Getting Started

This is the FULL BOOK TEXT of my book 10 Things on Prophecy—no gimmicks, no tricks. If you want to buy a print copy it is on Amazon Here!, and I hope you do! But you can also read this for free, and if you like what we are doing you can donate to us directly or buy me some rice or a tray of eggs for the kids, or just pray for us in the mission field instead. If I am owed any money Jesus will personally make it up to me–of that I am fully convinced!

You can also download this book as an ebook in epub (zipped) format here or PDF format here, yes, again for FREE. I lose some money this way, that’s true, but there are too many people who want to learn about the Kingdom and just can’t figure out e-commerce and may not be able to buy a lot of books. I don’t want to put any obstacles in their way to learn about Jesus’ Kingdom, and prophecy, which is what he told me is his heart on the matter as well.

So if you like this you can donate, or pray or you can buy a print copy from Amazon, etc., and I hope you do! But I have freely received and want to freely give, even if it costs me a little in between.

A Dedication …

…is a chance to acknowledge the important people in our lives as writers as we struggled and toiled to complete a labor of love and publish a book such as this. But I cannot overlook even the smallest children in my house, even the smallest gifts we received and most simple words of encouragement because even they have really mattered to me and deserve my thanks and appreciation. Thank you everyone for helping me even in seemingly minor ways.

And if it were not for the support and encouragement of not just my amazing wife, Lilie Ann—the prophesied ‘Special Woman’ God promised me—and the wonderful team of revivalists at School of Faith under Tristan, Gabby, Willy, Allison, Anna, Chris-Elsa, Keziah, Gabe, Peter, Mayet, Agat, even Claire back in the home office … I have the whole list of names here, and it’s more than 50 other world changers who I personally know, each and every one, but won’t list here, but who are dear to my heart and have authentically encouraged, refreshed and even challenged me to claim more of the Kingdom: the IT consultants, the planners, the businessmen, the mysterious laughing prophet in the fields of Neuva Ecija, the happy housewives, etc.—and being a missionary my faithful supporters for prayer, financial support and friendship: Daniel, Robin, Esther, Alan, Will, even you, Budi!—but also the kids in my house who we take care of but who keep me young at heart and keep me laughing … if not for all of you my life, my mission, my ministry, my journey would be an impossible, insurmountable burden, but as it is, thanks to all of you, the struggle is a joy, the journey is an adventure and the destination will be all the more rewarding.

And Jesus, when I pray words fail me and I usually sit in your presence silent, listening with an open heart, eager to hear you speak. I know you don’t like it when I get all mushy, but let me say it!—I hope this book is close to what you wanted. I feel like perfection is always just out of reach and am thankful for your idea to just have a ‘fireside chat’ with the people. This subject is too serious and I take it very seriously and your suggestion gives me permission to just have some fun with it too! And I can’t believe I actually managed to weave both Rainbows and Unicorns into this teaching like I did! So funny! But here it is. I know it’s not perfect. But I hope you like it, and I know you do because you’re like that. It’s like us putting the kids’ first crayon drawings up on the fridge to you I bet! It’s a mess, it’s terrible! Can you even tell what it’s supposed to be? But you like it just the same because I drew it! I know! … and thank you Jesus for that!

You’re a good God, a good friend to me and I wish I knew you better than I do, and a lot sooner too! OK, I’m not going to make this a tear-jerker, but just thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you, the direction in how to follow you, your instructions and so much assistance with writing these books … yeah, it’s really great actually. It really is!

So thank you, Jesus! I’ll say it again—thank you!

The CONTENTS are below, which have links to the chapters (but not the subsections), but first I’ll mention I‘m using NKJV version for Bible quotes so if a quote is unattributed it is NKJV. Copyright stuff is included, and yes, this work is Copyright © 2024 Edward Johnson, and All Rights Reserved. However, we encourage you to use this material to help spread the Kingdom of the Lord and to equip the saints, and so no permission is required to make copies of this material for non-commercial use within small ministry or training groups. We in fact encourage you to do so. We can also assist you with print-ready artwork, bulk orders or custom print runs.

E-mail for enquiries.

For Kindle the ISBN is: 9798337940946 (but there is no need for an ISBN for e-books or on-line texts!)

Copyright stuff that you can skip right over

Like I said, scripture quotations marked “NKJV” are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Again, if a Scripture reference is UNATTRIBUTED that also means it is being taken from the NKJV as that is the base translation I am using for the typical quotes in this book.

Quotations from other versions are indicated as follows:

Scripture quotations marked “ESV” are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked “NIV” are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked “KJV” are from The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press.

J.B. Phillips New Testament, published by J. B. Phillips 1958.

Other versions used which are in the public domain include:

American Standard Version.

Wycliffe Bible, published in 1382, safely in the public domain!

Young’s Literal Translation published in 1862 by Robert Young.

And The Emphasized Bible, also called the Rotherham, from 1902.

COVER: Thanks especially to input from Simon, Gabby and Alison; Lyndon, Noelle and Dvorah; Martha and Jean!

Contents–with Links to Chapters

Introduction, original book page 1

Ten Things on Prophecy . . . . . 1
The Vision of an Engagement Gift . . 1
The Realm Beyond Gifts . . 2
The Rainbow Within . . 3
So Who is this Book for? . . 5
So let’s just have a casual ‘fireside chat,’ shall we? . . 5

Chapter 1, original book page 7

You Don’t Need a Gift to Hear God Speak

Roasting Chestnuts . . 7
The Great Divorce Finally Reconciled . . 8
God Talks to Everything Else; Why not Us? . . 9
Growth Accelerator . . 10
Seek the Greater Gifts . . 10
You can have a Gift but Not Even Know It! . . 11
You can have a Gift but Not Want to Use It! . . 13
You can have a Gift but Not Know How to Use It . . 14
Is the Gift proof that you are Spiritual? . . 15
Must you be Related to a Prophet to have a Gift? . . 16
What about the Four Daughters of Philip? . . 18
What ‘bout Yo’ Momma? . . 18
Don’t have a Gift? Seek It! He will Add! . . 20
God chooses as WHO wills exactly? . . 20
Dad, can I have some Ice Cream? Please? . . 22
The Final Word . . 23
Prophecy … is Contagious! . . 24
Choose Substance over Form . . 25
People Abandoning their Gifts and Callings . . 25
The Realm Beyond the Gifts : Spiritual Communion . . 26
A Helpful Word of Caution . . 28
Seek It, You Will Find It! . . 29

Chapter 2, page 30

Jesus is the Word. And he talks … A LOT!

The Living Word of God . . 30
Jesus is the Word of God . . 31
Being Taught by God . . 32
What God has Said . . 33
Do you speak-a my Language? . . 33
As Deep Calls to Deep . . 33
His Thoughts are like the Sand on the Shore . . 34
Three Visitors at Christmas . . 35
Jesus on the Flyover . . 37
God’s Design is for Teamwork . . 37
To the Pure ALL THINGS are Pure . . 38
Subject to the Prophets . . 40
Small Groups are an Easy Solution . . 41
Other Benefits of Small Group Prophecy . . 42
There are so many ways God Speaks!!! . . 44
When He Speaks without using any Words at all! . . 44
Enjoy Getting Lost . . 45
Talking with the Master Communicator . . 46
Out of the Box? What Box? . . 47
Fluid Manifestations in the Book of Acts . . 48
Woosh!—What Just Happened? . . 49
The Message is more Important than the Means . . 50
Anyway … Dreams, Visions and Various Words . . 51
The Mountain Valley Vision . . 52
Visions . . 53
Really, what about Time Travel? . . 54
Word of Knowledge . . 55
Discernment, Discerning of Spirits . . 56
The Mind of Christ . . 57
Unity with the Spirit makes Prophesy Obsolete . . 58
A Caterpillar kept in a Box will Die! . . 60
JESUS Talks … a Lot—so Let Him! . . 61

Chapter 3, page 62

The Most Important Thing About Being a Prophet
is Simply Hearing The Whole Word

Be Careful how you Hear! . . 63
Man’s View of their Own Progress . . 66
People often don’t hear what God IS saying . . 67
Sons of Thunder . . 68
Having Carnal Understanding of Spiritual Truth . . 68
Mixing it up! . . 70
The Mighty IF! . . 70
Interpreting by Guesswork? . . 71
The Cost of Dream Interpretation . . 72
Cutting Corners and Taking Shortcuts? . . 73
Interpretation : The Mountain Valley Vision . . 74
Putting your own words to a Vision . . 75
The Spirit of a Prophet is subject to Whom? . . 77
Can we agree just to be Careful? . . 78
Is sharing in ‘Humble Confidence’ a Thing? . . 78
He told Habakkuk to Write it Down! . . 78
“I have a Verse!” or “I need a Confirmation First” . . 80

Chapter 4, page 81

Personal Prophecy is subject to Faith—It’s not Fate

A Greek Tragedy . . 81
Natural, Carnal Reasoning of the Scriptures . . 82
Greek Dramas … are Fatal . . 84
What about God’s Foreknowledge? Predestination? . . 85
‘Que Sera, Sera’? Hogwash!! . . 87
Personal Prophecy is ALWAYS Conditional . . 88
Hebrew 4: Destiny is on Offer—it’s not FATE . . 88
SO AGAIN—Beware the Mighty ‘IF’! . . 89
How much depends on this One, Tiny Word—IF! . . 90
Did God’s Promises Fail? No, but King Saul Did! . . 91
Obey in Trust, even when it makes No Sense . . 92
Strike Two . . 93
He can only Reward or Punish us once we Act . . 94
This unfortunately leads us to … Romans 11 . . 95
The Bugaboo of Chapter 11—Verse 29! . . 97
The Dread Pirate Roberts of Romans Chapter 11! . . 99
Other Biblical Statements are Fairly Clear . . 99
Fleeing Their Habitations—Abandoning their Gifts and Callings—The Great Falling Away . . 100
But relax—it’s just so rare for this to happen, right? . . 103
The END of the Law is FAITH . . 103
Now Faith IS . . 104
Faith Comes by Hearing . . 104
Faith Produces the Works of the Spirit . . 106
Faith Draws us TOWARDS GOD . . 106
It is FAITH that Moves the Mountains . . 107
So Fight the Good Fight of Faith . . 108

Chapter 5, page 109

Prophesying is Easy—
But Being A Prophet Can Be Very Hard!

The Race Car Drivers of the Body of Christ . . 109
Anyone Can Drive—Ye All May Drive! . . 110
Following the House Rules . . 111
If God Speaks who wouldn’t Prophesy!? . . 112
Intermediate to Advanced levels . . 113
F1 vs IndyCar . . 113
But then we have … the Prophets . . 114
Custom Kit and Fit-out . . 115
Can you keep a Secret? . . 116
Burning Down the House Rules . . 118
Sex, Lies and Prophecy . . 119
DO GIVE words on Mates and Dates . . 120
But who are the REAL Prophets? How to tell? . . 121
Facing Your Fears—the Fear of Man vs Obedience to God . . 123
Practice Time vs Facing the Real Competition . . 124
Experts in what God will Never Do? . . 125
Hard-Headed? Try having a forehead of Bronze! . . 126
The Warfare should not Define them! . . 127
Intimacy with God is what really Defines them! . . 128
The Warfare is Real—so be Careful . . 129
Enduring Sustained G-Forces . . 132
Risks … and Rewards . . 133
Comfort Zone? What Comfort Zone? . . 134
Maturity … for Your Comfort, Not Mine . . 135
Finishing Well . . 138
Jesus giving race commentary . . 138
Driving #24 . . 139
You can if you want … but the Price is High . . 140
You might even Lose your Hair! . . 140
When they’ve Lost their Nerve . . 141
Will Power . . 142
Will Power is a Champion . . 143
But it’s all by Grace! . . 144
WWWPD? . . 145
Facing the REAL Competition—Confronting the False Prophets . . 146
A Time to be Sorry! And a Time NOT to be Sorry! . . 147
Turning People from their Sin . . 148
Trusting God’s Intentions . . 151
What Would Jesus Do? . . 153
But no! You’re setting the Bar TOO HIGH! . . 153
Find your Happy Place . . 154

Chapter 6, page 156

Gifts, Callings and Mantles

Gifts, Callings and Mantles . . 156
Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 . . 157
Romans 12: Each is Given a Measure of Faith . . 158
Words without Power? Logos minus the Dunamis! . . 159
See the Unseen . . 161
Support Ministries Outnumber Public Ones . . 162
Character & Unity balance Gifts & Diversity . . 162
Your Identity … Being Gifted or Being Loved? . . 163
View Gifts through these Lenses . . 165
Spiritual Gifts—What are They? . . 165
Variation on a Theme . . 166
Grace: Empowerment, not Forgiveness . . 167
Go with the Flow . . 169
The Five-Fold from Chapter 4 . . 169
When YOU yourself are the Gift . . 170
The Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets . . 171
Callings—God’s ‘Plan A’ for using You . . 172
God is like a Nebula—Oh, so are We!! . . 173
A Diamond—God’s Multi-faceted Perfection . . 175
Seek to Know Him FIRST . . 176
Preparation for a Personal Journey . . 176
Finally … Mantles . . 178
And Stephen the Martyr’s Mantle goes to … . . 178
Are Mantles just for Ministry? I don’t know! . . 179
Habitations: People Abandoning their Callings . . 180
Dormant Mantles being Reactivated . . 180
Authority is from Intimacy, Knowledge, and Power . . 181
Authority Over Cities . . 182
Nouveau Rich Nonsense . . 183
Government Ministers . . 184
Prêt-à-Porte—Ready to Wear! . . 185
Amazon Returns . . 186
Playing Games with Pergamum . . 187
All Gimmicks and Costumes, but no Power?! . . 188
We just don’t have time for this! . . 188

Chapter 7, page 190

When They Tell The Prophets Not To Prophesy!

The Flesh’s Last Stand Against the Spirit . . 190
A Church Built on Sand . . 191
Early Warning Signs . . 192
Testing the Word apart from the Vessel . . 193
Ample Confirmation Words from other ‘Voices’ . . 193
Prophesy Smooth Things to Me! . . 195
We Hold These Errors to be Self Evident . . 195
The Word to the Church in Pergamum, but briefly . . 196
Other Prophetic Warnings . . 198
Remove The Idol! . . 199
Confirmation Withheld . . 200
Pergamum—Exalting Leaders, Mixture, Control . . 201
Making the Nazarites Drink Wine . . 203
The Spirit gives Freedom from Man’s Control! . . 204

1. Emotions 205

2. Covering 205

3. Submitting to False Spiritual Authority 206

Gate 14—A Church with Godly Leadership Style . . 207
They won’t listen to me! So send someone they WILL Listen to! . . 208
Turning Back in the Day of Battle . . 208
(Not) Shooting Bears in a Boat . . 209
The Pastor’s Son gets the Same Word! . . 210
Murderous Pirates Stealing Money . . 212
Micaiah Tells the Truth . . 212
An Unwelcome Guest? . . 215
Don’t Correct Me!—but isn’t that also a Correction? . . 216
Why is GOD such a Problem to these People? . . 217
Man’s Ways ALWAYS Limit God . . 218
Jesus said to First Un-train the Prophets . . 219

Chapter 8, page 221

The Wisdom of God for Prophecy—God’s Wisdom vs Man’s

The Mind Set on the Flesh is Death . . 221
What is The FLESH ?—It’s these Five Things . . 222
I’m right because it’s just God’s Word I Preach . . 222
Two Different Kinds of Wisdom . . 223
The Darkness Within . . 224
Woe unto those who Trust in Man; they are Cursed . . 225
Double Trouble—Demonic Dominion . . 226
No Interpretation of Prophecy is ‘Private’ . . 226
The Old Testament is Still Valid . . 227
His Promises are YES, Amen! . . 228
Destiny ON OFFER . . 229
The Old Testament is Unfolding even Today . . 230
The Covenant of Righteousness by Faith Remains . . 231
The Law is still a Valid Tutor . . 232
Enemies All Around . . 233
Moses gave us the Pattern, but Jesus gave us the Reality! . . 233
Beyond Promises … the Wisdom of God Remains . . 234
Do not Miss the Wisdom of God for Prophecy! . . 234
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . 236
Starting from Scratch . . 237
Why so much Carnal Fearfulness of God?? . . 239
Loving the God Who Slays the Wicked . . 240
Fearing the God who Loves . . 240
Key Prophetic Teachings in the Old Testament . . 241
Psalms and Proverbs . . 242
Isaiah . . 243
Jeremiah . . 243
Jeremiah 23—Woe to the Shepherds . . 246
Ezekiel . . 250
Being Hearers but not Doers of God’s Word . . 253
The Minor Prophets . . 255
Hosea, Joel, Amos . . 256
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah . . 257
Micah’s Prophecy of Messiah . . 260
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah . . 261
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi . . 263
The History Books—too much to summarize here . . 266

Chapter 9, page 267

Be Yourself

Learn to just Be Yourself . . 267
Grace means Strength—it means the Anointing! . . 268
Religion without Power? Run Away! . . 269
Salad Days—More than just Onions, I Hope! . . 270
Not a Matter of Talk, But of Power . . 271
You Do YOUR Part and Let Me Do MY Part . . 271
The Spirit of the Anti-Elbow! . . 272
Not just ‘the Right Way’ but with ‘the Right Heart’ . . 273
Symbolic, Literal or Spiritual? . . 274
Deciphering Spiritual Mysteries—by the Spirit . . 275
No! Only Test a Prophecy by the Bible, they Say! . . 275
Is he a Cheeta’? Or is she Lion? . . 276
It’s Going to get Personal . . 277
Personal Prophecy matures us as ONLY It Can . . 278
God Bless Our Mess? But didn’t He say to come out of it? . . 279
What’s Next? Next it’s Time to have some Fun! . . 280
Not Everyone is meant to be Fruity . . 281
Unity vs Unity—Two Opposing Kinds of Unity . . 282
No Two Prophets were the same Then—or Now . . 282
Ten Modern Day Prophets to Consider: . . 282
So Be your own Weird Self (just don’t be too Weird) . . 286

Chapter 10, page 288

At Last: An Overview of Prophecy

To Edify and Encourage, Comfort and Rebuke . . 288
The Wrong Kind of ‘Fear of God’ . . 290
Giving Birth to Unicorns . . 291
Finding Unicorns in 1 Corinthians 14:3 . . 293
Ignoring the Unicorn in the Room . . 294
In Truth, God Says WHATEVER He Wants to . . 295
Malachi’s Vision of ‘The Ideal Prophet’ . . 296
To the Pure All Things are Pure . . 298
Écoutez et répétez—Stop trying to EDIT God! . . 298
Prophetic Comfort and Encouragement is Wonderful . . 299
The Vision of the Engagement Gift . . 300
God NEVER Speaks Today! Oh, but He just spoke to Me! . . 301
So how to respond to the Engagement Gift Vision? . . 301
The Big Picture as I See it Myself . . 306
Finally, What does God Himself think about Prophecy? . . 307

About the Author—and
Other books from Edward Johnson
. . 311