilim in the land in those days.’ What the link is between these two events is uncertain. Were the offspring of the Watchers the Nefilim? Does ‘sons of God’ refer to other beings besides the Watchers who also learned how to mate with human women? Were demons the parents of the Nefilim while the Watchers were the parents of the ‘men of renown’? The Bible is unclear.
It does say that the Nefilim were in the land in those days … and also after. We know God judged the life on earth and destroyed it, saving Noah, who was called righteous, but it may also suggest it was because he was not interbred, ‘unblemished in his genealogy’ or something like that. So it is likely one of the main reasons God killed all life on earth at that time was because so much of it had been interbred with these ‘sons of God’ directly or with their descendants.
The troubling fact is that the flood may have killed these hybrid humans, but there were more hybrid humans in the days after the flood. When the Israelites went into the land of Canaan more than a thousand years later they and the neighboring peoples said it was filled with races of giants. Some had six fingers and toes—five being the number of man, while six being the number of … angels. Some had two rows of teeth. They mention several tribes by name, but some are merely different regional names for the same people. They did not call them Nephilim at that time but Emim, Zamzumim, Anakim which were all considered to be Rephaim, and several others as well. Much later David killed a giant called Goliath who was from the Anakim land of Gath. Og of Bashon’s kingdom was so large it contained 60 cities, and his people were so large their doors were documented even in the 19th century excavations to typically be 9 feet tall, 4 feet wide and carved out of a single hard stone, usually like dolomite!
These part-human groups were judged by God and destroyed by Moses, Joshua and even David’s men. We wonder about the justice of exterminating entire tribes of people, and we assumed they were evil devil worshippers only, but it turns out they were not even fully human to begin with.
Global Pandemic
Outside of the biblical text we have evidence from ALL OVER THE EARTH of such giant beings, their tools, their graves, their skeletons. Some 9 or 12 feet tall, some up to twice that. Tools in a tin mine discovered that were not too large for a human to lift but certainly too large to be used as a hammer! Yet they were worn from much use. Native American stories of the red-haired six-fingered giants who ate humans. Westerns greet each other by shaking hands, an old custom to show they are not armed; Japanese bow to show respect, but Native Americans signaled peace greetings by holding up their hand, and showing they have five fingers, not six, to say—’I’m human!—don’t kill me!’
So first we can assume these giants travelled. But we can also assume if the Watchers figured out how to mate successfully with women, it would not take much tinkering for regular hordes of fallen angels to learn the same tricks, and they could have interbred with mankind ALL OVER THE EARTH. That gives us two issues. One is the effect this would have on global cultures in the ancient world.
Greek Gods Behaving Badly
Greek legend recounts tales of Beings from Above mating with mankind and making a kind of race of demi-gods. These Beings from Above were far from righteous in any sense of the word. They had many sexual partners, killed their own children in fits of rage and jealousy and generally behaved like drunken miscreants. But we can now see a clear parallel with the biblical account. We then realize there are stories in every ancient culture of ‘gods’ coming down and breeding with normal humans and making races of demi-gods. These stories became the foundation of the mythos of Greece, Egypt, Assyria, Scandanavia, the Aztec, Mayan, Incan, and also Asian and African peoples, which look very similar to the biblical account, only told from the viewpoint of normal unsaved people groups suffering at the hands of these supernatural visitors.
What becomes plain to see is that humanity has a hybrid problem, and these ancient myths of Zeus, Odin, Ra, are probably stories based on some fact. The cultures they inspired show a character of depravity and cruelty, gross immorality and the lingering danger is that these sources of demonic mythology give modern unsaved people a past historical precedent to help them embrace what will be unleashed again as the end times deception …. A wise man once said, there is nothing new under the sun.
A Cursed Race Living Among Us
The second point a global interbreeding epidemic gives rise to is the presence among us of hybrid humans who are judged as abominations in God’s eyes. This gives Satan a perfect race to overthrow the world with. They are physical creatures, they look like humans, yet they can’t be ‘saved’ and join God’s family since they are under God’s curse, so they will stay loyal to their family line over time. And being under God’s curse means they can help to strengthen Satan’s kingdom in other ways because their very presence would drive away God’s people and his presence carried within them. It’s not only a recipe for tribal conflict and war, it is a recipe for genocide.
This brings to mind a verse about the judgment of God and the harvest at the end of the age. Let’s read Matthew 13: 24-29 (CBJ).
24Yeshua put before them another parable. “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25but while people were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, then went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads of grain, the weeds also appeared. 27The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?’ 28He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants asked him, ‘Then do you want us to go and pull them up?’ 29But he said, ‘No, because if you pull up the weeds, you might uproot some of the wheat at the same time. 30Let them both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest-time I will tell the reapers to collect the weeds first and tie them in bundles to be burned, but to gather the wheat into my barn.’”
So these Weeds or Tares may simply be unbelieving people, which is what I think the main connotation is, but it may also refer to the ‘seed’ of demons sown into humanity growing up alongside ‘pure’ humans. What we know is God is in fact allowing this to go on and for whatever purpose he has, he won’t destroy this hybrid race living among us … not until the end. So the parable clearly has this meaning as well.
Alien Abductions
And I suppose I should add a third point. Demonic interbreeding is probably the source of evil giants like Goliath, and sexual intercourse with demonic being is actually a common element of sorcery and witchcraft … it is also a common element of modern alien encounters, we call Alien Abductions. Breeding, impregnating and extracting unborn babies from the womb is one of the most common shared experiences of alien abduction testimonies. These human victims are being bred. I think this point is now plainly stated, but we have to ask the next logical questions. Why? And how is this likely to play out?
Humanity 2.0
A common practice among farmers is to cultivate livestock and interbreed different bloodlines to improve the traits of certain lineages. This is done in all livestock from horses to pigs, cats and dogs, and now they argue it’s time to do that with people like you and me. Humanity has many woes, sicknesses like cancer, economic ills like poverty and social sicknesses like crime. Many of these problems can be seemingly traced back to weak genes, faulty DNA, and manifest as stupidity, laziness or having anti-social mindsets. It makes sense that if we can improve the bloodline of a bovine or canine, we should be able to improve humanity and if we can help humanity in such a major way, shouldn’t we? If the introduced stock were good enough we may be able to improve humanity to the point of reducing poverty, preventing war, eliminating sickness … its perfectly logical, it’s proven scientific practice and now all we need to do is find that exemplar stock.
When we look back at the theory of the rise of humanity, the accepted scientific theory is that there were other humanoid species competing for the same resources, such as the Neanderthals, who became extinct due to the pressure put on them by the better version of the same creature, Homo sapiens. We were all taught this in school and most people believe it. So now if someone says humanity is in crisis, we’re destroying our environment and killing ourselves left and right, in order to preserve our species it’s time to take the next evolutionary step … or face extinction. With this kind of fear, these perceived high stakes, do or die, and fairly plain reasoning to back it all up, who in their right minds would stop it? The argument for upgrading to Humanity 2.0 is sound logic. And if someone can produce a superior stock to breed with, there are few arguments we can make to prevent this movement from gaining popularity and momentum.
The only problem is … this ‘solution’ is demonic! Humanity’s problems are not going to be solved by interbreeding with demons! The Aliens already interbreeding with mankind are not what they present themselves to be, and the offspring of this union will be an unholy abomination that God will destroy. And God already has a plan to fix the problems in humanity. Jesus told me one time that the Gospel can be the remedy to ALL humanity’s social ills. If people refuse it, what awaits them is this … a huge deception.
This new ‘master race’ is already among us, already being prepared and will be revealed I expect when they think the main obstacles to them taking over the planet, namely the victorious church, are gone. Meanwhile the enemy is building his ranks, breeding an army and Christians are busy arguing over evolution and fairy tales. But not all.
Evolution: a Dead End
Evolution is a doomed theory. It’s bad science, illogical and self-disproving, and should have been publicly exposed and discarded when they discovered the diverse array of amino acids in a single cell. Or understood information theory. Or irreducible complexity in living organs and tissues. Or basic logic.
A species mutates randomly and the new form is more apt to survive so the older version, which survived well enough until now, must die because the new version will out compete it. But two or more animals or communities of the same species will not kill each other off, they all survive, and the vast number of similar species, and species that live within the same competitive environment like a coral reef, all survive well enough to produce a dizzying array of diversity. There is enough grass in the world that no animal which eats it should ever face extinction, there would be millions and millions of herbivores and non-fussy omnivores like rats, and there are many, but none should have ever been selected for extinction due to lack of food. That’s not a strong point but it’s true.
But leave that idea, consider what if a creature like a mouse, a form very apt to survive, wanted to evolve and become a bat, another species apt to survive, but it first has to make A MILLION small RANDOM steps blindly from one safe plateau through a very dark valley of millions of years where it is LESS apt to survive by virtue of its incomplete transformation, before it can emerge safely evolved to the next ‘apt to survive’ plateau on the other side. During this time, it can’t really eat seeds, but it also can’t quite yet eat flies. It has constant indigestion as its digestion is adapted neither to the diet of a mouse nor that of a bat. It can’t yet fly, but it also can no longer walk, because it’s limbs are partially elongated and formed for neither function. It can’t see well anymore, but also it can’t use sonar—although it knows somehow it can invent this ability some day. So somehow during this vast valley of low survivability not only does it survive, and thrive, but it emerges out on the other end with internal adaptations of its organs, bones, brain and … how exactly did it know it could do that? There are biological improvements, sometimes genius solutions to complex chemical problems, and they do so with a near linear trajectory, not a blind path of random mutations. This defies all logic and reason and is why it is never discussed at depth. More than this, they don’t do it alone and one just being done by inspired mouse in a field of old school rats—not, they do it as an ever-changing collective breeding community who all seem to produce offspring who have the same single evolutionary goal in mind. All this is happening subconsciously of course without a conscious vision of where they are all headed or how to solve these problems to get there. And so there is also clearly no conscious group consensus among the breeding community. And also, yes it’s all totally random.

How many millions of incremental steps does it take in a random direction to evolve from a mouse to a bat? It’s an illogical question. The answer is infinity. If every adaptation needed a large number of specific changes each of which needed to function physiologically, biologically, chemically, and reproductively in order for the animal to even survive the transformative process, and each of these was accomplished by RANDOM mutations, within a breeding community … the vast vast VAST majority of living creatures would exist in deformed, misshapen, partially formed states in every conceivable developmental direction. A third of the way transforming into a bat a few say, this stinks! Let’s swim! And a third of the way towards developing those adaptations a few say, What a bummer this is, let’s grow long legs! Oh no, I like Green! What about feathers … let’s try blubber. Has anyone seen my proboscis? …. Random means random. Random mutations means at every step in a process that requires a million increments in the right developmental direction every variable is dialed to a random value, and this is repeated MILLIONS of times. So no, we do not see this in nature and this defies even a basic logical analysis of laughable plausibility. Evolution by random mutations that gives a creature a greater ability to survive as a theory of the origins of the species is a bare faced lie.
It’s just curious why this theory has not been abandoned, it is so obviously and so deeply flawed, and so Christians research and argue and debate quite skillfully at times why evolution is impossible and all evidence points to a Creator, so Intelligent Design is a far superior explanation for life on earth, not random chance and blind mutations. This argument works to convince people on a personal basis and I think it should continue for now because until the real deception is unveiled the silly stronghold of evolution can be skillfully undone. This opportunity will not last long however.
So why is this not discussed openly? Because Intelligent Design is plainly true, and they already know it. But the Establishment is holding on to this failed theory of ‘evolution’ only because they are not yet ready to admit Intelligent Design is the true explanation of life on earth. They will, but only once they can sway belief in the identity of the Creator, which they will strongly deny is Yahweh, the God of the Bible, and say quite smugly and conclusively is an ‘Alien,’ but one who has been much misunderstood, maligned and even has had his rightful role usurped by imposters. But not to worry he is soon returning to Earth and will claim his rightful role as leader and originator of Mankind. Who is this maligned Alien you ask? You know him as Lucifer.
There is a reason why secret societies who believe Lucifer is the real god of mankind sway politics and business, education and science. It is to prepare the world for this very coming out of the closet extravaganza. They will have their moment in the sun, but it will be short and will end very abruptly and quite badly for them and any people caught up in their snare.
The Coming Great Purge
Once the new master race, the 2.0 version of Humanity, is safe to come out of the shadows, there is nothing stopping them from launching a purging genocidal extermination of all who are not ‘evolved,’ which mostly means Christians and Jews. Christianity will then be blamed for all economic woes, all social ills, all racism, sexism and extremism, all terrorism, global warming and the extinctions of species. They will be blamed as the reason humanity has so much trouble and with the dawn of this new order, they will be painted as the main cancer in need of removal to allow humanity to shed the husk of its troubled past and blossom into the post-Christian era, ‘the age of Aquarius,’ as the used to sing, a promised and long awaited time of peace, prosperity and progress. What a great bitter irony.
And just as the Nazi’s would not tolerate any opposition within their domains, this new order will also demand 100% loyalty. But I expect this genocide to play out also as a deception, because while they hate all humanity, they are not at war with old humanity really, only with God’s people. So anyone adhering to the belief that Jesus is Lord will be judged to be ‘un-evolved’ and anyone who denies Christ and joins the new order would be given exemption to live out a normal life by pledging their allegiance to the new order, or maybe, “Wow, what a coincidence! It turns out you too are also ‘evolved’ and you didn’t even know it!” But they will demand their loyalty to be sealed in blood and anyone joining the new order will be forced to help wipe out the Neanderthalic hold outs of Christians and Jews. But they will also just kill people for no particular reason at all because they hate mankind.
They Need a Rational for Genocide
The persecution of Christians may unfold in a purely political or religious environment where the new government will just persecute Christians because they hate them. They may be a part of the Muslim drive for global dominance and the persecution it will spread. There is no need to invoke aliens and hybrid humanity to fuel the persecution of Christians. However, normal people would not become so fanatic to kill and torture regular folks everywhere across the planet without some strong conviction and evil deception that it is vitally necessary to do so. Adolph Hitler believed the German people were a master race, descended from a race of demi-gods, the Atlantians or the Mu Mu. This underlying belief was originated by a medium who channeled spirits from the cosmos and they told her this was so. She was an occultist and spread a nonsensical myth that deceived many people into believing in their own racial superiority. Nazi ideology was based on this occult theology and Hitler preached that the purifying of the Ayrian race would allow the latent supernatural abilities inherent in them as offspring of gods to re-emerge. The End Times will see something like this Nazi theology revived but to a much more destructive degree. The demonic nature of the deception will infuse the movement with a demonic mindset. And yes, that will be enough to drive normal people to commit torture and murder, we’ve already seen it, we’ve seen worse from less.
A New Global Belief Births a New One World Religion
The seeds of this new theology, the Star Seed deception, are already well-known components of New Age beliefs, which are themselves based on a kind of modernized Hindu teaching. Other pagan religions accept the presence / existence of aliens, spirit guides and interstellar personalities, but especially the modern New Age groups who openly incorporate these ideas and practices into their routine activities.
All other world religions will first embrace this revelation but then be reorganized and subsumed into the new one world religion because of these revelations of mankind’s alien origins will force people to re-evaluate their beliefs. And the foundation of this new synthesis has already been laid in the ecumenical movement, led by Rome, an effort to unite all religions under one banner with shared beliefs and mutual cooperation. The spirit of all non-true religions, I mean any theology not birthed by God, is of the same spiritual nature. So naturally they will all join together under one covering. Not only that, but the revealing of a new truth as great as the return of the alien originator of humanity will surely be enough impetus to weld adherents of these world beliefs into one new monstrous devotion. Expect it.
The Rapture: a Revealing Before a Disappearing
Part of this is also the foretold One World Government, which people have seen being enacted in the aftermath of extreme global chaos. Chaos unleashed by the sudden transformation of a portion of humanity into an army with the full power of Jesus Christ resurrected. I mean the rapture.

What most Christians think of as the rapture is a ‘sudden disappearing’ to escape the hardships of the end times. This sudden departure leaves the question of a testimony of a victorious church being a witness to the power of God over the world unanswered. I didn’t think of that, God told that to Bob Jones. Additionally, I was producing the monthly prophetic journal, HKI, a few years back and I was reading 500 pages of prophetic words published on line every month. It was rare to ever hear a prophecy about the rapture, but then suddenly in one month alone from several separate sources across the earth there were a half dozen dreams and words on the same rare topic. The next month the number of words about this misunderstood event were again low to none. What several people heard God tell them is that the rapture is not a sudden disappearing, but a sudden revealing, a transforming, a sudden conversion. The verses on the rapture all have this term or idea, not the disappearing but the ‘revealing,’ ‘transforming’ and ‘appearing.’
People saw a portion of the Body, not all Christians but a portion transformed in an instant into their glorified state. The persecution of the Body had begun to become very serious and people were already meeting in secret everywhere when this happened. One person saw the police break into the warehouse they were in and arrest some people, but these transformed ones could not be moved. The police opened fire, and bullets went right through those with glorified bodies, often killing people behind them. These glorified people could walk into any prison and comfort those in jail facing execution and torture and no one could prevent them from doing it. Another lady in her vision suddenly became filled with the mind of Christ in such a way she was one with her Lord. She wondered what it would be like on the moon, and instantly was there. What she saw on the moon, on the dark side, is something mentioned by Chuck Missler, which may explain where most of the demonic-hybrid people are now living, but I don’t want to mention that because it will blow your mind.
Yet another man in another word heard Jesus explain it to him openly, “I’m giving you 40.” 40 what he asked? 40 days on the earth in the glorified state, to be a witness to those who have to go through the rest of the tribulation. Jesus explained that just like he died and was resurrected and was given 40 days in his glorified resurrected body to prove his new life and strengthen the believers so they would endure the coming persecution, Jesus would do the same through the raptured saints in the End Times. After 40 days, they would indeed disappear and enjoy a 7 year feast in heaven. One of these people mentioned it was the chaos of the rapture, the presence of thousands of glorified saints walking the earth, doing greater miracles than Jesus in his un-glorified body did, and reaping a global harvest in all of 40 days, which propelled the world leaders to institute the One World Government as a way to respond to and counteract the turmoil these events had on the population of the earth, especially those who would not believe. The rapture is not an easy escape from hardship. In fact only those who have already died to the world and faced the hardships of separating themselves from the world would even qualify. But as stated by a few of these authors, it is first a REVEALING of Christ in us, the transformation, the conversion. Most rapture verses contain these phrases … then a witness and a great display of power and a harvest … and then the departure.
The truth is the main event of the End Times period is not the revealing of the anti-Christ, the alien deception, the wars or rumors of wars, the destruction or the judgment … the main event is the revelation of Christ, and regarding this the most overlooked and misunderstood aspect of the End Times is the effect the real ‘sons of God’, not the Watchers but the born-again spirit-filled dead-to-self, submitted, sanctified and glorified children of God—the effect these victorious saints will have on the earth in the end times. And for that no human has even imagined it, at least that was what Jesus explained to Mitt Jeffords.
So even though the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, already spreading, already breeding and growing on the earth, what is holding back this evil hybrid satanic race, the man of sin and all the deception of the devil from being revealed? It is Christ in us. 2 Thessalonians 2:7b says:
Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.
What on earth now is restraining evil? It’s the Holy Spirit, for sure, but mostly it’s the Holy Spirit dwelling in his people. They are the temple of God, carrying the presence of God around in them, keeping darkness from sweeping over the earth. If they were ever to be taken out of the way, removed from off the face of the earth, darkness would have no opposition to engulfing the planet in deception and evil.
I have heard strange stories of alien encounters, one in particular where beings landed in a ship in the backyard of a family and several beings came out. The people in the house went outside to see what was going on and one of them fell over barking and raving mad, fully manifesting in demonic lunacy. Then one of the other people REBUKED the aliens in JESUS’ name and POOF, they disappeared! But leaving behind an awful smell of, you guessed it, sulfur. The man who had been raving mad regained his senses and we are left with a testimony and lesson. One Christian in Christ’s power can rebuke a demon, even one disguised as an alien, so it is just not safe for them to manifest in public until all threat of being exposed is gone.
So what satanic counterfeit alien beings are waiting for to be able to walk openly among us without being rebuked in Jesus’ name is the rapture. But once the overcoming Bride is removed, to spare her the hour of trial and allow her to enjoy the wedding feast while the earth undergoes its 7 years of purification, then nothing will be left to restrain the man of sin, the darkness of deception, the demonic-hybrid race and God’s wrath consequently from reigning on the earth.
Problematic however is a hybrid human. Can you rebuke a hybrid human in Jesus’ name? Will it do any good? It might, but the power of the name of Jesus in this way works against, well yes, ALL THINGS, but spirits are very susceptible, demons I mean. People, not so much. But actually yes. Jesus’ name is above ALL names, so while we first rebuke spirits in Jesus name, and sickness (which is also primarily spiritual in root), and bad attitudes, etc., which are also spiritual (the spirit of the mind I think it says) and so rebuking demonic flesh should not be that much different. I’m just … spitballing here, which I don’t like to do, but what I KNOW is that the name above all names is still the name of Jesus. Interesting topic, maybe pointless to talk about it, but interesting. Try it, tell me what results you get!
Other Pieces
The final pieces to this puzzle that I do not understand have to do with conspiracies within the Smithsonian, who confiscate and hide all giantoid artefacts unearthed anywhere in the world. I assume as a corrupted organization they are hiding evidence that now would do much to prove the Bible and spoil their deception, and so they will only reveal these tens of thousands of giantoid skeletons, tools and artefacts when their display can be used to prove the Alien origins of mankind instead. But it also shows they as an organization are a part of the mechanism of deception.

I do not really understand the telescope called the ‘Lucifer Project’ or Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope in Arizona which is fixed on watching an approaching ‘light’ which when it arrives will not invalidate the Bible they say but cause us to need to reinterpret it. They will say the Bible is not a record of God and miracles but of aliens and technology and the writers were dumbfounded to explain what they were seeing and so described these encounters with religious imagery and explanations because that was all they knew. Which is baloney. Plainly. But why is the Vatican at the forefront of ushering in this satanic deception and proclaiming Lucifer the rightful deity and originator of mankind? That really explains a lot actually. There are a lot of true believers in Jesus in the Catholic Church, so when the leaders declare this as their true agenda, well, ‘Come out of them my people,’ Jesus said!
I also do not fully understand the secret societies dedicated to creating a new world order ready to be unveiled at a moment’s notice to declare their allegiance to the ‘light bearer’ and usher in a new world government and religion as soon as the chaos of the rapture is passed. Maybe I do understand them but just have nothing new to say about it?
But when these things are revealed, when darkness is called light and Light is outlawed, who will be able to work at building God’s Kingdom anymore? We cannot work in the darkness. When a new master race is revealed, and they openly show they possess and control every major company, government, media outlet and army, all money will be digitally controlled and withheld but for those bearing the beast’s mark—the beast is a government, not just a person in this reference—under total control where will people who oppose this deception be safe to hide? They will not tolerate a freedom of conscience, it will be ‘join us or die.’
But God has a plan and in Revelation 12 there will be a place prepared by God to take care of the persecuted Body for 3 ½ years … but I still just don’t know how it will play out. But we must face any and all fear with trust and faith. Faith is the fight against fear Jesus told me, but also it’s probably better just the same to repent of your bad attitude, get spirit filled and cast off the foolishness of man’s thinking–be yet transformed in the renewing of your mind, and become Wise in God’s eyes, even if it means being Foolish in Man’s. Become a wise virgin. Wise in God’s eyes I mean.
The Man of Sin, the long awaited Muslim ‘Messiah’
But another piece I do maybe understand is the Man of Sin. I assume now he will be a Muslim leader, in fact the foretold Mahdi who is described in the Koran almost exactly as he is described in the Bible! He will command the loyalties of hundreds of millions of crazed warriors just like ISIS and Al Qaeda on a global scale. Every blasphemy, disorder, ruin and chaos will be unleashed under his rule, anywhere he has dominion.
Portraying himself as God, and exalting himself above everything that is to be worshipped, he is so blind he can’t see the end result of what he’s doing because he is blinded by greed, the lore and the love for more. Only the conquest of the whole world will satisfy him. In greed, selfishness, self-absorbed thinking he actually thinks he himself is the GOD, the Great I AM, ha! What a farce. It is clear this episode will be the downfall of a once great man, a man of sin, boycotted by the gates of grace, and so sin will have dominion over himself too. I heard God say, “He thinks he rules the waves, but he rules nothing but destruction over his people first and all those who fall as prey into his pathetic little man’s hands. Do away with him, I will!”
This event, the murderous reign of the Man of Sin is not the same doom facing mankind as the great alien deception. It’s not the same totalitarian rule of the Beast Government. And then God promises to unleash natural disasters on a biblical scale as well. So much for saving the Earth!! This is all part of the same judgment and wrath of God, but how they are all connected, the Mehdi, the Beast, the Alien Deception, global environmental judgment, I just do not know. Maybe they merely run alongside each other. Does it even matter?
The Book of Revelations mentions not one catastrophe, but at least SEVEN facing the Earth’s inhabitants, listing trumpets and woes, then more bowls of wrath and judgments, each one worse than the previous, and once they start they just keep coming. I am not trying to interpret that book of prophecies but today just share some ideas on Aliens that will help you to understand the times we are in, and prepare yourself to withstand the deception and overcome the lies of the enemy. Because it is already underway. Be ye wise!
But if you start to get freaked out, and you will, just remember, we are not alone in the Universe. You are not alone.
Matthew 28:20, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
And even in the horror of the End Times, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.