So this section is not part of the narrative but I’ll just now share a few conversations I had with the Lord during that hard time. Two are dreams he gave me interpretations of which were deep conversations letting me get to know him on a deeply personal level. The first is Fleeing their Habitations, and the second is The Mountain Valley Vision. Third I will share a prophetic teaching he gave me about, “Emotions, Covering and Submission.”
A fourth conversation which I will share in the next chapter is about the Kingdom, the Model of Our New Life, from Isaiah 61, which literally changed everything!
But first I’ll share these two powerful conversations explaining dreams God had given me, one on the Great Falling Away and the other on Discovering his Kingdom and my calling, and his word on Emotions.
#1: Dream of People ‘Fleeing Their Habitations’
I need to forewarn you, we are in a serious time; this is a serious and heartbreaking word … the great falling away, an Exile of Christians, is upon us … not only an exile from churches, but people being driven away into the arms of their idols, away from the habitations God has made for them in his Kingdom ….
A few weeks prior I had five dreams in the same night again: A “Bull-Bear,” a “Chicken Wake Up Call,” “Fleeing from Paneled Houses,” “Jerusalem My Friend,” and “Iran is Doomed.” I published the word on the “Chicken Wake Up Call” and just after I saw a briefcase next to me and heard, “You already have the next word. When you are ready, open it.”
A few weeks went by and I felt the strength and peace to deal with the next message, although I had no idea what it would be, and so I told the Lord I was ready. That night … just in the morning in November 2010, I had this dream … It seems very similar in theme to the word I posted with the Chicken Wake-Up Call, about it not being time to build fancy houses since many people will not live in them but will have to flee from them instead … this was around the big housing crash. But this was not even close to the same idea, and I was not prepared for the interpretation the Lord gave me.
People Fleeing The Places God Provided For Their Safety And Training …
As the dream began there had been some kind of trouble that caused people to start to leave their homes. A few were very fast to react and quickly went to scout out a new place to move to and came back to pack up their things, but by the time they did the news had spread and almost everyone else started to just leave their homes. I looked and saw a line of people, whole families in fact, leaving their homes and walking away, but they were leaving empty handed without any possessions. They were leaving an apartment complex or housing development.
God reminded me when he was giving me the interpretation that this line of people were leaving at night, or at dusk, and there were a few street lights giving light to their path as they left the complex.
Then my vantage point changed, and I was on an upper floor of a university dormitory overlooking a kind of courtyard area or common area between a few buildings. I was looking into an apartment complex that faced the dormitory I was in; the wall facing me was all windows so I could see into all the flats and I realized all the people had already gone and they just left most of their things behind which were just scattered and in total disarray! At the far end of the courtyard above all the buildings was the steel beam supporting structure of some other urban infrastructure, like an overpass or a bridge. It was not open sky but was as if these housing units were in the shadow of a road or tall bridge, although it was not very clear or important or just not obvious.
I said, “Look! Everybody’s gone!” I was with a few people I knew but others I did not. And when we realized this, first we stopped preparing to leave and stopped packing our own things, and as we slowly realized there were HUNDREDS of apartments that were abandoned and everything was left behind, we started going through everything to see if there was anything of value left behind. It soon became fun and exciting in a way! So many nice things were just abandoned! Many of the people were obviously well-off and the kinds of things we were going through were expensive and in very good condition. I was seeing nice shoes, sweaters, etc.
Then someone found a Pie, like an apple pie but with a kind of handle attached to it, and we said, “Good, we should eat it soon!” Next I found a Pink Computer Printer. My actual printer has been out of toner for more than a year and so I couldn’t print anything for a long time, but this was the same model I previously had, only it was brand new and pink!
Of the people I recognized I was with I saw TP, a lady youth leader in our community, and my wife, who had been upset with me and not talking to me for a while. I didn’t recognize the other people we were with.
The dormitory floor we were on was a boy’s floor, so it was all boys’ clothes, etc., and I told my wife that if she went one floor down it would be a women’s floor and she’d find things for her.
“But I can’t call you; your phone doesn’t work!” she protested firmly. “Yes, it does. Call me,” I said. She did, and it connected fine. “See, it works fine!” We were back in communication after being estranged!
I then heard TP say, “The people say CURRENCY has NO VALUE anymore.” I suddenly realized and said, “Oh, then we should look for things that we can barter.” “Yes, good idea!” So we started looking for things to trade with others.
As my wife went downstairs I saw a man in the stairwell coming up but he was in a state of shock. He was thinking of his wife and child and was hopeless and yes, in total shock. His hair and clothes were GRAY, and he was VERY THIN and his left hand was tightly clenched as if he was holding onto something tightly, but when I went over to talk with him and opened his left hand, it was empty—he was very thin and even his hand was unnaturally thin, like he did not have a normal grasp, like he was missing a finger or just did not have a normal grasp.
I led him up into my room and tried to comfort him and told him, “You know God told us this was going to happen,” but it was no comfort to him. He was basically beyond help, beyond comfort right now. I was worried that he might SNAP and do something rash or harmful so I tried to keep talking with him. A man who is a caretaker for a church I used to attend but who is a little mentally challenged popped his head into my room and said to the man, “Get some paper and write down what God will tell you,” referring I think to the way we often lead people into Communion / prayer journaling and I thought, ‘OK, we can try that,’ but I said again, trying to get the Gray Man’s attention, “It’s all going to be OK. God told us and MANY PEOPLE that this was going to happen …” But he was just not able to listen to anything, and he could not even take this much in—it would SIMPLY BE IMPOSSIBLE to lead him into a time of spiritual Communion with the Lord in his current state. He was too shaken, and there was too much to explain that he would not be able to understand right now.
Then the Gray Man crawled into the closet and hid himself under the clothes and he was thinking about all the Christmas presents he had just bought, especially for his daughter, and that they were all now worthless. I saw one that had a cheaply done Santa image on the wrapping paper, which was green with some details and little poorly drawn Santa’s on it, like they were cheap copies, drawn by someone who never saw a real Santa: it was skinny, his body was distended in a funny warped way—a very poor copy indeed. And in LARGE letters suddenly on the box it read CHURCH. Like this fake ‘Santa’ was bringing a box of ‘Church’ or like ‘Church’ was the toy that you get at Christmas that fake ‘Santa’ brings. He was looking at this in BEWILDERMENT and said, “How can this FAIL?” He was wondering how this ‘Santa’ and the Christmas ‘Church’ could fail.
I woke up, it was around 7 am and the Lord asked me to write the dream down immediately, and I heard Him say, “This is what will happen to my people.”
Interpretation: This Is What Will Happen To God’s People!!
I figured I had a pretty good idea of what this dream was getting at … but when God began telling me his interpretation, I was shocked.
First with what it means, and then He also had a few very stern things to say to me about how I was handling the message and my attitude in general … This is a serious word and a serious time and the Lord has some SERIOUS business to do with his people, foretold in the Bible, and foreshadowed by the Exile of the Jews to Babylon … this is the Exile of the Christians to Babylon, but I am getting ahead of myself and need to let you hear the Lord’s message, if indeed you can.
Me: “What is the trouble?”
The Lord: “News from a foreign land …”
Me: “Am I hearing this right? What does that even mean??”
The Lord: “If you don’t want the yoke of the Lord, (the restraint and kindness of serving Me, a good master) then you will fall into the snare of working towards the enemy’s plans. Did I not tell you that if you seek to gain your life you shall lose it? This is now coming upon all my disobedient house, for I will have my people be holy as I am holy, says the Lord. Do not forget that while in the wilderness I was with Israel every day of their short, pitiful, miserable lives, they murmured and complained about me the whole time not knowing what I was doing, I was doing for their good fortunes … now, have you been murmuring against me? And even yet condemning the ancient ones, who are just as much a part of your extended human family, who will also face my judgment … how do you think you shall escape the same chastisement and punishment of those who YOU condemned as disobedient and stubborn, when you are of the same ilk.”
Me: “What is the news of the big trouble?”
The Lord: “I will cast their idols into the sea, cast them down to the ground, cast them into the flames, and they will see them no more. No more will they call this country (the USA) the land of prosperity, but the land of purposelessness–vanity, vain ideas, vain people, vain pursuits, no longer the promised land but the land of woe.”
Me: Having a very hard time bearing to hear his word I said, “I am just trying to listen …”
The Lord, yelling at me: “AND LISTEN YOU SHALL! I have raised you up to hear my voice and deliver my warnings to these disobedient and stiff-necked people and go to them you shall! Now listen to me, you have not lost anything you were not supposed to give up for my sake to start with, yet all you do all day long is moan and whine and complain about Me being a hard taskmaster! When will you discern right from wrong? Is what you do right as an example to my people? Do you encourage them to weather the storms by your steadfastness to my word, or do you gripe and complain about me?”
Me: “Yes, Lord.”
The Lord: “Now let’s have no more of this whimpering, I have GOOD Plans for my people and the sooner you realize it the better for all. Let’s get back to the story I am telling you.”
The Lord: “They will hear the news from a foreign land and it will cause them to flee into the trees—in the wilderness, deep into the trees, hiding from ME.”
“They are leaving their habitations, the places I chose for them as a sanctuary and a safe place to rest in my care I as train them for war! War on poverty, war on sales, war on merchandising my truth, war on fancy clothes that bring you no relief for your troubled souls, war on relief that is not of Me and that does not relieve. War on poverty of SOUL, of heart, of home. Oh my people you have learned heresy from people who have lied to you in my name. They think holding church services is playing a game; You think I have changed that I am no longer the same, as I was long ago, but it is YOU who have changed; I am forever the same. It is YOU who have changed, changed your name and changed your team …”
Selah [Then there was a long pause where He was just silent … I could feel Him there, looking at me, only he was not speaking, like He was contemplating what He was going to say! Although He already knows what He is going to say! I didn’t understand. An angel who was sitting beside me, strengthening me said, “He’s really upset.” So … Selah, a pause, a pregnant pause, then … ]
The Lord: “I am pronouncing judgment upon you.
“You have NOT come to know Me or my ways, and it is all I can do to rescue you from the pit. DO NOT point the finger at the Jew, you Gentile, you believer in Yeshua as you say, for you will suffer the same fate on that Day. You have also fallen away. I will now purge my house as only I may. I will drive you into the arms of your lovers, you apostates, you lovers of wealth and pleasure, and you who choose YOUR OWN WAY … you mock Me? You laugh and say I am no longer the same, but just as they who fell away, you will laugh and will say, ‘NO WAY! This is OUR DAY! Good times, great fun! Let’s enjoy the well-earned fruit of our labors,’ … but I shall take it all away.”
[I was not ready for this and it was hard to pay attention. For some reason all I could think about was a stupid plant in my garden that I wanted to write about on my website. I’m sorry, I was really not ready for this.
So at this point, He said I could take a break and go outside and take a picture of the plant I wanted to shoot for my blog … it has not rained in more than a month and things are dying back. Before I knew it I was busy cutting the wild Canna back. This plant has a very small flower on very tall stalks. It looks like regular Canna, which I thought it was when I found it, except the flowers are very tiny, unlike regular Canna which has HUGE beautiful flowers. It was the first time I have had to prune this planting back since I only planted it about 18 months ago … well, also the leaves died back as it grew, leaving a dried up brown mess on each stalk, and when the stalks get about five feet tall, after a few pathetic, minuscule flowers, they just die as well. Rather disappointing. Especially because like I said, when I found it down by the beach I thought it was real Canna … anyway the whole planting has begun to just look like a total mess, and I felt I should prune it today, right now … as I did so, I realized a few things. All the tall stalks needed to be cut right back to their bases, and when I did this I saw that there were many new shoots under the dead leaves that I could not even see before. Now these new plants are free to grow and all the old growth that was so tattered looking is gone. What to do with all the cut stalks I was wondering, when the Lord suddenly interrupted my gardening and said, “Burn them.”
And then I knew what He was talking about … this is the parable of the vineyard in Isaiah!!! Oh, no! I just looked it up and it’s uncanny! This is Isaiah 5, coming not to the Jews in Israel but to the “believers in Yeshua.” I mean it’s the people who THINK they are safe and secure in their religious lives but are not so in heart, in spirit and in truth, and so are simply not safe.
Here is an excerpt of Isaiah 5 with key highlights in BOLD …
Isaiah 5:1— Now let me sing to my Well-beloved
A song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard:
My Well-beloved has a vineyard
On a very fruitful hill.
2 He dug it up and cleared out its stones,
And planted it with the choicest vine.
He built a tower in its midst,
And also made a winepress in it;
So He expected it to bring forth good grapes,
But it brought forth wild grapes.
3 “And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah,
Judge, please, between Me and My vineyard.
4 What more could have been done to My vineyard
That I have not done in it?
Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes,
Did it bring forth wild grapes?
5 And now, please let Me tell you what I will do to My vineyard:
I will take away its hedge, and it shall be burned;
And break down its wall, and it shall be trampled down.
6 I will lay it waste;
It shall not be pruned or dug,
But there shall come up briers and thorns.
I will also command the clouds
That they rain no rain on it.”
7 For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel,
And the men of Judah are His pleasant plant.
He looked for justice, but behold, oppression;
For righteousness, but behold, a cry for help.
8 Woe to those who join house to house;
They add field to field,
Till there is no place
Where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land!
9 In my hearing the Lord of hosts said,
“Truly, many houses shall be desolate,
Great and beautiful ones, without inhabitant.
* * *
5:12— 12 The harp and the strings,
The tambourine and flute,
And wine are in their feasts;
But they do not regard the work of the Lord,
Nor consider the operation of His hands.
13 Therefore my people have gone into captivity,
Because they have no knowledge;
Their honorable men are famished,
And their multitude dried up with thirst.
* * *
15 People shall be brought down,
Each man shall be humbled,
And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.
16 But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment,
And God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness.
17 Then the lambs shall feed in their pasture,
And in the waste places of the fat ones strangers shall eat.
[or NIV—17 Then sheep will graze as in their own pasture;
lambs will feed among the ruins of the rich.]
* * *
5:24—Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble,
And the flame consumes the chaff,
So their root will be as rottenness,
And their blossom will ascend like dust;
Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,
And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused against His people;
He has stretched out His hand against them
And stricken them,
And the hills trembled.
Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets.
For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still.
26 He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar,
And will whistle to them from the end of the earth;
Surely they shall come with speed, swiftly.
I never imagined that this is what the “great falling away” or the “great apostacy” or the “rebellion” was talking about … it is the Exile of the Gentiles! Not from a physical promised land, but from the Lord’s spiritual promised land, the Kingdom, his sanctuary for them …
2 Thessalonians 2:3—Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition ….
* * *
Hebrews 3:7-19 —7 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says:
“Today, if you will hear His voice,
8 Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,
In the day of trial in the wilderness,
9 Where your fathers tested Me, tried Me,
And saw My works forty years.
10 Therefore I was angry with that generation,
And said, ‘They always go astray in their heart,
And they have not known My ways.’
11 So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest.’ ”
12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13 but [b]exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, 15 while it is said:
“Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”
16 For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses? [Symbolic of going through Salvation.] 17 Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness? [Who fell away during purification and process of maturing.] 18 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? [They who were hearers but not DOERS of his word.]19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.
At this point I realized a few things … first, as a Body we’re fast asleep in our spiritual discernment and have no idea what is going on; we don’t know God or understand Him at all, even though we assure ourselves that we do—but really we’ve just dug ourselves a great pit! I realized my initial take on this dream was just wrong! And God, the God who spoke through Jeremiah and Isaiah, has NOT changed.
Seeking further clarification of the rest of the symbols and events, this is what I heard the next day…
Me: “So the people fleeing are Christians who are fleeing from your protection and family?”
The Lord: “Yes, but it’s not as simplistic as that. They may and probably will still call themselves Christians, believers in Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, whatever, but their hearts have left and are far from me.
“As a man thinks in his heart, so IS he. They are far from me since their hearts are cold towards me. How can I train them, wrestle with them to expose and purge the dross of sin from their hearts if they will not engage me? I cannot do it on my own–I CAN, but I will not supplant their freedom to choose whom they shall serve; I am a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD and I will not do that to anyone.”
Me: “Can we go on?”
The Lord: “Yes …”
Me: “I saw people fleeing, taking things with them, first just a few, then EVERYONE … Who are the early people and what are they taking? I guess I saw them getting ready to pack but I didn’t see anyone carry anything away—in fact now that I think about what I saw, most of the people leaving took NOTHING with them …”
The Lord: “They were trying to take the things they value from my Kingdom: salvation, peace, etc., but they left empty-handed because I AM the peace, and you can’t separate it from me and take it away … it’s all or nothing in a way.”
Me: “But the homes looked ransacked; they were in total disarray.”
The Lord: “People don’t leave in a good frame of mind. They are in a panic and in fear, doubt and unbelief … unbelief in my Goodness, not in the calamity they are hearing about. The homes reflect the unanswered questions they left behind. When they come back, as some of them will, they will have to face these scattered issues, but it will be with newfound insight and understanding and it will not be as they left.”
Me: “So the apartments and dormitories are the places you have provided for people in your Kingdom for their safety and training, education and in preparation of their callings, etc.”
The Lord: “Yes, but what’s more it’s not a ‘place’ but a ‘mindset’ in a way. The Kingdom is WITHIN you, not a hotel you check into or a building you move into.”
Me: “I lose sight of your goodness, Lord.”
The Lord: “You all do from time to time, but that’s why I am here with you to the end of the age, to help get you back on track!”
Me: “You are much more calm and kind now than you were when you were telling me the first part of this word.”
The Lord: “Yes, well, I have much to show you that you do not know about me. Let’s get back to the dream shall we?
“The lamp-post represents my light dawning on their conscience. (you forgot to add that in the writing up of the dream)—it was dim, nighttime when the people were leaving. Their understanding is DIM, and I am the light guiding them, showing them the way they walk, even when it is wrong and the wrong way, they will know it later for what it was.”
“Do you know what the PIE was, with the handle? My PEACE (like a piece of pie) was left behind. It has a handle so you can GRASP it, although you never fully UNDERSTAND it, it passes or transcends your understanding, but you can still lay hold of it. Lay hold of my Peace! It’s easy! A piece of pie! Yes, it was a whole pie—it is my wholeness, my Shalom, my peace … sounds corny you know, but that’s the way I am (when I am not upset : ) ).”
Me: Wahhh!! “OK, the stuff left behind that we started to sort through?”
The Lord: “Gifts, mantles, callings that are now being left undone. They will be given to the faithful few, a redistribution of wealth!”
Me: [Laughing in Joy!] “I thought it was something bad that we were stealing things or something …”
The Lord: “No, it is in my word. Those who have much will get more, those who have little will lose what little they have. Look it up!”
Me: “Matthew 13:12, and oh, Matthew 25! Just after the parable of the 10 Virgins … The Master who gave his servants Talents …”
Matthew 13:11— He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12 For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
* * * and * * *
Matthew 25:28— So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents. 29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
The Lord: “Bingo! Read the whole chapter of Matthew 25 when you have time next. Let’s go on … the rescue of the disciples was not by might, nor by human power, but by my Spirit says me, the Lord.”
[Then there was a personal symbol, the Pink Printer; it’s not embarrassing, but just personal. He said not to share that with everyone.] But what about sharing the other parts?
The Lord: “Yes, people need to see what is coming and already is beginning to spread upon the sea—the people at large.”
The Lord: “Are you ready for the rest?
“OK, a seed is coming, to restore the captive Jerusalem, you are a part of that seed if the Holy Spirit ABIDES in you, that is, you are at home feasting with him in your presence. You abide, or live with him on a continuous basis since He is pleased to live with you.”
Me: “Strengthen me Lord. What does it mean to see TP, the youth leader?”
The Lord: “It is people like her, whose heart knows how to sniff out my way, even if they are slow, or it is closed to their clear understanding still. She is following Me as I lead you.”
Me: “What about her being a youth leader?”
The Lord: “Relevant, but you are ALL youth leaders, you lead the youth of the Kingdom … let’s go on.
“Other people you did not know are other laborers of this harvest you have not yet met, but will work with soon … your ‘estranged wife’ are those who have been estranged from the promises of God, but they will return to Me, and you will suddenly be back in fellowship with them. A new level of understanding will be established or reestablished between you … they have already fallen away but will soon come back to the table and dine with the Lord of the feast. She had to go to a lower level to find the things she was comfortable wearing and which would suit / fit her, since she has been away and not growing as she ought so she will have to make up for some lost time in my service. You will help people like this get back into the swing of things wearing their mantles and gifts and callings again.
“People think they cannot LOSE a gift or a mantle or a calling, but I say this is not so. You can lose anything I give you if you are disobedient, stubborn or unwilling to carry out the task you are assigned to. People say the gifts and callings of God are beyond repentance but search and see what this really means, that these things are not what you earn by your good deeds, maturity or your own spiritual strength.
“They are things I CHOOSE for you to do, regardless of your standing with me. I mean I choose them before you were born, before you know me, or before you walked with me. I can take them away just as easily if you prove to be unfaithful to yourself—since I already know what you will be and what you are—but I give you the chance to prove yourself. I won’t judge you for what you do not yet do, either to punish or reward you for your calling, only until it becomes a present reality in your walk with Me do I have the ability to decide if you are faithful or disobedient, even though I know whether you will be or not before it happens.
“So these gifts are given not as a question of your right standing, but as a decision of my grace to empower you to serve me in one way or another. THEN you start the walk of repentance and learn how to serve me and how to operate in the gifts and callings of the kingdom—if you choose to—and that is the substance of the reward of your service to Me. People who unrighteously want to STEAL from Me, and claim an inheritance I have not approved or given them say these things that the gifts and callings of God are beyond repentance so they can continue to walk in them even if they are in gross sin, but this is not true. They only look at the gifts and talents on the surface, as man sees the results of their fame as it brings in the crowds, the music albums they can create, the books they sell as a ‘best-selling author’ or engagement fees they can command when they speak on the international preachers’ circuit … but these are not the true measure of the gifts and callings of God, since the substance of what you build is in the hearts of man, not in the numbers of people who come to an event in your name … You can be famous in man’s world because of the gifts I gave you even when you cease to operate in my Kingdom and stop building the lives of the saints in reality …. Just leave such people behind … they are blind guides, clouds without rain, leave the dead to be buried by the dead …”
Me: “TP said, she heard that ‘currency has no more value.’ We started looking for things to barter and trade instead …”
The Lord: “Yes, what does this mean but an end to merchandising in my house … I will no longer tolerate men who steal from me to sell to you … you have freely received the Wisdom of the Ages and yet you promise restoration only if people can afford your series on DVD … this is WRONG! I allow you to make money in so many ways that do not impede the righteous from finding their Lord and Savior but what have you done? That which you have not labored for you SELL? In MY NAME! To put a HUGE STUMBLING BLOCK in the path of my sheep who are too poor or too illiterate to know how to navigate the modern world of e-commerce and business trading… how many people I want to touch with what I have shown my people but who do not even know how to use a computer or who do not own one? E-commerce is meant to be a way to make a living for some of you but not for a way to sell on-line what costs you nothing to make another copy of at the expense of the lost sheep who cannot afford to eat every day … what am I saying? STOP MERCHANDISING MY TRUTH. LOVE the sheep but look to ME for your money! I’ll give you ways and partners to help you along the way as you serve me, but stop trying to fleece the sheep! It was NEVER supposed to be this way that the Gospel advanced! This is wrong in my eyes—it is evil, an abomination really! Stop doing it. Look to me for your support, provision and ways to make money if you need it. STOP LOOKING FOR WAYS TO FLEECE MY SHEEP!“
Me: “What about the man in the hallway. Gray hair, very skinny, a very weak grasp, grasping at nothing ….”
The Lord: “People who think the gospel is a means to get rich … that it is for carnal prosperity and earthly wealth … this is the result of his earthly wisdom, knowledge of the fallen realm that is used to define and decide what is going on with Me and My Kingdom … they simply do not understand it … this will be a hard shock on them, but do not worry, I know my own and will lead them beside streams of living water, into green pastures where they will find rest for their eternal souls …
“But these paint the gospel with Christmas tree lights and narratives of donkeys and three wise men, and they just miss the point. The point is not to give them a warm, cozy tradition to worship and lie down on to sleep when they are weary working the year long for Mammon and Man’s plays, but it is to DIE to self, to the FLESH, die to the nature in you that is an enemy to Me. Such people think all I came to do was to give them a holiday off from work, and a reason to buy things for their loved ones and families, and not to worry about the poor in the world or war or famine for a season but to indulge themselves, to go to their ancestral homes and drink wine and tell stories and live the high life. … I love your families and I want you to have good times with them, eating and singing, telling stories, enjoying each others’ company before you die, but die you must and the sooner the better for all. Not physical death, I mean, death to sin and the sin nature within mankind that lies to you and hides you from seeing the truth of my ways …
“They have trusted what they have poorly made, a sham and mockery of Me and my ways, and it’s plain that it is fake and cheap and not worthy of my Divinity, not made by Me, but made by weak, stupid, fools in mock honor of Me … your Christmas traditions are vain attempts to satisfy your souls, decorated with chinsy painted images of a charlatan, a fake saint, a myth, a mask of deception. Led astray you will not fight for what is right and true and so you will neither see nor experience what I have told this story for.”
Me: “The man was thin and had a weak grasp…”
The Lord: “He cannot grasp the truth, underfed since he does not seek to know Me, so he is barely alive. Grasping at thin air, which is all he has left after the news has come to shatter the illusion he took for truth. He calls the fake, toy ‘church of man’ my plan, so wrong! So wrong, man.
“Why not come up higher and I will tell you my real plans, but alas you are too weak, too stubborn to change, too weak to renew your heart’s thinking and you cannot bear what I have to say … it is so against all you do and believe so you cannot hear Me when I speak … I say, lean NOT upon your own ways, O man! Your own judgments will prove to be a snare to you in the day of calamity. Turn to me and live, before it is too late, I say; before That Day catches you like a thief in the night. You still have time to repair your ways, O man, but not many days hence you shall say, ‘Woe is to me, I am undone! All I care to do or say is stubble like hay burned up in the Fire of that Day! Woe is me! I ate the fast food of the people who told me they knew the way but it was all lies: hay, wood, stubble and hay!’”
“Prepare yourself for this is going to be a taste of that day!” [End]
#2: Dream of ‘The Mountain Valley’
This dream started with my wife and I, and I think we may have been near the place we lived a few years before this dream. We ended up at the edge of the forest going up THE MOUNTAIN where I used to prayer walk often. But it was overgrown and the path was not clear.
Me: “What is the mountain?”
The Lord: “The mountain of the knowledge of the Lord—something imparted to you as you climb / ascend—it is not Me or You but Me IN You, (to John M., you should know this).”
Dream: My wife was driving a car, I was in the passenger seat, and we started to drive up the hill. My wife was not focused on driving but was DISTRACTED by something and kept looking back instead of forward. I recall something about a baby doll in the back seat … and we passed by some plant shoots, some young bamboo, and when the car was coming to a small dirt mound, SHE JUST STOPPED THE CAR AND GOT OUT.
Me: “My wife was driving the car?”
The Lord: “People can’t see Me, only the forest—she can’t see Me—sidetracked—distracted—not real obstacles stopped her. She gave up too easy, too soon.
“If she had known my heart, seen my face through the trees (the obstacles) if she would have chosen to see Me through the obstacles, she would have continued, pursued me.
“But not a problem, no loss—I’ll get her on the rebound.”
Me: “What do you mean, will she break up with me (divorce me)? Why the ‘rebound’?”
The Lord: “On the rebound of My love, not the divorce of your marriage—but that is for another talk, another time. …”
Dream: I got the machete out and chopped the first bamboo or branch I came to but it was so flexible it just bent back—it was like grass or something. I went to the dirt mound that she stopped at, and hit it and it crumbled away. It seemed to be like natural chalk—it was mainly white dirt, and had the consistency of an ant hill and it just crumbled apart, very soft.
THESE WERE NOT OBSTACLES THAT WOULD STOP THE CAR AT ALL. In fact we only had gone a few feet, when she stopped, got out and gave up.
The Lord: “She stopped at what was not really an obstacle …”
Me: “What is the car?”
The Lord: “Your teaching and training of her—imparted knowledge of Me. You were in the passenger’s seat coaching her.”
Dream: There was a sense of urgency for me, since there was a WEDDING PARTY up the hill that people were already gathering at. I don’t know who was getting married, but it was like a group wedding, like we were all a part of the wedding and I knew many people there were already wearing wedding dresses.
Me: “There was a wedding party, people were already there.”
The Lord: “A meeting of the Bride, in true spiritual communion—a meeting of the MINDS and HEARTS of those truly devoted [As he spoke I heard the song: Hopelessly Devoted To You … ] to ME and My Ways. My Life. My Breath. … the Saints, a peculiar people.”
Dream: I saw my wife walking around back where we started from, and she was wearing an old fashioned HOOP DRESS, like a wedding dress but it was LIGHT BROWN, BEIGE OR TAN, NOT WHITE.
Me: “Her dress wasn’t quite a wedding dress?”
The Lord: “She can’t wear what SHE wants to, to the wedding.”
Me: “I think my wife will have to go through ‘tribulation’ to be corrected. Is this the Anti-Christ’s reign of murder or not?”
The Lord: “She will turn around in time to avoid the Great Persecution.”
Me: “The Hoop Dress?”
The Lord: “Vanity, puffed up; circular reasoning in her thoughts.”
Dream: There was a SWAMPY AREA near her that I told her to be careful of. She walked to where the car had stopped going up the hill.
Me: “The Swamp?”
The Lord: “Falling back into the Flesh … she’s never really left.”
Dream: I told her we can keep going up over here—there is a wider path, A MORE DIRECT WAY (over to the right).
Me: “I saw the other path; it looked more straight.”
The Lord: “A more direct path, being more direct, seeking directly.”
Dream: I saw what looked like a more straight path going up—My old Pastor PATRICK from New Hampshire opened the path up with his jeep.
Me: “Pastor PATRICK from New Hampshire opened up this path?”
The Lord: “He was a seeker of divine truth. You may not like him for what he did to you, but he opened up the way for you—before you, he opened up your way.
“He forgave those who stood in his way—he forgave you.”
Me: “Lord, I don’t know where I stand with these people who hurt me: my own dad, Pastor Patrick from New Hampshire, Pastor Mike and Henry from the Tree of Life Church, Jun from the Filipino church—please lead me to love and forgive them all.”
Dream: And MY MOM’S station wagon (a large family car) was parked at the base of the wide path as well.
Me: “My Mom’s station wagon?!”
The Lord: “She is also climbing the Hill of the Lord.”
Me: “My wife would not go up the Hill any more.”
The Lord: “She is Stubborn—I’ve told her this, made her to see it …. Carry on …”
Dream:—so I got into a special double caterpillar-track tractor (it had tank tracks, and was in two sections joined together) that I called a “WEASEL” which was something like a WWII-era military truck tractor with tank tracks …. I GOT INTO IT AND WENT STRAIGHT UP THE HILL THROUGH THE FOREST.
I kept climbing and climbing and saw a DIRT TRACK I was following, that was a rough road few people ever used. I WAS NOT THE FIRST, BUT ONE OF THE FIRST TO GO HERE.
The weasel as I call it had a left and right tread. I was driving it by pushing a left and right pedal forward—it was not a steering wheel.
I saw a kind of BUG, like a stick bug / praying mantis in the way … I used the left track to nudge it; it jumped out of the way …
Then I was trying to see how to make the machine go faster, if I pushed down harder, or if I let up a little would I get more traction … I tried it and it didn’t seem to make much difference.
Me: “I got into the ‘Weasel’—what is that?”
The Lord: “My Hand, carrying you up my Hill as you step, walk, stand in faith. (Faith like the previous ‘motorcycle’ vision, it’s a machine carrying you up without you having to do anything but hit the throttle…)
“Faith carries you up into my purposes.
“I may train you while you are within the world and subject to the pull of its ways … but faith will not carry you further away from Me.
“Faith will produce works of my Spirit, My Kingdom, My Father—not works of the flesh—it is not outwardly seen but by a few men (people) who have eyes to see—Do YOU see? That is the eyes of faith operating in you, my son.
“Faith without works is dead—so man without faith just ‘works’—he is condemned in a way to work, labor, strive at his own initiatives, according to his own will, to work at his own plans and schemes devoid of the work of My Presence—yes, I can be called to come into the world of man, and asked to build the works of man, and all who avail themselves of Me earn My Peace, BUT I WILL NOT BUILD THAT WORK WHICH IS CRUMBLING DOWN IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THOSE OF MY BELOVED WHO LABOR AND TOIL AMONG THOSE NOT SAVED BY GRACE, BY FAITH, BY THE WORKS OF ME, OF MY SPIRIT ON THEIR BEHALF … Come I say, come and let us reason together.
“You can call on Me from within the works of Man but I will not partner to build Satan’s kingdom of darkness, slavery and bondage over your everlasting and precious souls which I came (manifested) to save you out of and save you from.
“So yes, I can be called INTO the works of Man, the flesh, ambition, lust of the eyes, pride of life—yes, I can be called on to help you build the kingdom of ruin, but I will not be a partaker in the realm of death—are you trying to revive a ‘dead’ system by bringing My Presence into it? I said Come Out Of It! Come out of her My People!! Babylon is the religious system of slavery to Mammon—not just ‘church’ or ‘false’ church, or what have you, but ALL church NOT of the SAINTS, ALL Congregations of the Dead: companies, businesses, spiritual clubs.
“How can that which NOW LIVES partake of the fruits of death without dying once more to the rudimentary principles of life?
“Don’t go back to what I delivered you from!”
Me: “So the weasel?”
The Lord: “Yes, the weasel, an articulated crawling machine that CLIMBS over every obstacle in the fallen realm—it is MY SPIRIT.
“You could not see behind it, or understand its workings, or what it was made like—SO IS MY SPIRIT! You can ‘see’ or realize it is there, but not really ever ‘understand’ it (Him) … and so you just need to trust Me, take it by Faith, Relax … and enjoy the Ride up the Mountain of the Kingdom of the Intimate Knowledge of the Lord …
“I may train you by teaching you with the basic principles of the earth realm: eat food, drink water, seek clothes, but doing so by My Spirit … but these things Life is not made of. They are only tools of commerce, craft, handiwork, etc.—what I have prepared for you is of far greater worth and value than these things. So while I may train you within the confines of your earthly existence, I have much more for you that I am training you for … So I may start your basic training from within the world system, meaning while you are still subject to its realm of carnal, human, ordinary wants and needs … Faith, walking, standing even crawling, yes, being in faith will not carry you away from Me.
“Faith cannot do this—it only produces righteousness in my sight, behavior that is attuned by and to my Holy Spirit at work within you to draw you and bring you to myself.”
Me: “And the Bug?”
The Lord: “You didn’t squash it. More later …”
Me: “The dirt track … the way of life few find?”
The Lord: “Yup. Yessiree.”
Entering a “Works” Zone—the Works of Faith
Dream: I kept climbing through the forest and then suddenly I saw a man by a small stone wall with some working tools who was building something. I asked him what he was doing and he said to look to the right.
Me: “First man with a wheelbarrow?”
The Lord: “You were entering a Works Zone, the works of the Spirit of Faith.”
Dream: I was then up on a hill overlooking a WIDE MOUNTAIN VALLEY spread out before me that was CLEARED OF TREES and I saw men getting ready to make a CONTAINER STORAGE AREA (for ISO shipping containers) way up here on the mountain!
I wondered if I could help them build since I had the weasel, although I saw they were government engineers and I was not needed.
Me: “It was in the Mountain Valley. A Valley on the Mountain of the Lord. A Valley of Zion. It was being made into a Shipping Container Storage Area!”
The Lord: “A storage yard for ‘GOOD’s’—a place to play.”
Me: “Like a storehouse?”
The Lord: “Think of it like that … a place where ‘good’s’ are stored.”
[He said good’s like ‘good things,’ like his GOODNESSES in the plural sense. His ‘good’s’ … are stored there.]
Me: “What ‘Good’s’?”
The Lord: “Kingdom wealth, riches. Do you not value them?
“FAITH … these are my Good’s.”
Me: [I couldn’t hear any more that day and I needed to rest and the next day I had a meeting with a man about supporting us and our work for the Lord, and instead of helping me he was very rude. I got back home, upset, tired, but sat in God’s presence to finish with the interpretation but was still upset and was unable to be happy about these ‘good’s’ at the moment …] “Lord I am so sorry—I am so carnally motivated … My heart …”
The Lord: “Hush—sleep off the disappointment of that man’s snub—he’ll wake up soon and know what true riches are—He’ll invite you back, invite you in.
“Now let’s get back to the story! The good parts are just ahead ….”
Me: “Workers / workmen?”
The Lord: “Yes, they are angels and saints (some saints) building My Kingdom on your behalf—since what you are doing is on the behalf of others (these are Kingdom riches as well—reciprocity), OK, OK, leaving the mundane principles of life …”
Mountain Springs: Higher Springs of Discernment
Dream: I saw A STREAM at the base of the hill I was on, and wondered if the mountain fish would die because of the construction, and if I could help protect them, but finally I just wanted to go into the stream and look for minnows for fun and curiosity.
I looked more closely at the stream and saw it was in two sections with a rocky sand bar between them.
Me: “Trees Cleared? Obstacles removed?
“Mountain clearing? Higher realm?
“Mountain Stream? Refreshment?”
The Lord: “Higher springs of discernment. Mountain water is different in more oxygen and more swift—more fun but … more challenging—than lower rivers.
“As I start to teach man I use the things he is familiar with—the principles of the lower order, the Earth realm—sowing, reaping, harvest and toil, labor and strife, combat, war, poverty, slavery, etc., to teach him about the true riches, real possessions, real eternal wealth (Me!). Anyway, all he wants is money, fame and security for himself, for that is all he sees and knows of that will last upon the earth—man’s kingdom. But what a chimera they are, all those earthly riches!
“But that is what he knows so I use that to help instruct him away from dependence on man’s system of wealth accumulation. HOW MANY TIMES DID I SAY IT?—over and over—that if Man would but trust Me, then Unseen, then I would lead him to treasure. Not just mundane existence, but T-R-E-A-S-U-R-E-S above, and even such treasures below, for this is what they (you) are destined for—
“But as Man reaches higher in his walk with Me, a kind of intermediate realm, they begin to see the Eternal hereafter, and begin to see it rightly, to see it as it truly is, my friend—and THAT is where many of you are on your journey. Not quite high in the clouds yet, but getting there—you are beginning to see that the way of eternal riches will kill you—kill what is left of your carnal inheritance and as you begin to cast it off you become eligible to put on the New Self, made righteous, made in my image, above you—work it through and you’ll see where you were deceived into placing earthly wealth above my higher order ….
“So now that you do have eyes to see, you come above the trees and see Me. That is the mountain streams, or mountain springs as they are also called—of course springs are better, cleaner, but still a mountain stream has a certain, je ne sais quoi*—peace, purity, tranquility ….
“In the higher realm of teaching and training I can compare spiritual things to spiritual things … but it is the same with any learning. First, introduction, then basic concepts, then more advanced intermediate concepts, and then the real truth that the uninitiated cannot comprehend.
“So it is here—My Mountain Stream will refresh those prepared for it—others will simply avoid or miss it since they do not comprehend it. Yes, you know the verse that talks about this from what Paul wrote about Me.”
1 Corinthians 2:13-14—13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the [a]Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
(*je ne sais quoi = French, “I don’t know what,” which means to say it has a quality that can’t be easily described; an indefinable quality. God obviously knows, but He used this idiom to me to say that it is hard for me to understand the qualities of higher revelation which can’t be easily reduced to or expressed accurately in human language that I could understand. Incredible that he speaks this way!)
Me: Then the Lord explained the rocky patch between the two pools, the gravel, and likened it to the porous aquifer through which water flows and is purified. He compared this to small nuggets of truth in us … that also purifies the flow of the Lord’s water in us, not that it needs to be more pure, but that we are polluted from the world and the flesh and this mixed understanding in us pollutes the Word in us. To the Pure all things are Pure, and this gravel, small fragments of the Rock in us, purifies the flow of revelation through us…
The Lord: “The fine gravel is a kind of purity filter—small pieces of light, truth—they purify the flow of water through the aquifer, so also my truth in you helps to purify the flow of My Spirit so it will not be polluted as it mixes with what is still in and around you of the flesh and the world.”
Me: Clearly not that the Spirit would mix, but when the Spirit reveals things to us from the Flow of Revelation, we may mix what the Lord says and means with our natural understanding, our misconceptions, our flaws and so pollute the pure meaning of truth.
Seeing God AS HE IS—No Illusion
Dream: Then I looked to see what may be in the stream and saw VERY LARGE FISH: on the right side I saw a DOLPHIN!! And next to it was a large STURGEON!!! They were laying side by side with other large fish as well all lined up side by side.
But on the left of the rocky sand bar area I saw … a WHALE … it was pale or white, and thrashed in the water when it saw me notice it and blew A BUBBLE which floated up to nearly where I was… it had seen me and was sending me this bubble!
The Lord: “Vale above, sheltered canopy of my love and provision. My Kingdom for you, about me, for you!
“Let’s go on …”
Me: “The Whale?”
“My presence brings you into my deep purposes. At this level (depth or height) you begin to see me as I am—no illusion. It’s the beginning of your life hereafter and evermore.
“The Fullness of Christ is attainable by you not under the operation of your will and being but by the law of the Spirit of Grace and Trust in you operating to conform you by my will and ability to my image.
“Not the fullness of GOD, but the fullness of Christ—my Son—you can rise to maturity by my promises—set before you—my word spoken over you, in your hearing will draw you into Me so I can have my will over and about you—
“Don’t separate journey and destination (destiny) regarding my prophecy—my prophetic, my spoken promises over you—you’ll soon come to see they are one and the same—I AM the way (the journey, the path) and the Truth and the Life (or the purpose, plan and destination) of all I have for you—I am the goal of your faith—I Am the exceedingly great reward for you, unto you, and all who believe in Me and Call upon my name.
“The Whale is my calling of you, my destiny, my purposes, my plan, my endurance, my word of deep things too big and grand for your easy comprehension—you can’t swallow them. In fact, they have to swallow you. Being in the belly of the whale takes on a whole new significance now doesn’t it? It’s the place when you are arrested by my plans and purposes for you—you’ll be digested, transformed, changed—renewed by my word spoken over and about and spoken concerning you.”
Me: “That’s what I used to call an elephant symbolically.”
The Lord: “Yes, but you got caught up looking for a system of interpretation—but I will not give my keys to strangers. You can’t CRACK my Code, Edward—don’t even try—Men cannot figure me out—I resist their efforts to reduce me to a puzzle or a board game—my secrets are reserved for those who fear me, not those who devise a better system of interpretation.”
Me: “The Bubble?”
The Lord: “The revelation bubbling up—prophecy to others to manifest my deep hidden truths—”
“The whale thrashed and made a bubble and gave it to you—you reached out and laid hold of it—laid hold of my purposes for you—I am happy with you for that.
“You will go forth and prophesy to many people—nations, languages (tongues), people groups … that’s my will for you.
“Don’t worry about the false sheep, worthless teachers of Egypt and Babylon—they have their place, their end, their doom is coming upon them lest they repent. Don’t fret.”
Dream: I slid down the slope and caught it (the bubble), and back up above me some people LOWERED A ROPE to help me get back up. It was “MY HELPER” and a few other people too—I tried climbing the rope as they pulled it but IT WAS BETTER TO JUST HOLD ON AND LET THEM PULL ME UP!
At the top I saw … A ROBOT doing kitchen work, wearing an ELEPHANT-theme joke apron. When I saw it I said, “I LOVE ROBOTS!”
Then I saw a poster or display sign (maybe it was interactive) that had some kind of rough or mean spirited JOKES ABOUT OFFICE LIFE.
Me: “When I reached for the bubble, I slid down the slope. Is this backsliding?”
The Lord: “Not really.”
Me: “Why did I need help to get back up?”
The Lord: “You just needed help and I got you well looked after. Lifeline, a rope of helps.”
Me: “The Robot, the Kitchen, elephant apron … I said, “I love robots!”…”
The Lord: “What happens when you enter my rest? That’s right, you cease from your labor. This is my word working on your behalf.”
The Lord: “I knew you would—I know this means a lot to you—you work hard and are diligent and you will be rewarded richly / handsomely for it.”
Me: “Why does it NOW work on my behalf and not before?”
The Lord: “Because you are not in my rest, you are in reliance on your own energies and strengths, fueled by your ambitions and self desires … how do you know if you have entered my rest?“
Me: “I don’t know …”
The Lord: “Use your nose ….”
Me: “My nose?”
The Lord: “Yes, what do you smell around you? Sweat? What do you hear? Panting? Then labor to enter your rest, not to complete your labors.”
And then He said the Mean Office Jokes represented the meanness of corporate office life that I faced for a time, contrasting it to God’s fun and refreshing ‘robot’ where we enter his rest.
And there was more to the dream but it was very tiring to sit so high in the Lord’s presence to hear him talk like that and so I took a break and didn’t get any insight for the rest of the word. It was a lot of symbolism which seemed to refer to Jesus and people he would send to help with worship ministry, but I don’t want to share confusing dream symbolism without a clear interpretation. So I’ll wrap it up here. [End]
#3: Prophetic Word: ‘Emotions, Covering, Submission to False Authority’
When I published a public version of the vision of the Abusive Gorilla in HKI I added a teaching Jesus spoke to me about several topics, including ‘Emotions, Covering and Submitting to False Spiritual Authority.’ It’s a lot of powerful revelation that will purify your mind and ideas on these commonly misunderstood topics. It really didn’t fit thematically in that chapter so I am including it here. This is the word Jesus taught me:
“People say when you warfare to ‘sow in the opposite spirit,’ but if that were always true then your warfare is sown against what demonic environment? Peace? No, I tell you to put on your armor every day.
“Instead of merely ‘sowing in the opposite spirit,’ I tell you today I want my chosen vessels to ‘flow in the Holy Spirit.’ That will lead you to victory in all warfare, not just being able to respond with a calm demeanor when someone comes against you in impatience or anger. For I tell you, not all anger is from me, but not all ‘peace’ is from me either. If you want to pacify people, be wise in handling your emotions. And if you want to be victorious in your warfare, then ‘flow in the Holy Spirit’ and you will conquer the forces of darkness that seek to enslave your soul—which is what you really want, isn’t it?
“I want you to read my Word carefully, and understand who I AM. I also have ‘emotions’ for I am an emotional God, and I am the author of your capacity for emotions. I do not function emotionally entirely as you do, you who are still subject to the chaos and confusion of the fallen world, but through my redemptive purposes of the Son of God dying in your stead, you have been made free from the hold of confusion and corruption. Don’t trust all of your emotions, but don’t discount all of them either. Sometimes your passionate emotions are from Me too you know, from my Spirit into your inner man, such as compassion, the bitterness of grief [at sin, injustice, etc.], and the hunger of longing that my holy apostles and prophets such as Jesus displayed with such fervency.
“I want you to be clear in seeing that I get upset at people. It is not a cover to the flesh emotions, but I got mad enough at Moses to want to kill him and all the people more than once.
“This is dismissed by people nowadays saying, ‘But that is the God of the Old Testament’—Am I two different God’s? This is a false teaching. I AM the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.”
“Second, about ‘covering’—this means control—and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM—so where is there room for control? The only control I do is through you to be conformed willingly into the image of My Son who is One with Me—we, you and I, are or will be One as well—so where is there need for me to control you and FORCE you to become like me, follow my plans, or play ‘follow the leader’?
“Think long and hard about this the next time some man or woman tells you to ‘submit’ in this forceful way—I do not force my way—I am God, and yet I invite you to come and reason with Me. You can come to me with any question you might have and I am good. I am your Father. I know your thoughts. I know what you are going through. I know what you are dealing with. I will love. I will understand. I will help. I will guide. I will teach. I will instruct. I will explain. I work with infinite patience and mercy. I am slow to anger and I do not control like man controls. My heart is to set you free, not to force my way. Herein lies the difference.
“I love you—what reason could I give, what possible justification could I give to MYSELF for wanting or trying to control you by shouting SUBMIT! There is a creature that seeks to control you who shouts like that from every lofty hill—his will is to steal, kill and destroy the sheep of my pasture. But I cannot let him for I Am perfect and that would be wrong of Me to violate the trust of innocent lambs who’ve placed their trust in Me after I told them I would protect and provide for them.
“This is what a covering actually means—it is a wedding song—a bridal veil—a delicate embroidery that touches your head with love, joy, singing—and more love! It is a JOY to wear the wedding gown!—it is never a burden to have to submit to wearing the garment of praise! Who has led you astray by speaking counsel without wisdom or proper enlightenment?
“Yes, anyone can give you their reasoned opinions—but they can still be dead wrong, and I don’t use that term lightly—dead wrong, as wrong as death, do you get it?”
Submitting to False Spiritual Authority”
“Again I speak to you My Bride, DO NOT SUBMIT TO FALSE ANYTHING. Did My Son submit to those under the influence of the religious spirits? People say submit at all cost to your leader even if he’s dead wrong—why do they say that? Otherwise you will be labeled a rebel? Yes, there are rebels, but do not entertain every accusation against yourself. They called my humble servant David rebellious, and even my son Jesus—yet did they worry about their reputations? What is the worst that man can do? Slander you, cast you out, stone you, kill you? Do not fear the one who can kill the body and after that do no more—for the time has come for them to fear the God who has the power to cast into hell. The time has come NOW to choose whom ye shall serve: Me, or Baal, Mammon and control spirits of wickedness that afflict my people. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom!
“And where do I ever say submit to Satan? [James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9] Where do I ever say to submit to false prophets who say, “Peace, peace—there is no need to fight or struggle. There is no need to pray or fight the enemy or loose your sword!” NO, do not submit to them but defy them to their face! [Ezekiel 3:8-9] Stand like a Lion that I AM in and through you to tear down the works of the enemy and deliver my weak, humble people from these devouring jaws that cry out ‘peace’ when there is no peace!” [End]