If the ministry of prophecy to warn people of impending doom comes with Glory, how much more Glory would there be in the ministry of prophecy to teach people about the treasures of the Kingdom? The price however Jesus said to serve him in a difficult role can be high, very high sometimes. Are we still willing to pay it?
At some point God had asked me to be a pastor over the entire town of Mui Wo. I never heard of a pastor over a town, but OK, how can I help? I began to visit there a lot and meet people in dire need, befriending and praying for them. Then I was prayer walking around a recently abandoned secondary school campus that God led me to asking me to claim the property for His Kingdom. A few months later a faith-based drug rehab program was asking the city to find them a new location. The Government owns most of the land under that system and so they needed government help to move. But when it was suggested they use the abandoned school in Mui Wo a huge debate in the public sphere erupted; it was vicious. We don’t want those drug addicted children here!! I kept my silence and knew God already claimed possession of that property for his purposes, not that he does not already own everything, but I knew that he asked me to claim the property for his purposes, and was not surprised when a year or so later it was given to the faith-based drug rehab charity.
At that time we were still living far away in the Blessed Village, Tong Fuk, and were being evicted as the landlord wanted to renovate the flat and then raise the rent. God said he had a new place for us, but it was a very tight housing market and we were on a very low budget and so he said to go start looking around now! I finally focused my efforts looking for a house in Mui Wo.
Meanwhile one time I was walking past the Discovery Bay Ferry where so many of the well-paid expats lived in comfort and convenience—where I should have lived had I not chosen to serve the Lord instead. To go home I had to walk past that ferry and on to the Mui Wo ferry where many poor farmers and irregularly employed young people lived. God stopped me this one day and asked me to sit down by the ‘Disco Bay’ ferry to talk to me. He said look at that ferry. “That’s where you would be if I didn’t intervene in your life and rescue you. You would be just like those people,” He said. I saw them, rushing off to work, vain, self-absorbed, wealthy and wasting everything on their own meaningless luxuries. I knew many of those Christians and God was a distant vision, nearly an illusion to them. I would have been just like that: chasing the wind, living for self-made purposelessness. But I was always feeling down, deflated, like I lived under a constant blanket of darkness trying to put out my light. I was surely wrong for thinking like this and needed to see the blessings of God for what they were in truth and be more thankful. Yes, Lord, I said. And thank you for it!
He often told me of his personal promises during this time that I was already counting and recording and waiting for, and he just kept saying, “Wait—be patient; it will EXPLODE upon you.” Yes, Lord. Help me keep going!
Like an Open Heaven
For well over six weeks there was nothing I could find to rent even in Mui Wo but God intervened when I prayed and I saw the clouds part and a sunbeam shine down on a small footpath leading up into the hills in an area called Kau Tsuen. I followed what seemed to be a prophetic sign and sure enough found a cute little unadvertised place to rent—one of the only available units in the whole area!
Mui Wo village has several very active demonic temples and was a haven for witchcraft. There was also a beach, where the church was that Adrian was helping where I felt that angel’s presence so strongly that time. One day praying by the beach I discerned and rebuked the power of a large lust demon over the territory and then felt a good freedom settle over the area. Later I saw that demon, as large as a bull elephant but it was shaped more like a gorilla. I knew it was a territorial demon, but I saw other demons ‘higher up’ from it, like the ones that were its bosses, and they were forcing it to re-fight me to retake the territory it had lost but God also allowed me to see its insecurity and fear! I saw that it knew I had already defeated it once and I clearly saw that it lacked confidence or even a willingness to try to fight me again but was being bullied into doing so by the higher-up demonic powers above it! I saw all this going on in its mind! So I just yelled at him, playing on his own fears that God had just revealed to me and I said, “I already beat you last time. What? Do you really think you can beat me this time? GET OUT!” He just left.
The warfare in the small village was sickening. Demons manifested all over the place and there were many active witches and satanic priests maintaining demonic strongholds all over the village. One was a famous curly-haired lady who played ‘dragon drums’ in the valley by the famous waterfalls, and who even had disciples she was training.
Demonic Harassment in our Relationship
And I still remember the time my wife and I were having a very serious argument and God said to just go for a walk. I left the house and walked up into the hills, past the yoga training house where the Australian yoga instructor was doing TM, and God said, “Turn this way.” I followed the path as he directed back down the edge of the valley and I came out by a huge grove of overly-tall banana trees, and as I came out to the fields I surprised a big demon in the grass! It was startled and jumped up—it was invisible but I saw it disturb the dry leaves and grass and leave a trail in the leaves like a huge snake was slithering in the dirt as it left. I realized I was standing right next to the house of the witch who played the dragon drums and I looked up and across the small field that I was facing I could see my house right there behind a few overgrown bushes! The arguments we were having were being fueled by this witch and her demons. Duh! I prayed quite differently from then on.
Then one night my daughter was crying in her bed before sleep. I went in to see what was wrong and she said in despair, “I can’t do math. My future is ruined. I’m a failure.” I think she was 11 or 12, maybe 13, and I felt the presence of a demon in the room. Suicide is the leading cause of death of children in China and Hong Kong, usually over school stress and also failed romance, for kids even as young as 10, 11 and 12. I got angry and first I told the demon, “I bind you in Jesus’ name! Don’t move!” Then asked the Holy Spirit what was going on. He said, “She thinks she’s bad at math but in fact she is VERY GOOD at it.” I considered that My mom was a math teacher, my dad was in Time Magazine for being a brilliant Engineer in the 70’s and I wanted to be a physicist before focusing on writing in school. Not only that but God had just said she was actually VERY GOOD at what Satan was telling her she was terrible at and which would ruin her life. Then I told her that God had prepared a beautiful future for us, with lots of blessings, and he was even beginning to reveal businesses and other big projects for us, and none of it depended on her being good at math. I then told her, poor math is not a life skill that will stop her future in any way. We have calculators and computers and just to stop worrying. Then I told her God also said she is VERY GOOD at math actually. It was all lies from the enemy!
She calmed down and we laughed and she began to get ready to sleep and so I then turned to the demon which was still there, and I said, “And about YOU! …” but it panicked and broke free of my binding command and shot out the window and I saw in the spirit that it flew over the houses and went into a small temple at the corner of the village for protection. The demonic attack was coming from that small temple.
Then I was often bumping into a White man from Australia who wore a robe and we would get off the same ferry and both walk the 15 or 20 minutes up to our part of the village and then he would keep going past my house higher up into the forest to his home. I chatted with him often to befriend him and he said he was a yoga master training people to do TM—transcendental meditation—a very satanic form of witchcraft also called astral projection or bi-location. He said he was trying to bring humanity into a higher enlightenment of morality to improve society. I shared the gospel very matter-of-factly and that I was a prophet of the Lord and explained what that was like.
We had a very open conversation, a very good rapport. I hoped he would see the truth and become a follower in Jesus. But that night I was writing at the computer working on HKI and an early draft of the book Foundations of the Kingdom when he visited me in the spirit. I could feel the presence of his spirit in my room observing me; he was doing TM. I didn’t acknowledge him but opened my heart up to the Spirit of God so the Glory of God would flow over me; I got goosebumps and felt the light of God’s Presence was clearly visible to him—and then he left.
I was trying to evangelize him but it’s also dangerous to have a spiritual criminal like that in our village. So I commanded he be removed in Jesus’ name. Two weeks later I saw him looking sad and asked him what’s wrong and he said he was being relocated by his yoga order and had to leave Hong Kong within two weeks! Problem was he was going back to Australia to run a children’s school. I prayed God would disrupt that plan as well, and get him saved. But at least he was gone.
Sign of 33,000 Lightning Strikes
The Lord was no longer using me to warn the Tree of Life Church and so instead He was using me to train people, to pray and was teaching me his deeper revelations of the Kingdom and I remember God telling me he would give me a sign about my calling and future ministry on Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. I think he said it would be like a sign in the weather or in the sky. I hoped to see a rainbow or something but I waited and watched all day but it was a clear, fine day and I could not see anything out of the ordinary and was maybe a little disappointed.
They have a good Doppler weather radar system in Hong Kong which was shown on-line so you could track with very good precision where and when it would rain. Well that late afternoon before early evening, but still well before dark, I was just relaxing in bed with my laptop and saw something incredible coming my way on the Doppler radar! It wasn’t a storm, it wasn’t raining anywhere but there was just one rolling line of clouds like a fat cigar or something but it had intense lightning activity in it—and it was headed my way! I started to hear the lightning strikes far away with a few deep BOOMS and unplugged everything in the house just in case we had a power surge but the laptop wi-fi was still working and I could continue to watch it on-line on my laptop as the cloud was headed to pass right over my house! Was this the sign God was talking about? It was so cool! The website would show with a colored X if there was a lightning strike either cloud-to-cloud or if it hit the ground and I’ve never seen such a thing—the rolling cloud was already covered with HUNDREDS of X’s.
I was so excited until it got near enough that the lightning and thunder began to become quite loud and very frequent and it, well, it began to not really scare me yet, but maybe something pretty close. I left the bedroom to check on the rest of windows in the house but it was still getting louder and louder and, well, OK, by now I was beginning to get a little uncomfortable, I admit it. It was not yet dusk but now the sky just turned completely black and it looked like it was late at night but for the extreme flashes of blinding light every few seconds and there was at least one loud C-R-A-S-H every few minutes or so—and when that happened the old windows in the house started shaking and rattling and I was afraid some of the windows might actually get broken!
But I was thinking it’s probably getting ready to dissipate but instead the lightning noticeably increased and the frequency of very loud strikes was now every few seconds! The strikes again became noticeably even more frequent and I can’t describe to you what it was now like. There were clearly several lightning strikes every second by now—the flashing was like a strobe light but not like a steady pattern, it was still random and unpredictable but then a huge terrifying—BOOOM—and a sudden, massive—CRAAAASSH—as one bolt of lightning hit the metal roof right next to me and I screamed out loud in fear! “AHHHHHHH!!!!”—the sound of lightning hitting a thin metal roof next door is deafening!
“OK God! It’s enough—it’s enough!” I said, but the noise didn’t stop. By now I was just plain scared.
Everyone would be startled by a lightning strike they didn’t expect but this was now a constant barrage of thousands and thousands of lightning strikes, several flashes every second and the noise was so loud I just plugged my ears, but I could still FEEL their impact in my chest, so I kept my eyes mostly tightly shut and sat in a safe place praying, hoping it would soon pass. It was awful!!
I had another friend who kept an eye on the Jewish calendar and she emailed me later to ask if I noticed the sign in the heavens on Jewish New Year. I didn’t tell her God told me beforehand to watch for it and it was a personal sign to me. Afterwards I checked the weather website and they tracked the single cloud over the territory and reported how long it was here and how many lightning strikes it had. I think it was about 27 minutes in duration and they recorded a staggering 33,000 lightning strikes in that span of time over Hong Kong—it’s most intense outburst was when it was directly over my house!!!
Prophetically 33 is how old Jesus was when he began his ministry, so the number can symbolize being released into ministry—this only meant something to me because God said it was a sign about my future ministry to him. And multiply this by 1,000 meaning maybe it’s going to be like a 1,000-fold outpouring. But I was not boasting, I was terrified!
If this outburst of 33,000 strikes took an hour it would mean we experienced nine lightning strikes every second. That’s more than you can count on your own. But I think it was only in our territory for something like 27 minutes. So multiply 27 minutes by 60 seconds and you get 1,620 seconds. To record 33,000 strikes in 1,620 seconds means ON AVERAGE there were 20 lightning strikes per second, but again that is on average. It started slow and ended slow and so if it was on a bell curve it may have begun and ended with only one or two strikes every one or two seconds—but in the middle when it was directly over my house it may have been 30 or 40 or even 50 lightning strikes PER SECOND.
You want to see a sign from God, you say? You want a sign in the heavens, you say? You want one that’s unmistakable, you say? Really? Are you sure? Well be careful what you ask for—you just might get it!
More Personal Warning Words
The personal warfare was very intense but manageable in the power of God and we were making great progress but my wife was really not doing so well. God had been giving her warning dreams and visions that she was falling away and exposing the foundation of her faith, but she seemed unable to do anything about it. She had joined Christianity mostly because of pride knowing it was a better way to follow God than her Catholic upbringing—he revealed pride was the root of her walk, at least at that time. Please don’t tell people that; it’s private and embarrassing. He also said she was being affected by the religious spirit, which is a false or counterfeit Holy Spirit, and it was infecting her thinking, fueling her pride and disturbing her peace. I never mention her name here out of respect, but still, please keep some of these more hurtful things to yourself and just ponder the lessons we can learn.
And I really don’t want to share this. I’m debating sharing it at all. I’m not angry. It’s not really even her fault. But people may need to know that God sees everything and nothing catches him by surprise.
So she herself shared a dream that we as a family were all in a high floor of the new tower of the International Finance Center, Tower 2, the big one, and me and our daughter and even some of her friends all went up to a higher level still, and my wife wanted to go with us but she looked down and Oh, no! she was not dressed properly and was only wearing old pajamas that had big holes in the them! She was so embarrassed she tried to hide her nakedness from sight but there was an Angel there suddenly who told her not only could she not go higher like the rest of us, he even said to her, “You think you’re married, but you’re not!” She never wanted to take my name, never did, never applied for a US visa or Green Card either; she began to say that she hated America, and especially my family for in her words raising me to be so reckless and selfish and abusive. Abusive? Really, how? He won’t just get a regular job. She often said I was abusing her by not quitting this ‘religion thing’ and just getting a regular job. She said this even when we were both ministers. It’s a real problem James pointed out saying a double minded person is unstable in all their ways. God can surely calm every storm and solve every problem, but you first must be willing to ask him for help and to trust him during the process when it doesn’t yet make any sense.
Another especially bitter situation arose concerning my mother. We only spoke once to twice a year anyway and she was not involved in any ‘mother-in-law’ ways in our lives at all, but my wife still held strong resentment towards her for raising me to be so ‘American,’ prideful and selfish—so unwilling to just get a job. But once we separated, wouldn’t you know it but she discovered my mom was actually her best friend! Someone she could call often and confide in who would be a shoulder she could cry on who would listen to all her bitter complaints about her useless husband who was a religious man in public but in private was abusive and evil. Abusive, really? Yes, he won’t just get a real job!
My own mother who prayed for God to USE ME turned on me as well and began to repeat the same accusations and obvious untruths my wife had been saying. But I didn’t justify myself but just told her plainly to open her own eyes and see what was going on, especially that my wife kicked her own daughter out of her own house thrice finally. Yes, I said, our life is hard sometimes but we are OK. I’m still here! And we’ve been serving God for many years and He is taking care of us despite what people say and think. My mom said, Yes, I know son, <sigh>, but you really do need to get a real job. Well, I HAVE a REAL job, I said. I work for God. That’s what Jesus told me. You can imagine her reaction.
Knowing how upset this betrayal made me but also my disappointment at my own mother’s almost willful gullibility, Jesus said, “Don’t you think I can be a better mother to you than your real mother?” … My mother died before we reconciled.
And I briefly mentioned that God showed a vision to my now ex-wife of herself as a sapling of what could be a huge tree—but it was stuck in a plant pot by a sand dune and the pot was stunting it’s growth. “It can never grow to full size, WHILE ITS STUCK IN THAT POT!” God said very emphatically. What was the pot? She said she knew herself it was the Religious Spirit.
In another vision I saw 12 different demons including generational curses, man-hating, adultery, family destroying, a dark leopard, a hyena (mocking), and a huge vicious bear, all affecting her. I tried my best for a long time to pray and pray and pray to free her from all these things. The problem was not with the prayers I think but in her free will. God simply won’t force us to repent and follow him. Witchcraft makes it all the harder, and God was exposing our hearts as well. But I tried and tried to rebuke, bind and cast out those demons again and again and again.
I began to see this one bear demon in my house often and I could bind it but could not cast it out! One time I saw it, bound it, it froze and I commanded it in Jesus’ name to finally tell me what it was doing here in my house; what was its assignment! “I am taking away your family happiness,” it confessed. So I canceled it’s assignment but it said, “My work is not finished yet!” Yes it is! I demanded! But I could not get rid of it or stop it from harassing my wife. Something was empowering it that I just could not break.
My wife often had outbursts especially when I was working on HKI specifically, the prophecy journal I mean—it drew a lot of warfare directly but the Father himself overshadowed me one day to tell me how important that journal was to Him! I won’t get into it, but she began to try to deliberately sabotage its publication and I had to make sure she was not involved in it in any way at all to protect it from her. I won’t talk about it any more than that. And God has even more plans than that for sharing the prophetic word he told me to do for him but I won’t talk about all that right now.
Dividing Sheep from Goats
One of the other words my wife had previously gotten a few times about the Tree of Life Church community was it as a Ship leaving the World but once it began to hit stormy water it turned back to the world for safety, for money or for their other desires. I published a few of these words previously in the HKI but they were addressed to ‘some churches’ not our home church by name because the journal was not a place for personal or specific words for a single church, and I would never say something like that publicly either unless God said to!
But sadly as things began to get worse my wife had the vision I shared before of the ground splitting, separating the sheep from the goats and while she was standing with us, the sheep, her heart was being pulled away with the goats. She saw that the ground would begin to really separate wider and wider and at some point the anchor of her heart to the camp of the goats would suddenly pull her off her feet and she would fall away from the camp of the sheep completely.
She shared God told her this herself.
We prayed as much as we could, at least I did, but finally my wife began to go into full depression just as we were planning on leaving the Tree of Life Church at God’s prompting. We visited Jackie Pullinger’s church a few times, miracles flowed freely and I had several powerful visions during service—one I saw Jesus like a rich king on a throne! He looked good! All I wanted to do was ‘take a knee’ and bow before him but remain ready for action! I also had two dreams about God’s purpose for me there. Then Jesus openly asked me if I wanted to run one of her new small groups. Everyone was scrambling to run it I reminded God but he said, “You are the only one I am inviting.” I also had a dream where I went to a higher level and Jackie was there and helped wash me and began prophesying to me in the dream; one thing she said was, “You have been given the key of understanding. Without you no one will understand.” It was about The Foundations of the Kingdom revelation I assumed. Wow. She said four other things in the dream I remembered briefly but then could not recall any more when I fully woke up.
But soon my wife refused to go to that church either, or to any church for that matter. I wondered if I finally needed to bring things to a more public light? Maybe I needed to bring her before something like a council? Would that help her see her error and come back? The Bible says rebuke someone privately, then bring a friend, then if that won’t stop them then make it public before the church … but God said no, “Would love do that?” I said I just want to bring her back to her senses. He didn’t repeat himself.
By this time we had already seen the Throne of Grace in heaven and were teaching on this revelation often. It’s the place where we go to get strength, and now I saw a vision of my wife in the spirit and she was so sick and unable to care for herself that she was just skin and bones and like a deflated, lifeless body. She could not bring herself into God’s presence anymore to get herself the help she needed, so I had to carry her there like a lifeless doll.
Then my daughter saw a vision of her mom drowning in the ocean, confused, raving in accusations against everything she could think of, and my daughter and me were safe on the Lord’s sailboat. The problem was my daughter felt to reach her mom the best thing to do was to jump off the boat, get back into the ‘water’ to make peace and help draw her out. She did this but the problem was she herself began drowning. After a time … a giant hand came down and picked my daughter up out of the water and placed her, wet and exhausted, back into the boat, safe again. Her mother was still struggling in the water.
(Years later my daughter backslid and this was one of the main reasons, trying to reach her mom who hated anything related to church, religion, etc., but also all the deception and pollution her mother was now embracing gave her a lot of demonic confusion. Ten years later or so I got remarried and my biggest on-going concern was my daughter’s welfare. I saw visions of her and she was in actual danger. Together, my special wife, Ann, and I—well, honestly it was mostly all Ann and she finally put her foot down and DEMANDED my daughter break free of all the deception and bondage and she did that very day and in a few weeks was safely in Bethel in Redding being restored, healed, trained and empowered. There is power in a praying wife! Better believe it!)
A Petition—GRANTED!
But back then in Hong Kong before my wife left I was prayer walking the hills behind my home and I asked God if I could petition him for his already numerous unanswered promises and he said, OK. So I got home and began to write a petition of his dozens of delayed promises and he suddenly stopped me and asked, “Were these conditional promises?”
I gulped dryly. I knew there were people who were told what to do and what not to do and had the consequences clearly explained to them—but others were punished because they ought to have known what not to do. I knew I can not demand or justify myself before God. So I said cautiously, “Lord, you know everything. I am a man of flesh and weakness … but no, these promises were not conditional …”
“Very well, carry on,” He said, “But after you finish I will tell you something.”
I wrote out about 30 words I was already waiting on. One was spending $5 million, and buying and selling houses, ministering globally, so many big words, but even some small ones. I missed pizza. Can I have pizza sometimes more than only once or twice a year or whatever it was living like this? He also said I would have a happy marriage, a happy family—he had a Special Woman chosen for me after all, and I knew it was the New Hampshire pastor’s daughter originally, but he said this was Plan B and it was still a good plan and so still under his promise, and that she would ‘be like me, only a little less,’ and I remember writing it down and thinking it over as I finished my draft petition and I had to walk the dogs again because it was evening, and so I was up the hill praying again and he said, “Go back home now.” But that I would anyway come back up the hill later that night. But I never walked the dogs that far up the dark hill twice in a night?! Why come back later?
Back home my wife was beyond consolation and it had now come to Adrian’s knowledge and without thinking he just suggested we live apart for a time until things calmed down and she just jumped at the idea! I got home and she announced triumphantly that she had signed a lease on a new apartment for herself and was moving out! Oh, that’s the vision I saw about her in a new flat and being watched by that creepy old guy from Pakistan who we all knew raped a girl. In the vision he was watching her now being vulnerable ready to rape her too. I started to pray for her protection, but I soon began to get fearful and scared and God said, “Go back up the hill to pray.”
His Ways are Higher
I went back up the hill to where I usually turn around and the Spirit said, Now go up higher. There was one more lamp-post by another abandoned shack higher up in this section of walkway, higher up than I ever walked the dogs and it was pretty creepy but I wasn’t afraid of a demon jumping out of the bushes! I would discern for the enemy’s presence and anyway rebuked everything in my path I didn’t like and was simply not afraid. My friends would not dare walk up there with me at night, but I was not afraid!
So I got up to the lamp-post God indicated and when I turned around I could see the lights of the main village by the bay now because I was high above most of the treetops at this height and he spoke.
“About the petition? GRANTED. But you can crumple it up and throw it away for what I am about to do for you. I am making you leader of my people Israel.”
I began shaking under this unexpected word—I won’t say I was scared, but you might. I said, “God … no one can do a good job in that position. No one ever has.” I looked at his word in my heart to discern his intention—he was not talking about the nation of Israel, but his Body. He spoke in the singular but I looked and it felt more like he meant it in the plural, to be one of the leaders of his people. And as I had taught and wrote about in Foundations of the Kingdom, the real leaders are servants. To be a Leader of his people means being a Servant of his people. That’s all I wanted to do anyway! Would this be a big position? Would I need to be trained more and so endure more hardships? I didn’t feel ready to serve God in such a weighty position or endure more hardships. But still, the frightening reality that NO ONE has done a good job in that role, not David, Peter, even Paul had things he needed to improve, gave me a solemn sense of sobriety. My wife was leaving me, I was actually relieved, but if his promises about such a simple thing as a happy family were so confusing, seemingly failing, what can I do now with this word?
So I just said something like, “I will obey you and do what you ask, but I need your help in anything that difficult. But yes, I will obey.” Amen!
The Bear finally claims Victory
I had kept finding proverbs saying things like it’s better to sleep in the corner of a rooftop than in a large house with a contentious wife; I think I found this or a similar verse six or seven times unexpectedly, so for a few weeks I slept in the upstairs office on a pile of boxes of books of 40 Days in Heaven and on hearing God’s voice which I still had, to give her space but then my wife just went into her bedroom and would not come out at all for several days. God asked me to go talk to her and apologize and try to offer her reconciliation but she again took this not as a sacrifice of love but as weakness. So I knelt down next to her and told her I didn’t want to fight, I didn’t want her to be unhappy, I wanted us to be a family and get along. And she said, “Yes me too, but … ” and then I saw that bear demon manifest behind her and her face changed, becoming dark and contorted … “But I can’t! … I need to … I won’t ….”
If I really wanted to make her happy I needed to quit following God and go back and get a real job. Her ‘logic’ was so confusing it’s hard to even explain it. She said, God would not bless me for following him like this (as he plainly asked us many times to continue doing), and if I kept trying to be a minister I would lose my calling to be a minister because my real calling was to be a businessman and so if I wanted to be blessed by God I needed to quit being a minister and get a regular job and then maybe after God would give me back my calling … of serving him as a minister. She would get our roles mixed up and accuse me of doing what she actually did and things like that. Everything God had previously said to her was forgotten and when she claimed to hear God speak now is was only to harshly denounce our ministry, calling and everything we had stood on for so many years.
She demanded I stop following God and harsh emotional blackmail, circular reasoning and the threat of divorce were her weapons to do that.
But I had already learned this. Even if I gave in, she would just make a new demand, move the goalposts as we say, change her mind about what she wanted. She was unappeasable in this mood and NOTHING would satisfy her—well, nothing would satisfy the demon bear who had convinced her to let him speak through her. I saw the bear behind her pumping his fist in victory saying, “I win! I win!”
And God said, “You need to let her go. She’s made up her mind.” So I said, “OK, you can go.”
Jesus soon said, it was worse than I realized. My wife, he said, was now a part of the Apostate Church, no longer trying to solve problems or understand the nature of the problems, but just looking to find someone to blame. Who was to blame for her feelings of unease? Me, but God had already told me that it wasn’t me she was angry at. She can be angry at me, it’s OK. I’m following God’s direction every day, sometimes every hour, and if it is a cause of stumbling, I’ll take the blame. I’m not perfect but I’m still not going to quit. Who’s guidance would we follow then? No, thank you!
Within a few days at around 11 pm she just began to pack and moved out quietly but at midnight so no one would see her, and I realized it was Halloween. It was probably the very minute her lease began but I remembered the dream from a few years ago of her refusing to continue to follow the Lord even though she had what she needed, plenty of provision, much more than me, and had already overcome the obstacles she insisted were impassable. In this dream it was all happening on Halloween. Is it also important to note that her newly rented flat was just a few meters away from the dragon drum witch’s house? Probably.
I sent my daughter to go visit her a lot since I knew she was alone and probably needed her to be her companion and ease her loneliness. I now think it may have done more harm than good, harm to my daughter I mean. I knew my wife was an emotional wreck but she then kicked my daughter out of her own house, not once but three times finally.
A Time to Refrain from Grieving
I assumed when she left God would give me some time off to take a break, lick my wounds, grieve … but no. First, I spent more time in prayer to find solutions to the on-going crisis and he began to tell me things he never did before. He began to open up to me about the details of the huge Philippine mission! It really was 1,000 times bigger than I ever imagined and I’m not exaggerating. And he also began to more openly reveal the secrets of his Kingdom.
Second, with her gone a sweet peace settled on the house and the Holy Spirit’s presence was truly my daily companion. God asked me to help a few homeless or mentally ill people or visiting missionaries from time to time and my house was almost never empty. I had so little money but He even fed me very well from McDonald’s quality control food laboratory. So I had more food than I could eat or give away! I had to feed my dogs fresh hamburger all the time because even with three refrigerators I had no place to store it all!
So in this environment, in this peace and in this hunger for his help I was finally able to hear him speak to me for a few hours at a time in open conversation whenever I wanted to sit in his presence and listen. This was when he first gave me the most wonderful interpretations of several dreams I had at that time, a few of which I’ll share in a minute to show you what I mean.
The Floodgates of Revelation Open
And like I said with the Tree of Life issue now behind me, and my wife no longer able to stir up so much strife every day, God began to talk to me instead about his Kingdom, my future, and yes, he began to prepare me for the vision he had for me in the Philippines.
Back in 2009 we had gone on a mission trip as a family to Bohol and he said he was preparing us to be used by him in a special way to lay the foundations of revival there. Many of the 100 key insights and first visions came through my wife when we were there together in January 2009, and also as she prayed when I returned alone in March to explore the area better. God openly said she had a personal calling to serve God in the Philippines with me, so I believed she would get over her tantrum eventually and God kept saying to me, dozens of times actually, “She’ll be OK. She’ll come back. Don’t worry. Just keep pressing in.”
So when she moved out God finally began to open up his detailed plans for the development projects in the Philippines and it quickly overwhelmed even my imagination! A Theme Park at over 222 hectares—about 500 acres, a new town of six blocks, a fish farm that earned millions of dollars each month, global ministry, manufacturing, working with ALL media, a new public school, large charity projects for ten thousand children, the elderly, etc., and a car race series as the last thing we do before we leave … and so I was spending as much time as I could with him to try and keep up with his ever-expanding vision. Then I had to learn how to draw, design, layout, budget and research to understand how to accomplish these things!
And I now think I understand why he intentionally waited for my wife to leave to tell me these things because her mind was too chaotic and confused walking through normal circumstances, to be able to move in the higher realm she needed to first stand on a solid foundation of proper faith and trust. If he told her these next secrets that she was not able to handle properly she would only be empowered to cause damage and sabotage them. God said don’t cast your pearls before swine—unclean, unprepared, unsanctified people—He doesn’t!
Furthermore, to whom much is given much is required. If he had told her these secrets, she would be held accountable for knowing them, and without being able to act faithfully, God would be forced to judge and punisher her. So it was also his mercy to keep these things from her.
Three Visitors at Christmas
And I shared this next experience in a video recently, and in the introduction, about having three visitors at Christmas. So precious! So I was all alone for Christmas that year, and I mean totally alone. My family in the US would never call me; I had no American friends. And I sent my daughter to stay with my wife to comfort her over the holiday. I also had no money for even one gift, one decoration or one holiday food item but I was OK. Most everything we celebrated was tainted with pagan pollution and worldly commerce anyway. I was fine. It’s just another day.
But then on the 24th I heard the voice of God say that he would visit me on Christmas Day. I didn’t know what that meant but then on the 25th he asked if I would rearrange the furniture for visitors. I moved the chairs around facing the small sofa, not knowing who would show up—you never know!—when he just asked me to sit down and suddenly the presence of God in Three Persons came and sat next to me on the sofa!!!
Across from me was the Father and I say he was quiet, a little serious. He didn’t talk much; he wasn’t upset, just … serious. He just appeared there on the sofa across from me. To my left side (on the right side of the Father) the presence of Jesus came and he just started talking, talking, talking—seemingly non-stop. And then I looked to my right and the presence of the Holy Spirit was suddenly there but when I looked at him he just cracked up in deep laughter like he had just heard the funniest joke ever! He never spoke a word—he just laughed and laughed—a deep, honest laugh from his belly!
And I looked back to the Father: silent, serious—Jesus: talk, talk, talk—and Holy Spirit: cracking up in laughter!
So I got my notebook to write it down because I really do write everything down, and he said, “No, it’s not like that. Just sit with us.” So I just sat in their company, looking around at my house guests!!! Who would believe me!!!??? I didn’t even care! It was just so wonderful!!
But when I turned to the Father I began to think and I said I wanted to get to know him better. Since I understood Jesus was the Way, so the Father must therefore be the Destination, or that’s what I was thinking about at that time. Jesus called the Father his GOD in the Bible. So I said I wanted to get to know him better. You know, go right to the source!
But the Father said, gesturing to Jesus on his right (my left), something like, “Everything you can know about me you can learn about through my son, Jesus; get to know him better.”
I looked at Jesus, he was talking so much: talk, talk, talk, talk, talk—I turned to my right and the Holy Spirit was cracking up again—or maybe still. He’s just so happy, that guy!!
But after a very short time I just began to fade—I was losing the strength to sit up in a sofa chair! I think I was something like slowly being slain in the spirit! And I began to slide down and had to put my legs over the armrest to try to prop myself up to stay awake and I think it was the Father who said, “You want to rest?”
And I said, “Yeh, I’m falling asleep!”
And he said, “OK, you can sleep,” and then almost instantly … ZZZZzzzzzz … I was out!
I woke up later and they were all gone and I was again alone in my house on Christmas Day.
There’s so much I want to say about this visitation but all I want to share right now is that Jesus is called the Word of God for a reason. He really talks non-stop. If you can’t hear him talking, it’s not because he has nothing to say! And the Holy Spirit is the JOY of the Lord personified! He does not HAVE the joy—he IS the JOY. Full stop! And the Father is not angry as you suppose, grumpy, or in a bad mood. No, he’s just very … serious. But everything you can know about him you can learn about through his son, Jesus. Get to know Jesus better.
Prophets Training School
So I was doing daily planning and research for his projects as much as I could. Prophesying, then research, drawing, writing. I saw myself in a bus going forward into the future but I was sitting backwards and could only see where I had already been. Then another time I began crying out for any kind of help and I saw myself alone on a donkey, a mule, steadily walking up the path towards the mountain—making steady progress towards the Lord’s destination but it was slow and lonely and required great stamina, effort and determination.
Then one day that Spring He just said, “It’s time to start the school.”
OK, sure, I said … but what school? I had not heard him talk about starting a school yet.
“The school to train the prophets,” he said. It was time to start it.
I honestly told God I didn’t think you could do such a thing, train people to be prophets in a classroom or in a ‘school’ as he called it!
“Oh no!?” He said, “How about this. You train them as I lead you to and I will invite everyone who completes the classes to serve me as a prophet.”
Oh, OK, that makes it work. My main hang-up was how to impart a calling to a person through a class. But if God is going to just offer them that role, it made sense to me. Why not?! Why do we always have to over-complicate things? So I developed a course on a Prophets Training School, as God called it, and he said it would be a staple of all our training from now on.
The training was eye-opening. Everyone began prophesying the first day, as God asked. We studied the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles a lot! Being a prophet was not so much about hearing his voice, everyone can do that, instead it was more about CARRYING his Word, being able to DELIVER his Word to people, ESPECIALLY to people who DON’T WANT TO LISTEN! It was intense!
We only had a few people attend and one was a lady from the Philippines I had just met who wanted to learn to hear God’s voice, but her schedule was hard since she was a live-in domestic helper. She was a real people-person, had such a Spirit-filled attitude, modest, always laughing, completely in love with the Lord and unusually for many Filipinas she was just neither ‘religious’ nor ‘worldly’ in any way—very far form it, but instead was something like a best friend to Jesus. Her name was Ann. She had come to the church on the beach in Mui Wo a few times and now wanted to go deeper.
Then the scariest thing happened training the prophets but I really think I can’t share it here. If you meet me and have fifteen minutes and God says it’s OK, ask me about killing the rat with a word and the false prophet. Scary.
And during that preparation God gave me the most beautiful overview of prophecy, and I’ll share it in the last chapter—what prophecy is to YOU as a person and what it is to GOD is not quite the same. To God prophecy is simply this: He is GOD: He speaks to WHOMEVER he wants, WHENEVER he wants, through WHOMEVER he wants, about WHATEVER he wants—He fears NO MAN!—Just let that sink in a little … because THAT my friends is what prophecy is really all about.
Carrying His Presence
That lady, Ann, would come by now and again and if she was visiting the church I would know she was close because I could often feel the presence of God she carried arrive first. One time I was helping a single mom who was living in a demonic temple as she was homeless, and I had her at my house in the day time, mostly to help protect her child, William. And Ann was still reluctant to come visit me there because it looked bad to come to my home she said. I didn’t think that was a problem but being a Filipina, people would assume we were having some inappropriate behavior she said, and they would talk. I ran an all-female Filipina fellowship at the Tree of Life for four years, yes, but that was while I was married. But none of the other Filipinas worried about this, but Ann sure did.
But this one time she met us at my house because the girl I was helping was there and her son would not stop crying. When Ann came in the presence of God arrived a minute before she did and her presence calmed the boy down instantly and she helped him to walk for the first time! She had a strong gift for child care obviously. Of course! She had seven children she said. Seven!? The hills are alive with the sound of … but then she left and about a minute afterwards I could feel her anointing fade away. Incredible! But then the boy began crying again!
I soon taught her about ‘communion’ and prophecy and she took to it like a fish to water. It was what she always wanted to do and she was already hearing Jesus speak to her, but it was unclear to her often who was talking to her, if this was OK to do, and she lacked confidence mostly. Her father died when she was a young teen and her life became so very hard and her praying mom got by with constant help from the Lord. It was at that difficult time when Jesus became Ann’s best friend; that’s how she said it. She would talk to him just like talking to a real person in her teen years she said.
Skin and Bones
So maybe a year later I could not find my daughter one afternoon and heard she may have gone to a bar with a very naughty girl from her school; they were both around 14 I think and it was the afternoon on a weekend. Our village did not allow cars so we all had bicycles and so I biked over to the father of that other girl and he was drinking with his friends near their house. He knew I was a minister and he was comfortably numb with his beer and I just tried to be friendly but share my concern. Oh yes, he said, they are too young to be doing that! We made some texts but they were not replying.
News reached my estranged wife and I met her in the pathway to her part of the village and when I saw her I was stunned! She looked like she was just skin and bones! Her hair was disheveled and dry and she lost so much weight, it seemed like she was seriously ill. When she left our family and the church she became obsessed with zumba, so maybe that’s what led to her extreme weight-loss? But like she overdid it! It looked more like she was starving herself from depression. Maybe both?
But the thing is I had an instant witness in my spirit of the dream of Barns on a Hillside where my love interest was near death, just skin and bones, and could not even lift her own arms. In the vision I hugged her and carried her and just said, “What’s the matter? What’s the matter?” But she was too emaciated to even reply. Note, I didn’t ‘remember’ this vision, I ‘discerned’ in the Spirit that this was what I was witnessing.
That gave me such a heavy jolt of realization: God had seen this very moment before and showed it to me in that vision over 21 years ago—but it was a vision of my pastor’s daughter wasn’t it? When Paul wrote we prophesy in part and know in part, he really meant it. All I could really understand was God was still in control somehow, but seeing this now confused me more than anything!
Only after being married to her for 15 years did I know she was the woman in the second scene of that dream! But the third scene and the previous scene made even less sense now. The third scene was a union and romance that was supernaturally, divinely special. So the future could hold a serious reconciliation, right? Of course! Because God can turn all things around!
But I didn’t even try to understand it; it was just too far over my head—we soon located my daughter who apologized—all was well, and I didn’t see my now ex-wife again for several more years.
Assault, Police Corruption and Finally Eviction
God was using me in Mui Wo so much, talking to me from his deep heart and preparing me to go on a real mission to the Philippines, but I had less and less money and my rent was late and the landlord finally came to beat me up. The day they threatened to come for me arrived and then in the spirit I knew they were coming. God calmed me down and when they were on the way he just said, “Are you ready? Go outside to meet them.” The landlord brought two very violent men with him and they began to beat me severely, smashing a resin chair over my head and then beating me senseless with the sharp broken frame that remained, cutting me up many, many times, ripping my shirt off … and at one moment during the assault time froze and God spoke and he said, “You are being beaten for the Gospel, EVERYTHING from now on is about the Gospel.” And then the assault continued.
I broke free and ran for my life only to see my daughter coming home from school who met me covered in blood running for my life.
The police came and arrested me, the only non-Chinese person there, and they all said I owed them money and I started the fight, so it was all my fault. The police agreed.
In the ambulance my daughter called my wife who said it served me right, I needed to sort my life out. I later met the new pastor at the Tree of Life, it was a few months later by then, and he came to my town to rent a bike to ride around as tourists often did, and he said, “Oh yeah, we heard you had some kind of problem ….” Kind of him to be almost slightly bothered.
Anyway the police tried to charge me with a bogus claim of attacking the three men and they took their time ‘investigating’ while I had to report every week to the police station under the threat of being jailed every time I showed up. Turns out it was all a sham to wear me down and they began talking about me agreeing to a ‘binding over’ procedure if I would sign a form releasing the men of criminal assault, I would also not be charged. I never heard of that, a binding over, it may have been a British or even local court procedure but I could not find any legal help in the entire city and didn’t understand what this meant and going through severe PTSD I could barely think straight as it was. I finally agreed, but it confused me what it meant and seemed like something was not right. I meanwhile looked at the issues regarding a civil case and went to the landlady and got her to sign a statement of settlement letting me stay in lieu of me suing her brother for the assault. They still sued me to evict me but it was not a real property so there was not real title or proof of ownership, so the case dragged on a few months while they had to file to get proof of their ownership and I had her contract to protect me anyway, or so I thought.
God did all this to effect his perfect timing I later recognized. But all this time I asked God over and over to please just give me the money I needed to pay up the rent or let me move out or do something to save me instead of making me walk through this terrible valley. I walked up the hill every morning and evening praying and taking my dogs for a walk, and there was an old abandoned pig pen in the overgrown bushes and he said, “So you want to live here?” In an abandoned pig pen with no roof? Of course not. “Then stay in that house.” People said it was clearly not God’s voice. God would never do that! I kept praying, God I need such a small amount of money to pay them, please just give me the money. He just kept saying it over and over, “Trust me.”
They sued me, I counterclaimed for the assault, but the court handling the civil case however said something was not right in my counter claim. The police report did not collaborate my side of the story. I showed an image of my bloody face, I had suffered more than 50 cuts and bruises, my shoulder was so damaged where they broke the chair over my body that it took a long time to heal enough to use my arm again. Well, that is interesting. But if it’s true why didn’t I file a police report? I did and they dropped the case when I signed the ‘binding over’ to drop criminal charges against the men. They said there is no such thing as a ‘binding over’ as I describe it. I realized the police totally manipulated the case to favor the local men against the ‘foreigner’ and still without legal help I had no idea of local Hong Kong court procedures, I could barely even think straight to remember what happened and in what order. I was going through PTSD. I could not even form a series of thoughts to explain what was plain and simple.
But what I really want to mention is while I was waiting to be evicted for several months my biggest fear was losing my prophecy journals. That’s how valuable his word was to me, as confusing as it was!
My daily focus was to obey God’s moment-by-moment direction and every day he kept prophesying to me, preparing me for my future in the Philippines, teaching me about himself and his Kingdom. The level of stress was debilitating, simply overpowering, but I just ran into the presence of God as much as I could, as much as I needed to, to feel his peace and reassurance, to calm down and find the strength I needed to keep breathing, keep sleeping at night, keep eating at mealtime and to keep pressing in to Him. The more stress I had the more his voice and companionship became so personal and real to me. He was truly my strength, my very source of life.
But I will carefully share that one week during this time I had had enough and felt it would be better to just die and go to heaven than endure any more of this. I was not suicidal, but just despairing of any way out.
That’s when God asked me to start a Equestrian Riding School in the Philippines. I never heard of such a thing, but that’s exactly what it’s called, a riding school! He named it Ambrose, the same name as an early church leader. Researching horses he then introduced me to Gypsy horses and I fell in love! I had never seen such a beautiful creature in my entire life! He said he would give me, my daughter and my wife one each. Then he introduced me to the Piano Guys and this sounds silly but it helped rescue me from my overwhelming despair. God showed me one of the guys and said how happy he really was and he was a good model for me to emulate. It’s confusing because he’s a Mormon! It didn’t seem to bother God. God told me he has people all over the world who belong to him. Not validating that clearly false doctrine, but that God draws people to him who seek him with all their hearts. God used these two things at this deep moment of despair to keep me from falling into a darker pit: Gypsy horses, and the Piano Guys.
The third thing he did was to let me get a phone call. It was from that lady, Ann. She was working in China by then and God told her she needed to call me, urgently. “Mr. Johnson, stop the drama right now.” She was both laughing and being serious at the same time. She said God told her to call me and to tell me it was going to be OK. Trust him. How did she know so much, so many private details about my situation? She was in God’s counsel now in a very deep and intimate way. She said something funny, I’m not sure when I should share this but she had helped me so much to flush out the details of the visions and prophetic words for the Philippines before she left because the volume of ideas was too much for me to grapple with. When she left to work in China God told her, “You won’t see Edward Johnson for two more years.” Why would that matter? Why mention me by name?
And fourth, if you recall He had shown me my heavenly house previously, both of them: the noisy large Royal Crown House that seemed to be near the City in Heaven and the quiet, solitary, isolated house with the marble-like dome and classical pillars on the remote mountain ridge. He had let me visit heaven a few times and always said I should come back more often. I still felt like an interloper, but this was my real home and he was always asking me to visit it more often.
Then this one time when I did go to my isolated mountain house with the marble-like dome on pillars on the mountain ridge and I saw the Father in the lawn in the back yard seated at a table. The first time I had seen this house I saw it with spiritual eyes, and it was more real than the physical reality. When I went there this time it was more like a normal vision, with clarity like in a dream. But the Father was there in the back yard sitting at a table that was shaped like an eye. I was trembling with fear, the pressure, the loneliness … but the Father did not comfort me but instead said, very directly, “Stop crying! You need to be STRONG! There’s more to do. It’s not over yet.” His words imparted life and strength to me, but it’s not what I expected. I know if it was Jesus he would have let me cry in his arms, the Holy Spirit probably would have laughed the whole thing off, but the Father this time speaking to me was stern and unwavering, “Be strong! It’s not over yet!”
Yet another time I was on the way to court yet I had no money for even a taxi to drive those 10 blocks in the summer heat and had only enough money for the ferry to town and back and not one person in Hong Kong would help me. I walked in my suit and dress shoes the whole way to court from the ferry pier, crying out of my control, trying to find some strength but I had none, only enough to keep walking towards my hearing. And then I got a phone call. It was Ann again! God said to call me and comfort me and pray for strength and peace. I could barely talk through a combination of my crying and determination to keep going. How did she always know when I was at the very limit of my ability to endure these trials? But God knew, and she knew, and I knew she genuinely cared.
I lost my side of the lawsuit with prejudice on basic grounds for failure to even file or respond to the case correctly. We never even got close to the merits of anything. The opposing lawyer saw my bloody photos and my inability to speak and breaking down trying to answer simple questions and felt so bad he shared some candy he had with me.
But God delayed the eviction process for many months while he continued to prepare me to go to the Philippines and kept training me about his ways. I strongly disagreed with his tactics. Just give me the money. I will give you the house, he said. Really? Yes, but first you must go to the Philippines. Well, why not just give me the house now! He said if he did, I would never leave Hong Kong! His plan was important and I needed to go to the Philippines first. “Just …” you guessed it, “Trust Me.”
A Vision of Hope
So God continued to prepare me for the Philippines and began asking me to start so many huge development projects in the rural province of Bohol he was sending me to. He said his favor poured out from the coming revival there would bring a reversal of the reproach and curse the island was under, which is why they were so poor and undeveloped. He said they loved him and had pure hearts but were in bondage to a principality of religion that he would tear down once we got there. How do we pray against a principality? He said it would collapse once we began to minister in the open power of the Spirit. It would take the better part of a year but it would simply fall.
He said he would then restore financial prosperity to them but he could not find people he could trust with the money—don’t tell people this he said, but he was giving me their blessings instead to ensure the developments would not be ruined through selfishness or corruption.
Sympatico Castle and Theme Park
And in that season He even said … Oh, I can’t share it all now, there are too many projects, too many developments, too many conversations, and too much money is involved—but one of the things he said he wanted was a Theme Park. I said, God, it’s not really ‘Christian’ as I thought of it. He said, “What? I’m God. I can have whatever I want.” I said, “Pfff! You’re absolutely right!” “Well then, I want a Theme Park!” “OK, then! We’re going to make you a Theme Park!”
I started to work on it but all I could think of was having a swing chair ride, mini golf and … that’s about it … I asked if I could make it as large as 2 hectares, about 5 acres. He didn’t respond. I said, Wait, wait … I had an idea! I needed parking! I counted spaces and measured the land required and added some more things and then it was about 6 hectares and then I played with it a little more and had more ideas and finally put down my pencil and asked, “OK, Lord, can I make it as large as 12 hectares?” I was really dreaming BIG now! And He said, “No, 222 hectares.” The number hurt my brain! I mean when I saw it I was dumbfounded! It literally made my brain hurt to try to comprehend it! That’s about 500 acres. THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE I said! No one can make a theme park 222 hectares! 222!!?? What on Earth are you going to do with that much land! But, after more than a year of researching, planning and prophesying where I would hear God say things like, “Add an indoor playground for handicapped children,” … “Make a triangular castle as the main feature … name its walls Grace, Strength and Peace.” And, “make an indoor village in the snow with a caroling hall … but no Christmas decorations.” The Lord even named the theme park Sympatico, and I had never heard that word before he used it, but in English it means: To Get Along, To Be Friends. But here in the local language it means to be Handsome!
He finally asked for not one but THREE castles. The first is the Sympatico Castle which is triangular and resembles a European stone military-type castle and palace, with rides, a bazaar, a Swiss village in the courtyard, a palatial hotel and so many other attractions. The second castle is for children and he didn’t tell me the name even yet but added that I won’t like what it’s called! But which so far has a 10-hectare grounds with child-friendly rides and activities specifically for children and school groups. The third is a ‘Women’s Castle’ which we call the Crystal Castle, which the Lord said is White and Steel, 110m tall and designed like a work of art with flower, jewel, crown (tiara) and vase motifs in the tower, and crystal, butterfly, dragonfly, horse and angel motifs in the decor—delicate rain drops splashing in water for terrace and balcony fences, and a huge Calla Lily flower as a lighthouse lamp at the pinnacle. Eight themed gardens and eight themed lands with rides and food and things encircle the Crystal Castle and make up its vast Domains of over 80 to 100 hectares, maybe about 200 to 240 acres alone!
The Park also has seven themed villages (English, underground Desert, Space, Swiss, etc.), a seven-hectare enclosed ‘butterfly forest’ and the serious thrill ride area, the Untamer Gamer Zone where God asked to make the Basketball Challenge ride among other more kinetic attractions. I have thousands of pages of drawings, notes, images, ideas … it takes me an hour to overview the theme park and all the things He told me to plan in it so far. What an absolute JOY to work on!
But there were about 40 businesses, charities, ministries, manufacturing and farming projects in total he asked me to plan. No one, he said, would do his planning for him right now. He needed me to focus on his direction full-time and pick up the slack of many people in many diverse disciplines. You’ll have to look on-line where I explain it all in more detail. I just can’t talk about so many things here. God wants us to DREAM BIG, simply because He does! And he has beautiful plans for his people!
A Key to the Future
Later in late 2012 my eviction was impending and I was unexpectedly given a small amount of money by an Indonesian domestic helper I once ministered to and trained to hear God’s voice in Communion. She said the money was a key. It was not much and only a fraction of what I owed, so paying the landlord such a small amount would not have helped in any way but what did she just say? This was a KEY? I asked her to clarify. “Yes, it’s a key God told me.” I asked God, “God? Am I to go to the Philippines right now?” “Yes,” he said, “Go immediately and investigate where you will soon move. Only look for land.”
It was enough money for a plane ticket and some food, but not much else. By Friday I was in the Philippines preparing my way. I went to one plot of land and God said to step out of the car and claim it. I did that. I didn’t even know where I was. Later when I was already back in Hong Kong he told me he would show me where the theme park would go on the map and indicated a certain area. Later again when I actually moved there I went back and found out they were one and the same location!
Anyway on that brief visit I arranged for someone to receive cargo boxes of my things and then soon back in Hong Kong I sent two huge boxes of personal belongings over, my prophecy journals especially, to make sure they were safe and gone on ahead of me. Nothing else I owned really mattered so much to me. But also my desktop PC and hard-drives with all the prophecy and planning work I had done on them.
I remember finishing the work I had to do on my desktop computer, typing prophecy, writing on the Foundations of the Kingdom, and preparing to shut down my computer for the next several months so it could be shipped over.
Eviction day was coming. Time was running out.
New Season, New Assignment
I turned off the computer and took it apart. I was done with this entire season of prophetic duties—my task was completed. And then I suddenly felt myself sliding down a slide in the spirit. I reached a lower level and then felt myself slide down a second slide in the spirit and I knew I had arrived at the spiritual level of the other normal Christians around me. I had been elevated so high up in the Spirit to serve the Lord as his prophet in this hard season that I was something like two levels higher than life as regular Christians—I don’t even know what that means! Maybe God can explain it to you. But that’s what I felt.
Eviction day came and I had to be out before the bailiff arrived.
What I could not give away I stacked up in front of my neighbor’s house, a refugee from Africa who I had prayed often for, and wrapped my things under a tarpaulin, which upset everyone. This included hundreds of copies of the book 40 Days in Heaven which I still had as well as just as many copies of Communion and many other things as well.
Finally I packed what I could fit onto a push cart trolley and was ready to go, but go where? I had no place to go! God said, “Trust me.” I saw a vision of a boarding house. So I began texting people, anyone, to find a place to stay for me and my one last dog, Sheeba. Thankfully a wealthy friend from Canada whose daughter my wife taught and who was my daughter’s close friend let me stay on one of her downstairs sofas—but only for one night!
One night became three but then her husband, a wealthy government executive in the central bank insisted I had to leave—God said they didn’t know what they were doing, forgive them—but by the fourth day I found the boarding house from the vision and stayed in town with some Filipina ladies I was slightly familiar with. I soon got my retirement savings back and had about US$6,000. God said it was enough to get me to the next phase. Within a few weeks I was on a plane moving to the Philippines.
The Pearl and Mango
A year or two prior my friend, Cynthia Tse, a gifted prophet, had a series of visions and saw me very, very wealthy and in a second vision saw me like Indiana Jones in an ancient cave taking a pearl of treasure. But as I got to the entrance of the cave it looked like it had teeth and, Oh no! It does have teeth! I was not taking the Pearl from an ancient cave but out of the belly of an ancient Dragon—which of course is the symbol for Hong Kong and is what one of the main principalities over the country looks like.
Anyway, in the vision after taking the Pearl out of the mouth of the Dragon and escaping its wrath, I was then given … a beautiful, huge Mango. What is the national fruit of the Philippines of course? Not durian, not jackfruit, not papaya, guyabano, custard apple, star apple, star fruit, banana, macopa, santol or lanzones … but that’s right, Mango! Later I even lived briefly in a town called Manga, the local spelling of mango!
Her vision seems to be saying I would find this Pearl of the Kingdom while in Hong Kong and being oppressed by that evil Dragon but afterwards God would reward me with a gift in, or of, the Philippines.
I even saw a vision of something like a train struggling to crest a steep hill, like in that story of The Little Engine that Could, and it was slowly going up, up, up the steep slope and then finally once it crested the hill it just drove down the other side so effortlessly, and I saw the hillsides were so full of such beauty and flowers and fruit trees that it was called a Valley of Delights. Would that be my future there?
Escaping from the Belly of the Whale
Well, it wasn’t really a whale but in a vision it was night and I was at a beach at the shore of an ocean and I went to use a public toilet but it wasn’t private. I mean there were windows looking in on the toilet and even the walls were not solid. People would be able to see me doing my business! I was almost on display! In dreams I’ve noticed sometimes toilets and things like that have to do with cleansing or being purified. So if I was being cleansed it would be in an embarrassing way that everyone could basically watch!
Then somehow I got sucked down into the depths of the ocean and was trapped right at the very bottom where very dangerous and disgusting looking fish live. I saw one fish that had HUGE eyes, like the barreleye fish or something: ugly, spooky and I was trapped alone deep underwater with it. This feeling went on for a long time like I was trapped and seeing that awful creature and I just had no way of escape. I really just can’t tell you the extreme feelings of vulnerability and danger I was exposed to without help close by and in such a threatening environment. My heart sank in hopelessness and for how long I can’t tell but I was panicking in overwhelming fear for not just death but torture and something far worse.
Like I said, I just don’t know how long I was trapped like that but as quickly as I was sucked down into that pit … the scene faded away from view and a numbing, exhausted calm replaced the extreme panic—I was too overwhelmed to think or care any more about what was happening or would happen to me and it seemed like I was just floating in the water—face down, gently rocking rhythmically in the waves—my arms were dragging and it was still night but I could see white sand only a few inches below my limp fingertips. Yes, it was still night, but I could see quite clearly into the shallow water despite it not being dawn yet. I was face down but conscious and not drowned but I was so overwhelmed by the terror and fear of being trapped under the deep ocean that even though I escaped, I was freed, I just didn’t care anymore as I drifted in and out of consciousness.
I then saw it again, the white sand under my arms which were now dragging in the slow wave motion of the shallow ocean near shore but now I could see I was in a different spot. The water was shallower so I knew I was slowly drifting towards shore and so safety. The water was so clear I could see a few pieces of debris just resting in the troughs of the sand which were also gently swishing back and forth in the rhythmic surge of the calm waves. I could see it all very clearly, more real and more clear than in many normal visions. And when I saw the sand that second time I knew more clearly again that this meant I was drifting towards shore and safety—but it was like I needed to be reminded of what was really so obvious! And I also recognized it as white Philippine sand near the shore of a white sandy beach. But how could I care? And yes, this could only mean I wasn’t dead, but was I alive? Is this being rescued? No ambulance, no team of first responders, just me washing up on a white sandy shore all alone at night? Have I really just escaped from the belly of the ocean … but so what? My arms limp, my body being carried by the waves, I kept drifting closer towards shore and could now touch the sand with my fingers in the shallow water that was now only a few inches deep.
In the vision I finally got the strength to get up out of the water. I walked up past the beach, past some security guards like local police guarding the beach. I had no passport, I had no legitimacy, no natural security in a way, but again, I just didn’t care. I made it to safety on a distant shore and to what I knew was a very special place to live. I just knew somehow everything was going to be alright. I actually survived!!
Only later I understood this was the eviction process and the extreme stress I endured for so many months after the separation, the assault and my failed lawsuit and yes, finally being rescued from Hong Kong—and the mouth of that great dragon—and then moving to the Philippines where I would be safe. I would feel like the Philippines is my true home he said. Yes, I would be safe and happy there … but it still took me over 10 years to properly heal from that ordeal.
But … if this is what I needed to endure to prepare me to serve God in a higher way, in his chosen calling, so be it!! The price is high to serve God as a prophet and to learn to raise the dead Jesus told me. You can do it, but the price is high. Are we going to still be willing to pay that price when the going gets so rough? Will we fall away or will we be the ones who will persevere until the very end?
All I can say is, God is good. Yes, God is very, very good. And even if we have to suffer to do his will, and I mean it, he is absolutely and most certainly WORTHY of it ALL! Worthy of it all and more! Amen!